ich setzte eigentlich schon seit längeren das Windows 10 Upgrade Packet von uib ein. Beim Upgrade auf 1803, 1909 oder 2003 hatte ich eigentlich auch relativ wenige Probleme.
Aktuell bereite ich mich auch 21H1 vor. Leider immer und immer wieder mit einem Problem:
der Autologon zwischen Step 2 und 3 will nicht funktionieren.
In Step1 wir der opsiSetupUser angelegt, es wird ein Passwort vergeben und Opsi sagt auch, das die Werte in die Registry geschrieben werden:
Code: Alles auswählen
2452) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.717] [windows10-upgrade] If
(2453) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.717] [windows10-upgrade] GetProductProperty("debug", "false") = "true" <<< result true
(2454) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.717] [windows10-upgrade] Then
(2455) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.719] [windows10-upgrade] Set $opsiSetupUserPassword$ = stringReplace(randomstrWithParameters($RandomStrMinLength$, $RandomStrLowerCases$, $RandomStrUpperCases$, $RandomStrDigits$, $RandomStrSpecialChars$), "/", "_")
(2456) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.719] [windows10-upgrade] The value of the variable "$opsiSetupUserPassword$" is now: ")P$ekwCN572)"
(2457) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.719] [windows10-upgrade] Else
(2458) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.719] [windows10-upgrade] EndIf
(2459) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.720] [windows10-upgrade] DisableWow64FsRedirection succeeded
(2460) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.721] [windows10-upgrade] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "NET USER opsiSetupUser )P$ekwCN572) /ADD /Y"
(2461) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade] ExitCode 0
(2462) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade] output:
(2463) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade] --------------
(2464) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade] Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.
(2465) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade]
(2466) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade]
(2467) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.825] [windows10-upgrade] RevertWow64FsRedirection succeeded
(2486) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.944] [windows10-upgrade] comment: Determining and saving opsiSetupUsers SID
(2487) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.945] [windows10-upgrade] Set $opsiSetupUserSid$ = GetUserSID("opsiSetupUser")
(2488) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.946] [windows10-upgrade] search user: opsiSetupUser in domain:
(2489) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.946] [windows10-upgrade] found in domain AV-TEST-04, SID: [S-1-5-21-1100550731-1245067751-1097657775-1001]
(2490) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.946] [windows10-upgrade] The value of the variable "$opsiSetupUserSid$" is now: "S-1-5-21-1100550731-1245067751-1097657775-1001"
(2491) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.947] [windows10-upgrade] Execution of: Registry_Save_opsiSetupUserSid /32Bit
(2492) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.947] [windows10-upgrade]
(2493) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.947] [windows10-upgrade] Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
(2494) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.947] [windows10-upgrade] Key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst\windows10-upgrade
(2495) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.947] [windows10-upgrade] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst\windows10-upgrade] opened
(2496) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.948] [windows10-upgrade] Variable "opsiSetupUserSid" set to "S-1-5-21-1100550731-1245067751-1097657775-1001"
(2497) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.948] [windows10-upgrade] Key closed
(2498) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.948] [windows10-upgrade] comment: Preparing the auto logon
(2499) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Execution of: Registry_Set_AutoLogon /SysNative
(2500) [5] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade]
(2501) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
(2502) [7] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
(2503) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] opened
(2504) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Variable "DefaultUserName" had value ""
(2505) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Info: "DefaultUserName" changed to "opsiSetupUser"
(2506) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Variable "DefaultPassword" had value ""
(2507) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Info: "DefaultPassword" changed to ")P$ekwCN572)"
(2508) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Variable "DefaultDomainName" had value ""
(2509) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Info: "DefaultDomainName" changed to "AV-TEST-04"
(2510) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Variable "AutoAdminLogon" had value "0"
(2511) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.949] [windows10-upgrade] Info: "AutoAdminLogon" changed to "1"
(2512) [6] [2021-09-01 15:44:07.950] [windows10-upgrade] Key closed
Melde ich mich manuell mit dem opsiSetupbenutzer an, läuft das ganze Problemlos weiter....
Um mögliche Fehlerkellen zu minimieren, teste ich mit einem Windows 10 auf dem weder Software installiert ist noch ist der Rechner Mitglied der Domäne.
Hat jemand eine Idee?