Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

Hallo geschätztes Uib Team & Community,

ich habe aktuell das Windows10-Upgrade Paket in neuer Version ausgerollt, habe dazu alle Dokus gelesen, alle Pakete auf den aktuellsten Stand gebracht, opsi-client-agent ist auf 4.2.x und ich habe auch den anderen Thread hierzu durchgelesen, wo die Links zu den experimental Paketen zu finden sind, was installiert sein muss.

Ich habe dies alles gemacht, was aber leider nicht funktioniert ist die neue Installationsvariante mit "runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser".
Bei uns funktioniert leider "nur" die loginOpsiSetupUser Variante.

Außerdem logged die Variante auch keinen User ein, funktioniert dann aber manchmal trotzdem. Früher im Upgrade Paket wurde wirklich der User auf den Desktop angemeldet, so wie es auch in der Doku steht. Das ist hier nicht der Fall?! Korrekt?

Ich wollte eigentlich sehr gerne die neue "Default" Variante nutzen, könnt Ihr mir vielleicht sagen was das Problem sein könnte?
Gleich vorweg, super Paket soweit. Ich bin jedes Jahr hier ja dran und dieses Paket ist wirklich viel besser geworden, Fehlererkennung, Schalterauswahl usw. Danke dafür vorab !!!

Diese Ausgabe bekomme ich, wenn ich die Default Methode verwende. Übrigens egal ob ich localcopy anschalte, debug true oder quiet auf false setze. Habe ganz viele Varianten und Kombinationen durch, er bringt immer die selbe Fehlermeldung und startet auch nie mit dem eigentlichen Windows Setup.

Code: Alles auswählen

Error: retrieveJSONObject --- opsi service problem ----> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
Received (first 512): {"id": 1, "error": {"class": "RuntimeError", "message": "RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')"}, "result": null}
Error: -> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
Hier noch die gesamte Logdatei:

Code: Alles auswählen

Actionrequest for Product: windows10-upgrade is: setup
SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
JSON Bench for getProductProperties_hash "params":["windows10-upgrade","pcXXXXXX Start: 10:39:16:570 Time: 00:00:00:036
SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
JSON Bench for getProduct_hash "params":["windows10-upgrade","opsi-wgt Start: 10:39:16:607 Time: 00:00:00:019
in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : windows10-upgrade
SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
JSON Bench for productOnClient_getObjects "params":["",{"clientId":"pcXXXXXX Start: 10:39:16:626 Time: 00:00:00:016
scriptname: "setup.opsiscript", special path: "p:\windows10-upgrade\"
SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"pcXXXXXX Start: 10:39:16:642 Time: 00:00:00:021
Using new Depot path:  p:\
Load from Unicode file

============ Version script "p:\windows10-upgrade\setup.opsiscript"
             used script encoding: utf8
             used system encoding: cp1252
             start: 2022-02-11  10:39:16
             installing product: windows10-upgrade_21h2-1
             on client named    "pcXXXXXX"
             loggedin user    ""
             opsi-script running as    "SYSTEM"
             opsi-script running with admin privileges
             opsi-script running in standard script mode
Scaling for screen DPI: 96
executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\opsi-script.exe"
system infos:
B8-xx-xx-xx-xx-AA  -  PC hardware address
pcXXXXXX  -  IP name
192.168.xx.xx  -  IP address
DEU  -  System default locale
Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
Registry started readonly
Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]  opened
Key closed
Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
Registry started readonly
Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]  opened
Key closed
MS Windows 10.0 64 Bit, Release: 20H2, Edition: PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL
opsi service version : 4

Registry started readonly
Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
Key closed
Starting with script...
Found Include_append statement for: p:\windows10-upgrade\sections.opsiinc
Load from file with encoding: system
Load from file with encoding: utf8
Included (append) file: p:\windows10-upgrade\sections.opsiinc with encoding: utf8
Found Include_insert statement for: p:\windows10-upgrade\declarations.opsiinc
Load from file with encoding: system
Load from file with encoding: utf8
Included (insert) file: p:\windows10-upgrade\declarations.opsiinc with encoding: utf8
AutoActivityDisplay was True is set to true
ScriptErrorMessages was False is set to false
LogLevel was 7
LogLevel set to 7

