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Remote shutdown or reboot of workstations

Verfasst: 30 Jun 2009, 16:43
von pav5088
Perhaps it would be useful to have the ability to shutdown or reboot client machines from the opsi configuration editor. This could be another menu item similar to the "wake selected clients" feature, and use the samba "net" command eg :

net rpc shutdown -r -f -I <client ip> -U <admin user>

Re: Remote shutdown or reboot of workstations

Verfasst: 30 Jun 2009, 17:05
von d.oertel

the opsi-preloginloader 3.4 has its own web service, which provides the possibility to do
send a shutdown or reboot command (and a lot more).
But it will take some time (and money) to implement this in the opsi-configed......


detlef oertel

Re: Remote shutdown or reboot of workstations

Verfasst: 02 Mär 2011, 14:25
von ueluekmen

this is implemented in opsi 4.0.


Re: Remote shutdown or reboot of workstations

Verfasst: 27 Feb 2013, 13:37
von barun mukhopadhyay

In opsi-version 4.0.2 , the remote shutdown , wake up , re-boot , message sending is working fine for the clients created using service _setup.cmd ( pg. no 33/83 , article # ) . But if the client is created using the option "create new opsi client" , then it is showing in the client list , but not showing any hardware or software inventory ; the error is :

centos.uib.local opsitimeout error : Time out after 15 seconds ([Error 103]) Software caused connection abort ).

Pls help ... if it can be resolved .

best regards


Re: Remote shutdown or reboot of workstations

Verfasst: 01 Mär 2013, 17:38
von tobias
barun mukhopadhyay hat geschrieben:Hello

In opsi-version 4.0.2 , the remote shutdown , wake up , re-boot , message sending is working fine for the clients created using service _setup.cmd ( pg. no 33/83 , article # ) . But if the client is created using the option "create new opsi client" , then it is showing in the client list , but not showing any hardware or software inventory ; the error is :

centos.uib.local opsitimeout error : Time out after 15 seconds ([Error 103]) Software caused connection abort ).

Pls help ... if it can be resolved .

best regards

Thats because if you create a Client via the OPSI-Configed your client is "unmanaged" you have no opsi-client agent on ist.
A better Way is to use the opsi-deploy-client-agent script (Push) or the service_setup.cmd (Pull).
This will create the Client in OPSI and install the opsi-client-agent