
Anregungen, Fragen zu den Abo-Paketen
Beiträge: 74
Registriert: 01 Aug 2011, 14:57
Wohnort: Melle


Beitrag von r.witzel »


Bei der Installation dieses Paketes treten leider mehrere Fehler auf:

(1) Bei der Deinstallation wird folgende Befehlszeile genutzt:
msiexec /x {MSI-ID} /qb! REBOOT=ReallySuppress /lie C:\tmp\Java Auto Updater {...}_uninstall.log
Dabei fällt auf, dass als Argument "/qb!" gesetzt ist.
Wenn das Produkt NICHT installiert ist, schmeißt "msiexec" hier einen seiner berühmten unsichtbaren Dialoge.
Theoretisch sollte es helfen hier nur "/q" zu nutzen (zumindest habe ich diesen Fehler bei meinen Paketen damit immer korrigieren können).

(2) Wenn der Browser läuft, schmeißt die Unattended von Java einen Dialog
Your Browser is currently using Java and must be closed so that Java files can be updated.

- Windows Internet Explorer

Save your work, then click "Close Browsers and Continue"

(Later) (Close Browser and Continue)
Dagegen könnt ihr vielleicht nichts tun aber die Info ist vllt. nicht verkehrt.

(3) Trotz aller Bemühungen "failed" die eigentliche Installation anschließend und es sind in keinem Browser Java-Komponenten ausführbar.

Code: Alles auswählen

[5] [08:42:48] comment: installing
[5] [08:42:48] message Installing Oracle Java Virtual Machine jre1.7.0_6 ...
[5] [08:42:48] 
[5] [08:42:48] If
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System"   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "system specific"   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "both"   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "32 only"   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48] Then
[5] [08:42:48] EndIf
[5] [08:42:48] 
[5] [08:42:48] If
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System"   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "system specific"   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "both"   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   $INST_architecture$ = "64 only"   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")   <<< result false
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only"))   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48]   ($INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") and (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only"))   <<< result true
[5] [08:42:48] Then
[5] [08:42:48]   comment: kill a running firefox
[6] [08:42:48]   1 instance(s) of "firefox.exe" stopped
[6] [08:42:49]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "jqs.exe" found
[6] [08:42:49]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "java.exe" found
[6] [08:42:49]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "javaw.exe" found
[5] [08:42:49]   
[5] [08:42:49]   Execution of Execwith_autoit_close_proxy
[6] [08:42:49]     c:\\tmp\_winstbat_1.bat saved back
[6] [08:42:49]     Process started:    "P:\javavm\autoit3.exe"  "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_1.bat"  
[5] [08:42:49]   
[5] [08:42:49]   Execution of Execwith_autoit_Wrapper
[6] [08:42:49]     c:\\tmp\_winstbat_2.bat saved back
[6] [08:42:49]     Process started:    "P:\javavm\autoit3.exe"  "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_2.bat"  
[5] [08:42:49]   
[5] [08:42:49]   Set  $LogFile$ = "c:\tmp\" + $JAVA64_VER$ +"_x64.log"
[6] [08:42:49]     The value of the variable "$LogFile$" is now: "c:\tmp\jre1.7.0_6_x64.log"
[5] [08:42:49]   
[5] [08:42:49]   Execution of Winbatch_oracle_msi_install_64
[6] [08:42:49]     Call "msiexec /i "P:\javavm\Java\jre1.7.0_06_x64\\jre1.7.0_06.msi" /qb! /lie+ "c:\tmp\jre1.7.0_6_x64.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppess SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 ARPURLUPDATEINFO=''"
[6] [08:42:49]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [08:43:19]     ExitCode 0    Executed process "msiexec /i "P:\javavm\Java\jre1.7.0_06_x64\\jre1.7.0_06.msi" /qb! /lie+ "c:\tmp\jre1.7.0_6_x64.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppess SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 ARPURLUPDATEINFO=''"
[6] [08:43:19]   
[6] [08:43:19]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[5] [08:43:19]   comment: Test for installation success via exit code
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [08:43:19]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "0"
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   If
[5] [08:43:19]     $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result true
[5] [08:43:19]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result true
[5] [08:43:19]   Then
[5] [08:43:19]     comment: Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   Else
[5] [08:43:19]     
[5] [08:43:19]     If
[5] [08:43:19]     Then
[5] [08:43:19]     
[5] [08:43:19]     Else
[5] [08:43:19]       
[5] [08:43:19]       If
[5] [08:43:19]       Then
[5] [08:43:19]       
[5] [08:43:19]       Else
[5] [08:43:19]         
[5] [08:43:19]         If
[5] [08:43:19]         Then
[5] [08:43:19]         
[5] [08:43:19]         Else
[5] [08:43:19]           
[5] [08:43:19]           If
[5] [08:43:19]           Then
[5] [08:43:19]           EndIf
[5] [08:43:19]         EndIf
[5] [08:43:19]       EndIf
[5] [08:43:19]     EndIf
[5] [08:43:19]   EndIf
[6] [08:43:19]   
[6] [08:43:19]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[6] [08:43:19]   
[6] [08:43:19]   2 instance(s) of "autoit3.exe" stopped
[5] [08:43:19]   comment: disable auto updater
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   Execution of Registry_disable_update
[6] [08:43:19]     Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy]  opened
[6] [08:43:19]           Variable "EnableJavaUpdate"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [08:43:19]           Key closed
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   Set  $InstalledJavaExe$ = "C:\Program Files\java\" +$JAVAVERSION$ +"\bin\java.exe"
[6] [08:43:19]     The value of the variable "$InstalledJavaExe$" is now: "C:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin\java.exe"
[5] [08:43:19]   
[5] [08:43:19]   Execution of DOSInAnIcon_java_version
[6] [08:43:19]     c:\\tmp\_winstbat_3.bat saved back
[6] [08:43:19]     Executing "cmd.exe" /C "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_3.bat"
[6] [08:43:20]                 
[6] [08:43:20]                 output:
[6] [08:43:20]                 --------------
[6] [08:43:20]                 
[6] [08:43:20]                 C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -version 
[6] [08:43:20]                 java version "1.7.0_06"
[6] [08:43:20]                 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_06-b24)
[6] [08:43:20]                 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.2-b09, mixed mode)
[6] [08:43:20]     
[6] [08:43:20]     Delete "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_*"
[6] [08:43:20]       Search "c:\\tmp\"
[6] [08:43:20]       File "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_1.bat"
[6] [08:43:20]         The file has been deleted
[6] [08:43:20]       File "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_2.bat"
[6] [08:43:20]         The file has been deleted
[6] [08:43:20]       File "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_3.bat"
[6] [08:43:20]         The file has been deleted
[5] [08:43:20] EndIf
[5] [08:43:20] 
[5] [08:43:20] If
[5] [08:43:20]   $success$ = "true"   <<< result false
[5] [08:43:20]   not ($success$ = "true")   <<< result true
[5] [08:43:20] Then
[3] [08:43:20]   Error: Fatal: one or more installations are failed 
[5] [08:43:20]   Error level set to fatal
[5] [08:43:20]   Process aborted
[1] [08:43:20] ___________________
[1] [08:43:20] script finished
[1] [08:43:20] 2 errors
[1] [08:43:20] 0 warnings
[1] [08:43:20] 
[1] [08:43:20] installed Produkt: javavm Version:

Erst nach einer manuellen Java-Installation funktioniert es anschließend wieder.

Beste Grüße
Carpe Opsi :)
Beiträge: 1366
Registriert: 01 Jul 2008, 12:10

Re: javavm,

Beitrag von wolfbardo »

Hallo Herr Witzel,

Danke für die Hinweise.

Bei einem zuvor manuell installierten Java inclusive "Java Auto Updater" wurde beim Uninstall mittels unserem opsi-Paket eine fehlerhafte Logdatei angegeben und der Exitcode 1603 nicht abgefangen

Ein korrigiertes Paket

Code: Alles auswählen

werden wir in Kürze bereitstellen.

Dass die Installation des Paketes des javavm-Paketes bei "On demand" -Installationen fehlschlagen kann (z.B. wg. geöffnetem Browser, ist ein bekanntes Problem.

In der bereitgestellten Log ist zu sehen, dass
r.witzel hat geschrieben: (3) Trotz aller Bemühungen "failed" die eigentliche Installation anschließend und es sind in keinem Browser Java-Komponenten ausführbar.

Code: Alles auswählen

[5] [08:42:48]   (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")   <<< result false
[6] [08:42:49]     Call "msiexec /i "P:\javavm\Java\jre1.7.0_06_x64\\jre1.7.0_06.msi" /qb! /lie+ "c:\tmp\jre1.7.0_6_x64.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppess SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 ARPURLUPDATEINFO=''"
[6] [08:42:49]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [08:43:19]     ExitCode 0    Executed process "msiexec /i "P:\javavm\Java\jre1.7.0_06_x64\\jre1.7.0_06.msi" /qb! /lie+ "c:\tmp\jre1.7.0_6_x64.log" REBOOT=ReallySuppess SYSTRAY=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 JU=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 ARPURLUPDATEINFO=''"
[5] [08:43:19]   Execution of DOSInAnIcon_java_version
[6] [08:43:19]     c:\\tmp\_winstbat_3.bat saved back
[6] [08:43:19]     Executing "cmd.exe" /C "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_3.bat"
[6] [08:43:20]                 
[6] [08:43:20]                 output:
[6] [08:43:20]                 --------------
[6] [08:43:20]                 
[6] [08:43:20]                 C:\Windows\system32>"C:\Program Files\java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -version 
[6] [08:43:20]                 java version "1.7.0_06"
[6] [08:43:20]                 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_06-b24)
[6] [08:43:20]                 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.2-b09, mixed mode)

die property 
[code]$INST_architecture$ = "system specific"
gesetzt ist, von daher wird auf dem Client nur das 64-Bit java erfolgreich installiert aber "wunschgemaess" nicht die 32-Bit version,
sodass in 32-Bit Browsern das plugin fehlt

Bardo Wolf


Basisworkshop Mainz :

17. - 20. 06. 2024

opsi support - uib gmbh
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Beiträge: 74
Registriert: 01 Aug 2011, 14:57
Wohnort: Melle

Re: javavm,

Beitrag von r.witzel »

gesetzt ist, von daher wird auf dem Client nur das 64-Bit java erfolgreich installiert aber "wunschgemaess" nicht die 32-Bit version,
sodass in 32-Bit Browsern das plugin fehlt
Ah - mal wieder was übersehen :) Danke.

Besten Dank und beste Grüße
Carpe Opsi :)