defined global string list $ResultList$ with value:
comment: Setting initial values
Set  $CopyFilesLocally$ = GetProductProperty("copy_files_locally", "false")
  The value of the variable "$CopyFilesLocally$" is now: "False"
Set  $DisableUAC$ = "true"
  The value of the variable "$DisableUAC$" is now: "true"
Set  $ExecutionMethod$ = GetProductProperty("execution_method", "runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser")
  The value of the variable "$ExecutionMethod$" is now: "runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser"
Set  $OpsiScriptDir$ = stringReplace("C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script", "\", "\\\\")
  The value of the variable "$OpsiScriptDir$" is now: "C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\\\\\opsi-client-agent\\\\opsi-script"
Set  $OpsiScriptInterpreter$ = $OpsiScriptDir$ + "\\\\opsi-script.exe"
  The value of the variable "$OpsiScriptInterpreter$" is now: "C:\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\\\\\opsi-client-agent\\\\opsi-script\\\\opsi-script.exe"
    Starting query if file exists ...
  FileOrFolderExists($OpsiScriptInterpreter$, "32Bit")   <<< result true
  NOT (FileOrFolderExists($OpsiScriptInterpreter$, "32Bit"))   <<< result false
Set  $ProductSettingsKey$ = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade"
  The value of the variable "$ProductSettingsKey$" is now: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade"
Set  $ProductSizeMB$ = "15000"
  The value of the variable "$ProductSizeMB$" is now: "15000"
Set  $RequiredOperatingSystem$ = "Windows_NT"
  The value of the variable "$RequiredOperatingSystem$" is now: "Windows_NT"
Set  $RequiredOpsiclientdVersion$ = ""
  The value of the variable "$RequiredOpsiclientdVersion$" is now: ""
Set  $RequiredOpsiScriptVersion$ = ""
  The value of the variable "$RequiredOpsiScriptVersion$" is now: ""
comment: Determining if the client is using the wan extension
  contains("https://192.168.xx.xx:4447", "")   <<< result false
  contains("https://192.168.xx.xx:4447", "https://localhost")   <<< result false
  contains("p:\windows10-upgrade", "\\cache\depot")   <<< result false
  (contains("p:\windows10-upgrade", "\\cache\depot"))   <<< result false
  (contains("https://192.168.xx.xx:4447", "https://localhost")) OR (contains("p:\windows10-upgrade", "\\cache\depot"))   <<< result false
  (contains("https://192.168.xx.xx:4447", "")) OR (contains("https://192.168.xx.xx:4447", "https://localhost")) OR (contains("p:\windows10-upgrade", "\\cache\depot"))   <<< result false
  Switch : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case : loginOpsiSetupUser
    Case : runAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case match: runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser = runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
      comment: Setting values for runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser mode
    $CopyFilesLocally$ = "false"   <<< result true
    Set  $ServiceCallPath$ = "windows10-upgrade"
      The value of the variable "$ServiceCallPath$" is now: "windows10-upgrade"
    Set  $SetupFilesPath$ = "p:\\windows10-upgrade"
      The value of the variable "$SetupFilesPath$" is now: "p:\\windows10-upgrade"
comment: Determining the Stage registry value
Set  $Stage$ = GetRegistryValue($ProductSettingsKey$, "Stage", "32bit")
Registry started readonly
Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade]  opened
Key closed
  The value of the variable "$Stage$" is now: "3"
comment: Displaying product picture
  $Stage$ = "2"   <<< result false
  $Stage$ = "3"   <<< result true
  $Stage$ = "4"   <<< result false
  ($Stage$ = "4")   <<< result false
  ($Stage$ = "3") OR ($Stage$ = "4")   <<< result true
  ($Stage$ = "2") OR ($Stage$ = "3") OR ($Stage$ = "4")   <<< result true
  NOT (($Stage$ = "2") OR ($Stage$ = "3") OR ($Stage$ = "4"))   <<< result false
  $Stage$ = "2"   <<< result false
  Switch : True
    Case : false
    Case : true
    Case match: true = True
  $Stage$ = "3"   <<< result true
  message Stage 3 - Installation
  set ActionProgress to: Stage 3 - Installation
  SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
  JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"pcXXXXXX Start: 10:39:17:038 Time: 00:00:00:025
  comment: Setting the Stage to 4 prior to calling the setup-local script. Should anything fail in the setup-local script the cleanup stage will be processed afterwards
  Set  $Stage$ = "4"
    The value of the variable "$Stage$" is now: "4"
  Execution of: Registry_Save_Stage /32bit
    Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
    Key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade
    Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade]  opened
        Variable "Stage"  had value  "3"
        Info:    "Stage"  changed to "4"
        Key closed
  comment: Triggering the auto logon
  Switch : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case : loginOpsiSetupUser
    Case : runAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
    Case match: runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser = runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
      Execution of: opsiServiceCall_runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser /opsiclientd-once
        Got timeout in exprstr:
        Got timeout: 3600
           "method": "runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser"
        Lib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
        SLLVersion : TLSv1.2
        Loaded: ssl_openssl
        HTTPSender.Sock.SSL.LibVersion: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019
        SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
        JSON Bench for backend_info "params":[],"id":1} Start: 10:39:17:102 Time: 00:00:00:043
        SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
        JSON Bench for runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser "params":["windows10-upgrade\\localsetup\\setup-lo Start: 10:39:17:146 Time: 00:00:23:568
        Error: retrieveJSONObject --- opsi service problem ----> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
        Received (first 512): {"id": 1, "error": {"class": "RuntimeError", "message": "RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')"}, "result": null}
        Error: -> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
  Set: Stop script and leave switches unchanged
  Process stopped
script finished: success
3 errors
0 warnings

