opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »

Die Version opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr ausrollen via opsi config editor. (Opsi-Version

Seltsamerweise bekomme ich den Fehler auch, wenn ich manuell auf dem Client direkt oca-installation-helper.exe ausführe, jedoch nicht, wenn ich service_setup.cmd ausführe, was ja nichts andres tut, als oca-installation-helper aufzurufen.

Fehlermeldung aus opsi-script.log :
5] [2023-06-12 12:54:56.817] [opsi-client-agent] Execution of: Files_extract_opsiclientd_binaries_to_temp
[5] [2023-06-12 12:54:56.817] [opsi-client-agent]
[6] [2023-06-12 12:54:56.818] [opsi-client-agent] Notice: File or Directory C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_windows_x86 does not exist, nothing deleted
[6] [2023-06-12 12:54:56.818] [opsi-client-agent] we try to unzip: p:\opsi-client-agent\files\opsiclientd_windows_x86_4.2.0.148.zip to C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\
[6] [2023-06-12 12:54:59.218] [opsi-client-agent] unzipped: p:\opsi-client-agent\files\opsiclientd_windows_x86_4.2.0.148.zip to C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\
[5] [2023-06-12 12:54:59.221] [opsi-client-agent] Finished section: Files_extract_opsiclientd_binaries_to_temp
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.226] [opsi-client-agent] comment: Installing opsiclientd binary files
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.228] [opsi-client-agent] Marked error number 0
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.228] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.230] [opsi-client-agent] CompareDotSeparatedNumbers(GetMsVersionInfo, "<", "10.0") <<< result false
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.230] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.231] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.231] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.231] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.231] [opsi-client-agent] Else
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.231] [opsi-client-agent] Set $TempList$ = PowershellCall('Get-Item "' + $BinDir$ + '" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target')
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.232] [opsi-client-agent] PowershellCall Executing: Get-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin" | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Target ; mode: sysnative
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:01.650] [opsi-client-agent] Powershell excution policy = Bypass
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:02.906] [opsi-client-agent] ExitCode 0
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.431] [opsi-client-agent] Set $LinkTarget$ = TakeString(0, $TempList$)
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.433] [opsi-client-agent] The value of the variable "$LinkTarget$" is now: "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin1"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] ($LinkTarget$ = "") <<< result false
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.434] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.435] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.435] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.435] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.435] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.435] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.436] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.436] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.436] [opsi-client-agent] Else
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.437] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.437] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.437] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.437] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] Else
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.438] [opsi-client-agent] Else
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.439] [opsi-client-agent] comment: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin is a link to C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin1
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.439] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.439] [opsi-client-agent] (TakeString(-1, SplitString($LinkTarget$, "\")) = "opsiclientd_bin2") <<< result false
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] Starting query if file exists ...
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.440] [opsi-client-agent] FileExists($NewDir$) <<< result true
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.441] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.441] [opsi-client-agent] comment: Removing C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.442] [opsi-client-agent] PowershellCall Executing: Remove-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2" -Recurse ; mode: sysnative
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.442] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe get-executionpolicy"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.859] [opsi-client-agent] Powershell excution policy = Bypass
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:03.859] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:04.377] [opsi-client-agent]
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:04.378] [opsi-client-agent] Execution of tmp-internal powershell.exe winst /sysnative
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.323] [opsi-client-agent] ExitCode 0
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.327] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe set-executionpolicy Bypass"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.849] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.850] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.850] [opsi-client-agent] Starting query if file exists ...
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.851] [opsi-client-agent] Not found: "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2":
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.851] [opsi-client-agent] FileExists($NewDir$) <<< result false
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.851] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.851] [opsi-client-agent] EndIf
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.852] [opsi-client-agent] comment: Moving C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent'\opsiclientd_windows_x86 to C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.852] [opsi-client-agent] PowershellCall Executing: Rename-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_windows_x86" "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2" ; mode: sysnative
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:05.853] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe get-executionpolicy"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:06.269] [opsi-client-agent] Powershell excution policy = Bypass
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:06.270] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe set-executionpolicy RemoteSigned"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:06.787] [opsi-client-agent]
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:06.788] [opsi-client-agent] Execution of tmp-internal powershell.exe winst /sysnative
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:07.630] [opsi-client-agent] ExitCode 0
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:07.633] [opsi-client-agent] ShellCall Executing: "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" /C "powershell.exe set-executionpolicy Bypass"
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.156] [opsi-client-agent] comment: Creating link C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin pointing to C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd_bin2
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.157] [opsi-client-agent] Execution of: ShellInAnIcon_mklink
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.161] [opsi-client-agent] Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.165] [opsi-client-agent] Started process "C:\Windows\system32\\cmd.exe" with Opt: /C\r\nc:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_C854Gnz6Sf.cmd
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.232] [opsi-client-agent] Search "c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_*"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.234] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.234] [opsi-client-agent] not ($Finalize$ = "opsiclientd_killed_force_service_start") <<< result true
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] If
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] (ErrorsOccurredSinceMark > <<< syntax error, no result!! - set to false
[2] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] Syntax Error in Section: Sub_install_opsiclientd (Command in line 116 in defined function: install_opsiclientd file: setup.opsiscript function start at line: 72; origin: setup.opsiscript line: 170): (ErrorsOccurredSinceMark > 0) or (not (FileExists($NewDir$))) -> 0) or (not (FileExists($NewDir$))) is not a number
[2] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] Syntax Error in Section: Sub_install_opsiclientd (Command in line 116 in defined function: install_opsiclientd file: setup.opsiscript function start at line: 72; origin: setup.opsiscript line: 170): 0) or (not (FileExists($NewDir$))) -> erroneous characters
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] Then
[2] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent] Syntax Error in Section: Sub_install_opsiclientd (Command in line 117 in defined function: install_opsiclientd file: setup.opsiscript function start at line: 72; origin: setup.opsiscript line: 171): EndIf -> expected
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.235] [opsi-client-agent]
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] ~~~~~~~ End Sub ~~~~~~~ Sub_install_opsiclientd
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent]
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] ___________________
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] script finished: failed
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] 3 errors
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] 0 warnings
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent]
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.236] [opsi-client-agent] handled product: opsi-client-agent Version:
[1] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.237] [opsi-client-agent]
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.237] [opsi-client-agent] We do not look for a update script, because the setup script is failed
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.237] [opsi-client-agent] SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.333] [opsi-client-agent] JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"nb10095.local.hans-bredow-i Start: 12:55:08:237 Time: 00:00:00:096
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.337] [] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst] opened
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.337] [] Variable "RebootRequested" is keeping its value "0"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.337] [] Variable "LastLogFilename" is keeping its value "c:\opsi.org\log\opsi-script.log"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.337] [] Variable "ContinueLogFile" is keeping its value "0"
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.337] [] Variable "NumberOfErrors" not found. Code: 2
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.339] [] Key flushed
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.339] [] Key closed
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.342] [] SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.354] [] JSON Bench for backend_getSystemConfiguration "params":[],"id":1} Start: 12:55:08:342 Time: 00:00:00:012
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.354] [] Checking if partlog: is bigger than 4 MB :.
[6] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.354] [] Checking if partlog: c:\opsi.org\log\\opsi-script-part-W9H4fq7Jp8.log is bigger than 4 MB - found: 0 MB
[5] [2023-06-12 12:55:08.354] [] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »

Es sieht so aus, als sei im Paket in setup.opsiscript in Zeile 170

if FileExists($NewDir$)

die Variable $NewDir$ leer und damit scheint sich das Script dann zu terminieren.

Danke für Hilfe!
Beiträge: 267
Registriert: 23 Okt 2020, 16:11

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von n.doerrer »

Tritt das Problem mit opsi-client-agent (experimental) noch auf?
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »


aktuell habe ich:

und das Problem tritt immer noch auf beim Ausrollen über opsi-config editor oder oca-installation-helper.exe.
Ich kann den Client zurzeit nur manuell ausrollen via service-setup.cmd
Beiträge: 267
Registriert: 23 Okt 2020, 16:11

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von n.doerrer »

bitte noch einmal mit opsi-client-agent (jetzt in testing) mit oca-installation-helper testen und logfile zur Verfügung stellen.

Dass es über service_setup.cmd funktioniert und über oca-installation-helper nicht kann eigentlich nicht sein. Das wird eher sowas sein wie erster Versucht von egal was scheitert und zweiter klappt - oder ein timing-Problem oder sowas.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »

Moin, Frage, habe die Installation von einem ehemaligen Kollegen übernommen, das Repo ist auf "stable" eingestellt, haben Sie einen schnellen Tipp, wie ich auf Repo "testing" konfiguriere?

PS: Habe es nochmal versucht mit opsi-client-agent, gescheitert mit beiliegendem Log:

VG Erik
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Registriert: 26 Jun 2013, 12:26

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von ThomasT »

Hallo Erik,

lade dir doch den opsi-client-agent direkt runter und installiere ihn mit dem opsi-package-manager:
https://download.uib.de/opsi4.2/testing ... localboot/
Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - https://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »

Danke für den Tipp!

Bekomme beim Installieren von opsi-client-agent_4.2.0.64-1 via Opsi-config-editor leider quasi dieselben Fehler wie oben (siehe Log).

Für eine hilfreiche Idee wäre ich sehr dankbar, weil ich sonst die opsi-client-agent's überall manuell aktualisieren müsste.
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Beiträge: 553
Registriert: 26 Jun 2013, 12:26

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von ThomasT »

Hallo Erik,

du verwendest einen opsi-script aus 2021, kannst du die Installation mit einem aktualisierten opsi-script erneut versuchen?
Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - https://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 10
Registriert: 08 Dez 2021, 13:56

Re: opsi-client-agent lässt sich nicht mehr via configeditor ausrollen

Beitrag von erikpfeiffer »

Hallo Thomas,

mit dem aktuellen Opsi-Script hat's geklappt und funktioniert wieder, vielen Dank!

Eine Frage noch, wie aktualisiere ich mein komplettes Repo auf den neuesten Stand? Meine Info war, dass, wenn ich das Opsi-Repo-Passwort alle 3 Monate anpasse und "opsi-package-updater update" ausführe, das genau das macht?