WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 21 Jun 2012, 13:27

WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von Mike162 »

Hallo zusammen,

habe mir das WSUS Paket vom Wiki kopiert.

Leider funktioniert dies nicht und ich finde den Fehler nicht

Es wird Windows 8.1 eingesetzt.

Code: Alles auswählen

    ;  Log Errors in Logfile but don't abort:
    ; Show syntax errors in the script:
    ; Dont trace step by step through the script:
    ; let started programs run in front of the winst window
    requiredWinstVersion >= ""
    DefVar $ProductId$
    DefVar $Version$
    DefVar $LogDir$
    DefVar $Inst_Cmd32$
    DefVar $Inst_Prg$
    DefVar $MinimumSpace$
    DefVar $INST_architecture$
    DefVar $INST_SystemType$
    DefVar $LicenseRequired$
    DefVar $LicensePool$
    DefVar $Uninst_Prg$
    Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType
    set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific")
    Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp"
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ; - Please edit the following values                             -
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi
    ; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts,
    ; no white space use '-' as a seperator
    Set $ProductId$       = "Windows Updates - WSUS"
    Set $Version$         = "1.0"
    Set $MinimumSpace$    = "500 MB"
    Set $LicenseRequired$ = "false"
    Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
    Set $Inst_Prg$        = "script.cmd"
    Set $Uninst_Prg$      = ""
    Set $Inst_Cmd32$      = ""
    ; ----------------------------------------------------------------
    if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
            LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
            ; Stop process and set installation status to failed
            comment "Show product picture"
            ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$
    		if $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
                    comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key"
            comment "installing"
            if (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")
                    Message "Installing " + "Windows Updates" + " - This may take a lot of time..."
                    comment "Start setup program. This may take a lot of time ..."
    ExitWindows /Reboot

Code: Alles auswählen

cscript.exe P:\windowsupdates\wsus_updates.vbs

Code: Alles auswählen

    Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
    Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateupdateSearcher()
    WScript.Echo "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF
    Set searchResult = _
    updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'")
    WScript.Echo "List of applicable items on the machine:"
    For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
        Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title
    If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
    	WScript.Echo "There are no applicable updates."
    	Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    	WScript.Echo "STOP SAV..." & vbCRLF
    	WshShell.Run "net stop SAVService", TRUE
    	WScript.Sleep 10000
    End If
    WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Creating collection of updates to download:"
    Set updatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
    For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1
        Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> adding: " & update.Title 
    WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Downloading updates..."
    Set downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader() 
    downloader.Updates = updatesToDownload
    WScript.Echo  vbCRLF & "List of downloaded updates:"
    For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
        Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
        If update.IsDownloaded Then
           WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title 
        End If
    Set updatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
    WScript.Echo  vbCRLF & _
    "Creating collection of downloaded updates to install:" 
    For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
        set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
        If update.IsDownloaded = true Then
           WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> adding:  " & update.Title 
        End If
    	WScript.Echo "Installing updates..."
    	Set installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
    	installer.Updates = updatesToInstall
    	Set installationResult = installer.Install()
    	'Output results of install
    	WScript.Echo "Installation Result: " & _
    	WScript.Echo "Reboot Required: " & _ 
    	installationResult.RebootRequired & vbCRLF 
    	WScript.Echo "Listing of updates installed " & _
    	 "and individual installation results:" 
    	For I = 0 to updatesToInstall.Count - 1
    		WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & _
    		updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title & _
    		": " & installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode 		
    If installationResult.RebootRequired = true Then
    	WScript.Echo "" & vbCRLF
    	WScript.Echo "System reboot now" & vbCRLF
    	Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    	WshShell.Run "wuauclt /reportnow"
    	WScript.Sleep 10000
    	WshShell.Run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 10"
    	WScript.Echo "" & vbCRLF
    	WScript.Echo "No reboot needed" & vbCRLF
    	Set WSHShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    	WScript.Echo "START SAV" & vbCRLF
    	WshShell.Run "net start SAVService", TRUE
    	WshShell.Run "wuauclt /reportnow", TRUE
    End If