handled product: windows10-upgrade Version: 21h2-1

We do not look for a update script, because noUpdateScript is set
BuildPC: update switches .....
Vielen Dank euch allen !!!
Beiträge: 1819
Registriert: 29 Mai 2008, 15:14

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von j.schneider »


Wurde der Rechner mal neu gestartet?
Was steht in der c:\\log\opsi_loginblocker.log?

Jan Schneider
Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

der Rechner wurde mehrfach neugestartet ja :-(
Die OPSI_loginblocker.log gibt es an der Stelle nicht. Wir nutzen aber auch keinen Loginblocker. Er ist standardmäßig deaktiviert.
Danke für die Unterstützung!
Beiträge: 1819
Registriert: 29 Mai 2008, 15:14

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von j.schneider »

Dann haben wir die Ursache gefunden.
Ohne den CredentialProvider (opsi-login-blocker) funktioniert das ganze nicht.
Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

Hallo Herr Schneider,

vielen Dank für die Antwort. Das erklärt einiges. Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, dann müssen wir also im OPSI-Client-Agent den opsiloginblocker auf "on" stellen und dann würde er auch bei jedem Setup aktiviert sein? DANN würde es funktionieren, korrekt?

Die zweite kleine Frage der Vollständigkeit halber wäre, ob mir dadurch ein Nachteil mit der Installation entsteht? Gibt es Dinge, die dadurch deutlich schlechter laufen oder bin ich auch mit der alten Methode gut unterwegs?

Herzlichen Dank,
Viele Grüße,
Beiträge: 1819
Registriert: 29 Mai 2008, 15:14

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von j.schneider »


genau, das Property opsiloginblocker auf on stellen und den opsi-client-agent drüber installieren.
Generell kann es ohne Loginblocker immer zu Problemen bei der Installation kommen.
Vor allem wenn Pakete einen Reboot benötigen.

Warum wurde der Loginblocker denn deaktiviert?

Jan Schneider
Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

wir deaktivieren den LoginBlocker, weil wir bei unseren Installationen (insbesondere die großen) den Mitarbeiter nicht bei der Arbeit blockieren möchten.
Er müsste ja dann warten, bis das Setup fertig bist, bis er sich anmelden kann.

Bei uns können sich alle User immer schon während dem Setup anmelden. Bisher läuft das bei uns reibungslos.

Okey, dann werde ich die "ältere" Methode verwenden, sie scheint bei uns ganz gut zu funktionieren und ich hoffe, der User interagiert einfach nicht wie zuvor vereinbart.

