hwaudit installationsfehler auf XP-Client

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 02 Apr 2015, 10:44

hwaudit installationsfehler auf XP-Client

Beitrag von D.Brandt »

Wie bereits im Betreff beschrieben wird hwaudit auf einigen unserer XP-Clients nicht installiert.
Ich habe schon probiert den opsiagent neu zu intallieren was allerdings nichts gebracht hat.

Ich konnte aus dem Log folgende Fehlermeldung heraus lesen weiß allerdings nicht wie ich die beheben kann:
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:35:258] [hwaudit] Execution of Winbatch_hwaudit
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:258] [hwaudit] Call ""C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit\hwaudit.exe" -u "nathalie-mavrin.wtsdwp.de" -p "***(confidential)***" -a "" -l 3 -f "C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit.log""
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:258] [hwaudit] Timeout 90 seconds
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:258] [hwaudit] Waiting until process "hwaudit.exe" started and has ended
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:258] [hwaudit] Start process as invoker: pcpatch
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:274] [hwaudit] Waiting for start of "hwaudit.exe"
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:35:788] [hwaudit] Waiting for process "hwaudit.exe" ending
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Process "hwaudit.exe" ended
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] ExitCode 1 Executed process ""C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit\hwaudit.exe" -u "nathalie-mavrin.wtsdwp.de" -p "***(confidential)***" -a "" -l 3 -f "C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit.log""
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Else
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] If
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Then
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Else
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] If
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Then
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Else
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] If
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Then
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Else
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] EndIf
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] EndIf
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] EndIf
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] EndIf
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] Set $exitcode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:747] [hwaudit] The value of the variable "$exitcode$" is now: "1"
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Nothing to stop, no instances of "hwaudit.exe" found
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] If
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] FileExists("p:\hwaudit") <<< result true
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] not (FileExists("p:\hwaudit")) <<< result false
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Then
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] EndIf
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] If
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] fileExists ($logfile$) <<< result true
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Then
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] comment: Try to include hwaudit.log file in instlog
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Start including head of LogFile "C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit.log with encoding: cp1252"
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] ################################################################
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] ################################################################
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] End including LogFile "C:\opsi.org\tmp\hwaudit.log"
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] EndIf
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] If
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] $exitcode$ = "0" <<< result false
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] $exitcode$ = "259" <<< result false
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] ($exitcode$ = "259") <<< result false
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] ($exitcode$ = "0") or ($exitcode$ = "259") <<< result false
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] not (($exitcode$ = "0") or ($exitcode$ = "259")) <<< result true
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Then
[3] [Apr 02 10:32:51:755] [hwaudit] Error: Fatal: hwaudit exit code = 1
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] Error level set to fatal
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] Process aborted
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] ___________________
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] script finished
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] 1 error
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] 0 warnings
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit]
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit] installed product: hwaudit Version: 4.0.5-1
[1] [Apr 02 10:32:51:763] [hwaudit]
[5] [Apr 02 10:32:51:771] [hwaudit] We do not look for a update script, because the setup script is failed
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:771] [hwaudit] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [Apr 02 10:32:51:812] [hwaudit] JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"nathalie-mavrin.wtsdwp.de", Start: 10:32:51:771 Time: 00:00:00:041
MfG D.Brandt