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opsi 3.4 Release Candidate

Verfasst: 21 Jul 2009, 17:21
von d.oertel
Dear opsi users,

here are some informations to opsi version 3.4.

1. Release
2. What's new
3. Upgrade instructions
4. List of released opsi packages
5. Detailed changelog

1. Release
opsi Version 3.4 is hereby released as Release Candidate

2. What's new in this Release
  • Management of software licenses, which isn't free yet
    (you have to pay 1 000 € once)
  • Enhanced preloginloader 3.4 with two alternative modes:
    • 'opsiclientd' which supports Vista and Windows 7, and have some more
      new features but isn't free yet (you have to pay 2 000 € once)
    • 'prelogin' which is the well known and free preloginloader 3.3 technology
  • Activation file to protect non free parts of opsi
    Even opsi is open source, there are some components which are not free at the
    moment. These components are developed in a co-funding project which means
    that until the complete development costs are payed by co-funders, they are only
    allowed to use by the co-funders or for evaluation purposes. If we have earned
    the development cost we will give these modules for everybody for free. To
    control the use of these components until they are free there is a activation file
    /etc/opsi/modules, which is protected against changes via electronic signature. If
    this activation file doesn't exist, only the free parts of opsi will work.
During the Release Candidate phase of opsi 3.4 you will find a activation file
which is valid until 31.8.09 at which
should be copied to /etc/opsi using the root account.

3. Upgrade instructions

Please read the upgrade instructions in the installation manual:

Please read the Remarks to opsi 3.4 in the opsi manual: ... v34-en.pdf

4. List of released opsi packages

The following revised packages you will find at:

preloginloader 3.4-19
opsi-adminutils 3.4-1
opsi-template 1.0-15
opsi-winst 4.8.6-5
win2k 3.3.1-4
winxppro 3.3.1-4
win2003 3.3.1-4
winvista 3.3.1-2
win7 3.3.1-2
win2008 3.3.1-2
winvista-x64 3.3.1-2
win2008-x64 3.3.1-2

The following new packages you will find at ... ment-test/

license-test-mixed 3.4-2
license-test-oem 3.4-2
license-test-retail 3.4-2
license-test-volume 3.4-2

The following against 3.3.1 not revised packages you will find at

hwaudit 1.2.1-2
hwinvent 1.1-1
memtest86 2.01-1
ntfs-restore-image 1.4-2
ntfs-write-image 1.4-2
python 2.5.2-8
shutdownwanted 1.0-1
swaudit 1.2.3-3
wipedisk 1.0-2
xpconfig 2.4-1

list of released opsi packages of opsi version 3.4

Code: Alles auswählen

dpkg -l | grep opsi
ii  opsi-atftpd                  0.7.dfsg-1.4 advanced TFTP server - opsi version with pcr
ii  opsi-configed                1.4-1        OPSI config editor
ii  opsi-depotserver             3.4-1        server fuer das Softwareverteilungssystem OP
ii  opsi-linux-bootimage         20090525-1   Linux-Bootimage fuer das Softwareverteilungs
ii  opsi-utils                   3.4-1        OPSI utils
ii  opsiconfd             OPSI configuration service
ii  opsipxeconfd                 0.3.6-1      OPSI PXE configuration daemon
ii  python-opsi          OPSI python library