Grüße und herzlichen Dank,
Beiträge: 283
Registriert: 16 Dez 2014, 18:06

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von larsg »

Valentino-46 hat geschrieben: 15 Feb 2022, 11:43 Er müsste ja dann warten, bis das Setup fertig bist, bis er sich anmelden kann.
Das ist ja auch genau so vorgesehen.
Weil dann sichergestellt ist, das keine offenen Programme die Installation behindern.
Der Anwender sollte am Rechner so oder so nichts machten während ein Setup läuft.
Und schonmal gar nicht während das Windows Upgrade läuft.
Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

Hallo zusammen,

leider bekommen wir bei manchen Windows 10 Upgrades obwohl wir uns nicht einloggen (sind Reserve Testcomputer) einen Exitcode für "Another Process is running". Windows Updates wurden gechecked, das Ganze 3-4 x versucht, keine Chance auf vereinzelten Rechnern das Setup draufzubekommen.

Ich habe deshalb jetzt den LoginBlocker mal aktiviert und die neue Methode ausgewählt. Allerdings hatte ich noch Global Default Optionen in den opsiclientd Properties auf "false" gestellt. Sowohl für
als auch für
. Ich wollte ja immer verhindern, dass der Loginblocker aktiviert wird.

Das habe ich jetzt mal global gelöscht und wollte fragen, ob man den Loginblocker auch individuell für einzelne PCs anschalten kann. Ich dachte wenn ich den globalen Parameter lösche, dann den opsi-client-agent mit "loginblocker=on" installiere, dass dann alle block_logins aktiviert sind?
Aber in der lokalen Konfiguration "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd\opsiclientd.conf" steht auch nach x Reboots und x neuinstallationen des opsi-client-agents unter

Code: Alles auswählen

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; -     events                                                          -
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; === Event configuration
# Block login while event is been executed (bool)
block_login = false
Wie gesagt haben wir so viel Software die sich 20-30 Minuten installiert, ich kann deshalb den Login nicht für immer blocken und würde es nur für das Windows Upgrade aktivieren.

Ich habe es vorhin an einem Testpaket überprüft und der Login war geblockt. Dann habe ich das Windows Upgrade angeschmissen und dort war es dann auch kurz geblockt, endete aber leider wieder in:

Code: Alles auswählen

[windows10-upgrade]   message Stage 3 - Installation
[windows10-upgrade]   set ActionProgress to: Stage 3 - Installation
[windows10-upgrade]   SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[windows10-upgrade]   JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"pcXXXX-XXXXX.domain.local Start: 16:30:18:260 Time: 00:00:00:056
[windows10-upgrade]   comment: Setting the Stage to 4 prior to calling the setup-local script. Should anything fail in the setup-local script the cleanup stage will be processed afterwards
[windows10-upgrade]   Set  $Stage$ = "4"
[windows10-upgrade]     The value of the variable "$Stage$" is now: "4"
[windows10-upgrade]   Execution of: Registry_Save_Stage /32bit
[windows10-upgrade]     Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
[windows10-upgrade]     Key is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade
[windows10-upgrade]     Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\windows10-upgrade]  opened
[windows10-upgrade]         Variable "Stage"  had value  "3"
[windows10-upgrade]         Info:    "Stage"  changed to "4"
[windows10-upgrade]         Key closed
[windows10-upgrade]   comment: Triggering the auto logon
[windows10-upgrade]   Switch : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
[windows10-upgrade]     Case : loginOpsiSetupUser
[windows10-upgrade]     EndCase
[windows10-upgrade]     Case : runAsOpsiSetupUser
[windows10-upgrade]     EndCase
[windows10-upgrade]     Case : runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
[windows10-upgrade]     Case match: runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser = runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser
[windows10-upgrade]       Execution of: opsiServiceCall_runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser /opsiclientd-once
[windows10-upgrade]         Got timeout in exprstr:
[windows10-upgrade]         Got timeout: 3600
[windows10-upgrade]            "method": "runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser"
[windows10-upgrade]         Lib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[windows10-upgrade]         SLLVersion : TLSv1.2
[windows10-upgrade]         Loaded: ssl_openssl
[windows10-upgrade]         HTTPSender.Sock.SSL.LibVersion: OpenSSL 1.0.2u  20 Dec 2019
[windows10-upgrade]         SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[windows10-upgrade]         JSON Bench for backend_info "params":[],"id":1} Start: 16:30:18:351 Time: 00:00:00:050
[windows10-upgrade]         SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-script\ssleay32.dll
[windows10-upgrade]         JSON Bench for runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser "params":["C:\\\\usertmp\\windows10-upgrad Start: 16:30:18:402 Time: 00:00:26:905
[windows10-upgrade]         Error: retrieveJSONObject --- opsi service problem ----> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
[windows10-upgrade]         Received (first 512): {"id": 1, "error": {"class": "RuntimeError", "message": "RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')"}, "result": null}
[windows10-upgrade]         Error: -> {"message":"RuntimeError('No login capable opsi credential provider connected')","class":"RuntimeError"}
[windows10-upgrade]       EndCase
[windows10-upgrade]     EndSwitch
[windows10-upgrade]   Set: Stop script and leave switches unchanged
[windows10-upgrade]   Process stopped
Er blockt aber wirklich den Login, das sehe ich, aber nach dem 1. Reboot und dem kopieren der installfiles weiß ich nicht, ob er es nochmal blockiert.

