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Bitlocker Question

Verfasst: 31 Mär 2023, 08:49
von Irvingqu
I would like to deploy Windows 10 to my machines, is there a product/package that could encrypt their C: drives with Bitlocker?

Re: Bitlocker Question

Verfasst: 31 Mär 2023, 11:51
von o.ferre
you can use a postinst powershell script :
a command like this : Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint "c:" -EncryptionMethod XtsAes256 -UsedSpaceOnly -TpmProtector -SkipHardwareTest
I think it is a critical operation ; be sure to backup the recoverypassword.

And another thing : when I create a powershell script in /postinst.d/ (for example 60_bitlocker.ps1) I have too call this script with another cmd script (for example 59_bitlocker.cmd) with the command :powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass 60_bitlocker.ps1

The script powershell alone don't work for me.