opsi-package-manager -l
   Product ID                Version                   Description
   hwaudit                   1.2.1-2                   Hardwareinventarisierun
   hwinvent                  1.1-1                     Fuehrt eine Hardwareinv
   javavm                          Mehrere Versionen 1.3,
   license-test-mixed        3.4-2                     opsi test package
   license-test-oem          3.4-2                     opsi test package
   license-test-retail       3.4-2                     opsi test package
   license-test-volume       3.4-2                     opsi test package
   memtest86                 2.01-1                    Dieses Tool testet den
   ntfs-restore-image        1.4-2                     Schreibt das Image eine
   ntfs-write-image          1.4-2                     Ertsellt ein Image von
   opsi-adminutils           3.4-1                     Opsi-Configed 1.4 (29.5
   opsi-template             1.0-15                    A opsi demo package
   opsi-winst                4.8.6-5                   Das generische Installa
   preloginloader            3.4-19                    opsi Windows clientagen
   python                    2.5.2-8                   Python with extenstions
   shutdownwanted            1.0-1                     Make a shutdown after a
   swaudit                   1.2.3-3                   Softwareinventarisierun
   win2003                   3.3.1-4                   Microsoft Server Betrie
   win2008                   3.3.1-2                   Microsoft Server Betrie
   win2008-x64               3.3.1-2                   Microsoft Server Betrie
   win2k                     3.3.1-4                   Microsoft Betriebssyste
   win7                      3.3.1-2                   Microsoft Betriebssyste
   winvista                  3.3.1-2                   Microsoft Betriebssyste
   winvista-x64              3.3.1-2                   Microsoft Betriebssyste
   winxppro                  3.3.1-4                   Microsoft Betriebssyste
   wipedisk                  1.0-2                     Ueberschreibt Festplatt
   xpconfig                  2.4-1                     Anpassung von Windows X

5. Detailed change log

Change log to the Debian/Suse Packages:

- the following command line programs are vanished
- opsi-winipatch
- opsi-makeproductfilev2
- opsiinstv2

Change log to the products at:

preloginloader (3.4-19)

preloginloader (3.4-19) productive; urgency=low

* opsiclientd 0.5.7 eval version

-- Jan Schneider <> Wed, 3 Jun 2009 11:56:19 +0200

preloginloader (3.4-18) productive; urgency=low
* status changed 3.4-17 -> 3.4-18 to productive
* bug fix: $PLG_WinstRegKey$ = "SOFTWARE\\winst" ( and not = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst"

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 28 May 2009 10:00:00 +0100

preloginloader (3.4-17) experimental; urgency=low
* opsiclientd 0.5.7
- block login notifier removed
- wait for gui app added
* fixed preinst script
* Loglevel for pgina (loginblocker) set to 8
* bugfix at sub_write_configuration in branch prelogin: comment "start logging again"
* property 'forceConfigurationUpdate' deleted
* Registry_hklm_set_depotshare_trusted and Registry_UAC_off moved from INSTALL to UPDATE
* Inserted [Patches_SetShareinfoEntries_pckey] and [DosInAnIcon_lock_pckey] at sub_write_configuration for mode INSTALL (prelogin)
* Parameter "/u" for running service_setup.cmd unattended. Note: in the config.ini are valid account data needed.
* cleanup config.ini
* in sub_read_configuration GetIni calls replaced by GetValueFromInifile (with default value)
* in sub_read_configuration IniVar("client_servicetype") is only used if the result is not ""

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 18 May 2009 10:00:00 +0100

preloginloader (3.4-16) productive; urgency=low

* opsiclientd
- block login notifier added
- logging changed

-- Jan Schneider <> Fri, 15 May 2009 17:13:36 +0200

opsi-template (1.0-13)

opsi-template (1.0-13) stable; urgency=low

* some corrections

-- Rupert Roeder <> Tue, 26 May 2009 11:15:00 +0100

opsi-template (1.0-12) stable; urgency=low

* code for license management added

-- Rupert Roeder <> Tue, 19 May 2009 11:15:00 +0100

opsi-template (1.0-11) stable; urgency=low

* sub_check_exitcode modified
* sub_check_exitcode 1641 added
* sub_check_exitcode integrated in delsub.ins

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 18 May 2009 14:15:00 +0100

opsi-template (1.0-10) stable; urgency=low

* modified test on exit code added 3010 success restart required
-- bardo wolf

opsi-adminutils (3.4-1)

opsi-adminutils (3.4-1) stable; Rupert Roeder
* Opsi-Configed 1.4 (2.6.09)


detlef oertel