Code: Alles auswählen

version: 1
incremental: False
type: localboot
id: windowsupdates
name: Windows Updates
description: Installiert Windowsupdates
version: 1.5
priority: -89
licenseRequired: False
setupScript: setup.ins
type: unicode
name: ausstehend
multivalue: False
editable: True
description: Noch ausstehende Updates (nicht editieren)
values: ["0"]
default: ["0"]
type: unicode
name: rebootcounter
multivalue: False
editable: True
description: Anzahl bisheriger Neustarts (nicht editieren)
values: ["0"]
default: ["0"]
type: unicode
name: numberofneededreboots
multivalue: False
editable: True
description: Startet Rechner bei bedarf auf mehrmals neu
values: ["0", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
default: ["15"]

Vielen Dank

Beiträge: 130
Registriert: 27 Sep 2010, 11:41

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von ngbr »

Hallo Mike,

gibt es denn irgendwo einen konkreten Fehler ?

> entweder im opsi -configed , Lasche 'Logs'
oder unter
> C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log

viele Grüße
hoping to help :)

if your problem was solved, pls mark this thread as 'SOLVED'. thank you .

-- no PN support --

Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 21 Jun 2012, 13:27

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von Mike162 »


ein direkten Fehler kann ich nicht feststellen.
Zum einen verwende ich win 8.1 64bit

Code: Alles auswählen

$INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System"   <<< result false
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "system specific"   <<< result true
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result true
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result false
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "both"   <<< result false
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "32 only"   <<< result false
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5][Date] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [Date] [windowsupdates]     (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false

Code: Alles auswählen

product "windowsupdates set to update
[1] [Date] [windowsupdates] Update script name: 
[5] [Date][windowsupdates] no script file name given
[1] [Date] [windowsupdates] we have no update script
Vielen Dank
Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

Please post the entire log: c:\\log\opsi-script.log
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!
Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 21 Jun 2012, 13:27

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von Mike162 »

hier die gewünschte log.
Es wurde Datum, Uhrzeit, Client & Servername IP Adresse und USer auskommentiert.
Ich habe eine falsche IP Adresse in der log Datei stehen, diese wird in meinem Netz nicht verwendet.