Laut Loginblocker Logfile irgendwie nicht!?

Code: Alles auswählen

[1] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.292] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.298] [] opsi login blocker version initializing on Windows 10 (or above) (credential provider filter)
[1] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.298] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.298] [] Getting config from registry
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.299] [] log level is: 5
[3] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.299] [] Failed to query registry key 80000002, subKey SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{d2028e19-82fe-44c6-ad64-51497c97a02a}, valueName LoginBlockerLogDir: 234
[3] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.299] [] Failed to get LoginBlockerLogDir value from registry, using default
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.299] [] OpsiCredentialProviderFilter is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.300] [] OpsiCredentialProvider is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.300] [] LoginBlockerTimeoutConnect is 120 seconds
[1] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.301] [] opsi login blocker version initialized on Windows 10 (or above)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.301] [] opsi com started
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.301] [] Waiting for opsiclientd service to start
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.302] [] Service opsiclientd is running (SERVICE_RUNNING)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.302] [] Connected to opsiclientd pipe
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.302] [] Sending request: '{"id": 1, "method": "registerClient", "params": ["opsi-login-blocker",""]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.319] [] Opsi credential provider filter init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:38.813] [] Received response: '{"id": 1, "result": "client opsi-login-blocker/ registered", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:39.066] [] Received request: '{"id": 1, "method": "blockLogin", "params": [false]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:39.067] [] Sending response: '{"id": 1, "result": "not blocking login", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:39.321] [] Filtering providers blockLogin=false, loginTriggered=false, rebootTriggered=false, shutdownTriggered=false
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:39.370] [] Opsi credential provider init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:25:39.380] [] Hiding our tile (setting pdwCount to 0)
[1] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.428] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.433] [] opsi login blocker version initializing on Windows 10 (or above) (credential provider filter)
[1] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.434] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.434] [] Getting config from registry
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.434] [] log level is: 5
[3] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.435] [] Failed to query registry key 80000002, subKey SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{d2028e19-82fe-44c6-ad64-51497c97a02a}, valueName LoginBlockerLogDir: 234
[3] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.435] [] Failed to get LoginBlockerLogDir value from registry, using default
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.435] [] OpsiCredentialProviderFilter is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.435] [] OpsiCredentialProvider is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.436] [] LoginBlockerTimeoutConnect is 120 seconds
[1] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.437] [] opsi login blocker version initialized on Windows 10 (or above)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.437] [] opsi com started
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.437] [] Waiting for opsiclientd service to start
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.438] [] Service opsiclientd is running (SERVICE_RUNNING)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.438] [] Connected to opsiclientd pipe
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.439] [] Sending request: '{"id": 1, "method": "registerClient", "params": ["opsi-login-blocker",""]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.468] [] Opsi credential provider filter init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:44.952] [] Received response: '{"id": 1, "result": "client opsi-login-blocker/ registered", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:45.215] [] Received request: '{"id": 1, "method": "blockLogin", "params": [true]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:26:45.216] [] Sending response: '{"id": 1, "result": "blocking login", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:29:32.955] [] Received request: '{"id": 1, "method": "blockLogin", "params": [false]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:29:32.955] [] Sending response: '{"id": 1, "result": "not blocking login", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:29:33.742] [] Filtering providers blockLogin=false, loginTriggered=false, rebootTriggered=false, shutdownTriggered=false
[5] [2022-02-22 16:29:33.802] [] Opsi credential provider init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:29:33.817] [] Hiding our tile (setting pdwCount to 0)
[1] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.287] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[1] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.292] [] opsi login blocker version initializing on Windows 10 (or above) (credential provider filter)
[1] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.292] [] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.293] [] Getting config from registry
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.293] [] log level is: 5
[3] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.293] [] Failed to query registry key 80000002, subKey SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{d2028e19-82fe-44c6-ad64-51497c97a02a}, valueName LoginBlockerLogDir: 234
[3] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.293] [] Failed to get LoginBlockerLogDir value from registry, using default
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.294] [] OpsiCredentialProviderFilter is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.294] [] OpsiCredentialProvider is enabled
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.294] [] LoginBlockerTimeoutConnect is 120 seconds
[1] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.295] [] opsi login blocker version initialized on Windows 10 (or above)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.295] [] opsi com started
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.296] [] Waiting for opsiclientd service to start
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.296] [] Service opsiclientd is running (SERVICE_RUNNING)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.296] [] Connected to opsiclientd pipe
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.297] [] Sending request: '{"id": 1, "method": "registerClient", "params": ["opsi-login-blocker",""]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.315] [] Opsi credential provider filter init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:42.817] [] Received response: '{"id": 1, "result": "client opsi-login-blocker/ registered", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:43.344] [] Received request: '{"id": 1, "method": "blockLogin", "params": [false]}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:43.345] [] Sending response: '{"id": 1, "result": "not blocking login", "error": null}'
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:44.338] [] Filtering providers blockLogin=false, loginTriggered=false, rebootTriggered=false, shutdownTriggered=false
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:44.390] [] Opsi credential provider init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:31:44.400] [] Hiding our tile (setting pdwCount to 0)
[5] [2022-02-22 16:34:53.344] [] Opsi credential provider filter init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:34:53.345] [] Filtering providers blockLogin=false, loginTriggered=false, rebootTriggered=false, shutdownTriggered=false
[5] [2022-02-22 16:34:53.374] [] Opsi credential provider init
[5] [2022-02-22 16:34:53.381] [] Hiding our tile (setting pdwCount to 0)
Für euch wahrscheinlich ne Kleinigkeit :-)