Code: Alles auswählen

[1] [Date] [OPSI-Pakete] started at >>
[1] [Date] startmessage [OPSI-Pakete] created at CentralForm.FormCreate:[Date] [Uhrzeit]:16
[1] [Date] Loading skin from: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\[OPSI-Pakete]\winstskin
[1] [Date] startmessage StartProgramModes and create log:[Date] [Uhrzeit]:16
[1] [Date] startmessage start opsi service connection:[Date] [Uhrzeit]:16
[1] [Date] JSON Bench for backend_info "params":[],"id":1} Start: [Uhrzeit]:16:845 Time: 00:00:02:224
[1] [Date] startmessage create log: [DATE]
[6] [Date] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getDepotId
[6] [Date:19:366] JSON Bench for getDepotId "params":["[OPSI-Client]"],"id":1} Start: [Uhrzeit]:19:279 Time: 00:00:00:087
[6] [Date:19:517] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc backend_setOptions
[6] [Date:19:600] JSON Bench for backend_setOptions "params":[{"processProductOnClientSequence":true}] Start: [Uhrzeit]:19:517 Time: 00:00:00:083
[6] [Date:19:684] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:20:043] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:19:684 Time: 00:00:00:359
[6] [Date:20:217] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc backend_setOptions
[6] [Date:20:267] JSON Bench for backend_setOptions "params":[{"processProductOnClientSequence":false} Start: [Uhrzeit]:20:217 Time: 00:00:00:050
[5] [Date:20:359] Computername:[OPSI-Client]
[5] [Date:20:359] Computername according to Environment Variable :CLient
[5] [Date:20:359] opsi service URL [OPSI-Server]
[5] [Date:20:359] Depot path:  p:\
[5] [Date:20:359] 
[5] [Date:20:368] bootmode BKSTD
[5] [Date:20:368] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[5] [Date:20:368] Resolved sequence of products ([Date] [Uhrzeit]:20): 
[5] [Date:20:369] Product 13 	windowsupdates : setup
[5] [Date:20:369] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[6] [Date:20:369] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:20:483] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["opsi-client-agent","OPSI-Server Start: [Uhrzeit]:20:369 Time: 00:00:00:114
[6] [Date:20:644] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:20:812] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:20:644 Time: 00:00:00:168
[6] [Date:20:995] Actionrequest for Product: opsi-client-agent is: none
[6] [Date:20:996] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:21:199] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.local Start: [Uhrzeit]:20:995 Time: 00:00:00:204
[6] [Date:21:347] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:21:412] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:21:346 Time: 00:00:00:066
[6] [Date:21:470] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:21:470] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:21:541] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":[[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.l Start: [Uhrzeit]:21:470 Time: 00:00:00:071
[6] [Date:21:600] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:21:669] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:21:600 Time: 00:00:00:069
[6] [Date:21:736] Actionrequest for Product: mcafee-saas-kk is: none
[6] [Date:21:736] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:21:841] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.loca Start: [Uhrzeit]:21:736 Time: 00:00:00:105
[6] [Date:21:898] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:21:966] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:21:898 Time: 00:00:00:068
[6] [Date:22:025] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:22:025] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:22:104] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.local"],"id" Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:025 Time: 00:00:00:079
[6] [Date:22:164] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:22:230] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:163 Time: 00:00:00:067
[6] [Date:22:288] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:22:288] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:22:366] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["Paket1","OPSI-Servert.loca Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:288 Time: 00:00:00:078
[6] [Date:22:424] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:22:490] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:424 Time: 00:00:00:066
[6] [Date:22:548] Actionrequest for Product: Paket1 is: none
[6] [Date:22:548] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:22:621] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.loca Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:548 Time: 00:00:00:073
[6] [Date:22:681] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:22:753] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:681 Time: 00:00:00:072
[6] [Date:22:864] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:22:865] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:22:940] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.local"], Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:864 Time: 00:00:00:076
[6] [Date:22:998] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:23:065] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:22:997 Time: 00:00:00:068
[6] [Date:23:123] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:23:124] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:23:195] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.local"]," Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:124 Time: 00:00:00:071
[6] [Date:23:253] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:23:322] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:253 Time: 00:00:00:069
[6] [Date:23:380] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:23:380] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:23:457] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["hwaudit","OPSI-Servert.local"], Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:380 Time: 00:00:00:077
[6] [Date:23:514] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:23:611] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:514 Time: 00:00:00:097
[6] [Date:23:669] Actionrequest for Product: hwaudit is: none
[6] [Date:23:670] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:23:752] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.local" Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:670 Time: 00:00:00:082
[6] [Date:23:810] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:23:875] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:809 Time: 00:00:00:066
[6] [Date:23:933] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:23:933] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:24:041] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.loc Start: [Uhrzeit]:23:933 Time: 00:00:00:108
[6] [Date:24:099] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:24:166] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:099 Time: 00:00:00:067
[6] [Date:24:224] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:24:224] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:24:326] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["[OPSI-Pakete]","OPSI-Servert.loca Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:224 Time: 00:00:00:102
[6] [Date:24:384] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:24:449] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:384 Time: 00:00:00:065
[6] [Date:24:507] Actionrequest for Product: [OPSI-Pakete] is: none
[6] [Date:24:507] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:24:613] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["windowsupdates","OPSI-Servert.l Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:507 Time: 00:00:00:106
[6] [Date:24:670] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:24:742] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:670 Time: 00:00:00:072
[6] [Date:24:800] Actionrequest for Product: windowsupdates is: setup
[6] [Date:24:822] [windowsupdates] Actionrequest for Product: windowsupdates is: setup
[6] [Date:24:822] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProductProperties_hash
[6] [Date:24:941] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for getProductProperties_hash "params":["windowsupdates","[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:822 Time: 00:00:00:119
[6] [Date:24:999] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:25:077] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["windowsupdates","OPSI-Servert.l Start: [Uhrzeit]:24:999 Time: 00:00:00:078
[6] [Date:25:134] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:25:232] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:25:134 Time: 00:00:00:098
[5] [Date:25:289] [windowsupdates] scriptname: "setup.ins", special path: "p:\windowsupdates\"
[6] [Date:25:289] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [Date:25:393] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"[OPSI-Client]" Start: [Uhrzeit]:25:289 Time: 00:00:00:104
[1] [Date:25:477] [windowsupdates] 
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates] ============ Version script "p:\windowsupdates\setup.ins"
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates]              used script encoding: cp1252
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates]              used system encoding: cp1252
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates]              start: Date  [Uhrzeit]:25 
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates]              installing product: windowsupdates_1.5-1
[1] [Date:25:478] [windowsupdates]              on client named    "[OPSI-Client]"
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates]              loggedin user    "USER"
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates]              winst running as    "SYSTEM"
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates]              winst running with admin privileges
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates]              winst running in standard script mode
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates] executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\[OPSI-Pakete]\winst32.exe"
[1] [Date:25:479] [windowsupdates] system infos:
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] [MAC]  -  PC hardware address
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] [OPSI-Client]  -  IP name 
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] [falsche IP Adresse]  -  IP address
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] DEU  -  System default locale 
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] MS Windows 6.3 64 Bit
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] opsi service version : 4
[1] [Date:25:682] [windowsupdates] 
[6] [Date:25:683] [windowsupdates] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
[6] [Date:25:683] [windowsupdates] Key closed
[6] [Date:25:753] [windowsupdates] [OPSI-Pakete] has version, required is : >=
[5] [Date:25:753] [windowsupdates] Set  $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType
[6] [Date:25:757] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$INST_SystemType$" is now: "64 Bit System"
[5] [Date:25:757] [windowsupdates] Set  $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific")
[6] [Date:25:757] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$INST_architecture$" is now: "system specific"
[5] [Date:25:757] [windowsupdates] Set  $LogDir$ = "C:\tmp"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$LogDir$" is now: "C:\tmp"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $ProductId$       = "Windows Updates - WSUS"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "Windows Updates - WSUS"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $Version$         = "1.0"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$Version$" is now: "1.0"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $MinimumSpace$    = "500 MB"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$MinimumSpace$" is now: "500 MB"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $LicenseRequired$ = "false"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$LicenseRequired$" is now: "false"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$LicensePool$" is now: "p_Windows Updates - WSUS"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $Inst_Prg$        = "script.cmd"
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$Inst_Prg$" is now: "script.cmd"
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $Uninst_Prg$      = ""
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$Uninst_Prg$" is now: ""
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Set  $Inst_Cmd32$      = ""
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   The value of the variable "$Inst_Cmd32$" is now: ""
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] If
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]     Free on Disk C:: 273.174.687.744 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 500.000.000 bytes
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$)   <<< result true
[5] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$))   <<< result false
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Then
[6] [Date:25:758] [windowsupdates] Else
[5] [Date:25:759] [windowsupdates]   comment: Show product picture
[6] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]   If
[5] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]     $LicenseRequired$ = "true"   <<< result false
[6] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]   Then
[6] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]   EndIf
[5] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]   comment: installing
[6] [Date:25:848] [windowsupdates]   If
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     $INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System"   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "system specific"   <<< result true
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result true
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "both"   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     $INST_architecture$ = "32 only"   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]     (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[6] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]   Then
[6] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates]   EndIf
[6] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] EndIf
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] ___________________
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] script finished
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] 0 errors
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] 0 warnings
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] 
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] installed product: windowsupdates Version: 1.5-1
[1] [Date:25:849] [windowsupdates] 
[6] [Date:25:850] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc setProductActionRequest
[6] [Date:26:009] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for setProductActionRequest "params":["windowsupdates","[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:25:849 Time: 00:00:00:160
[1] [Date:26:167] [windowsupdates] product "windowsupdates set to update
[1] [Date:26:167] [windowsupdates] UpDatescript name: 
[5] [Date:26:167] [windowsupdates] no script file name given
[1] [Date:26:167] [windowsupdates] we have no upDatescript
[6] [Date:26:168] [windowsupdates] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [Date:26:246] [windowsupdates] JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"[OPSI-Client]" Start: [Uhrzeit]:26:168 Time: 00:00:00:078
[6] [Date:26:305] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc getProduct_hash
[6] [Date:26:385] JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["swaudit","OPSI-Servert.local"], Start: [Uhrzeit]:26:305 Time: 00:00:00:080
[6] [Date:26:442] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Date:26:508] JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"[Client] Start: [Uhrzeit]:26:442 Time: 00:00:00:066
[6] [Date:26:566] Actionrequest for Product: swaudit is: none
[6] [Date:26:566] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [Date:26:566]                 Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Date:26:566]                 Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\\log\opsi-script.log"
[6] [Date:26:566]                 Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Date:26:566]                 Variable "NumberOfErrors"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Date:26:567]                 Key flushed
[6] [Date:26:567]                 Key closed
[5] [Date:26:571] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------
[5] [Date:26:576] read file created
[5] [Date:26:576] read file opend
[5] [Date:26:576] start reading read file ...
[5] [Date:26:581] write line: >", "[OPSI-Client]", "false"], "id": 1}<  to service...
[5] [Date:26:581] start sending read file ...
[6] [Date:26:666] JSON service request [OPSI-Server]/rpc backend_exit
[6] [Date:26:747] JSON Bench for backend_exit "params":[],"id":1} Start: [Uhrzeit]:26:666 Time: 00:00:00:081
[1] [Date:26:804] ============  opsi-script Version is regularly exiting. Time 2016-02-03  [Uhrzeit]:26 .

Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

It looks like nothing is executed. That script is a piece of shit.

"ExitWindows /Reboot" should not be in a winbatch section, but in actions.

Winbatch_install_32 does not get executed because of this stupid if:

Code: Alles auswählen

if (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")

Code: Alles auswählen

is also a heap-o-junk. Now that script.cmd has to include %ScriptPath%, but this might change!

This is better:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%SystemRoot%\system32\cscript.exe" "%ScriptPath%\wsus_updates.vbs"

Code: Alles auswählen

WshShell.Run "net start SAVService", TRUE
edit: That vbs script contains this.. Which is something to turn on slowphos anti-virus... so I think the vbs script could do with some checking as well!
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!
Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 21 Jun 2012, 13:27

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von Mike162 »


verstehe nicht ganz, was du mir damit sagen möchtest

Viele Grüße

Beiträge: 650
Registriert: 21 Feb 2012, 12:03
Wohnort: Mainz

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von uncle_scrooge »

Was Dir die barmherzige Schwester nahebringen wollte, ist, daß dieses Skript/Paket dringend einer Überarbeitung bedarf.

Die (in diesem Kontext unsinnigen) Anweisungen
if (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")
ergeben auf Deinem System immer 'falsch'.
Von daher wird der eigentlich spannende Teil [Winbatch_install_32] nicht ausgeführt.
Beiträge: 119
Registriert: 21 Jun 2012, 13:27

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von Mike162 »


danke für den Gedanken anstoss....
Ist nun soweit geändert...testweise Script läuft bis zum EXitWindows /Reboot, dann passiert nicht kein Reboot

Code: Alles auswählen

        if not(($INST_SystemType$ = "x64 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")
                Message "Installing " + "Windows Updates" + " - This may take a lot of time..."
                comment "Start setup program. This may take a lot of time ..."
"%SystemRoot%\system32\cscript.exe" "%ScriptPath%\wsus_updates.vbs"
ExitWindows /Reboot
Wo liegt der Fehler noch?
Ich seh den Wald vor lauter Bäume nicht mehr.

Beiträge: 1531
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: WSUS Paket funktioniert nicht

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

Mike162 hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%SystemRoot%\system32\cscript.exe" "%ScriptPath%\wsus_updates.vbs"
ExitWindows /Reboot
Wo liegt der Fehler noch?
Ich seh den Wald vor lauter Bäume nicht mehr.
SisterOfMercy hat geschrieben:"ExitWindows /Reboot" should not be in a winbatch section, but in actions.
I've told you ;)
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!