Danke nochmal!
Viele Grüße,
Beiträge: 280
Registriert: 05 Aug 2011, 14:24

Re: Windows10-Upgrade 21H2 runOpsiScriptAsOpsiSetupUser Probleme

Beitrag von Valentino-46 »

Hi nochmal,

hier noch etwas gekürzt die aktuelle
"C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsiclientd\opsiclientd.conf"
Konfiguration von einem Client, der mit Loginblocker=on installiert wurde.

Hier sieht man noch einige schalter

Code: Alles auswählen

block_login = false
aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich die NICHT global auf "true" bekomme.
Ich weiß aber auch nicht, ob das meinem Setup helfen würde!? -> Das bin ich gerade noch am Testen.

Code: Alles auswählen

; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
; =     configuration file for opsiclientd                              =
; = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; -     global settings                                                 -
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# On every daemon startup the user login gets blocked
# If the gui starts up and no events are being processed the login gets unblocked
# If no gui startup is noticed after <wait_for_gui_timeout> the login gets unblocked
# Set to 0 to wait forever
wait_for_gui_timeout = 120

# Application to run while blocking login
block_login_notifier = "%global.base_dir%\\opsi-notifier.exe" -l 6 -s notifier\\block_login.ini

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; -     events                                                          -
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
; === Event configuration
# Block login while event is been executed (bool)
block_login = false
# Lock workstation on event occurrence (bool)
lock_workstation = false

super = default
type = gui startup
active = true
block_login = true
max_repetitions = 0
process_shutdown_requests = false
shutdown_warning_time = 46
name = gui_startup

shutdown_warning_time = 3600
block_login = false
active = true
process_shutdown_requests = false
name = gui_startup

use_cached_config = true
use_cached_products = true
action_user_cancelable = 3
action_warning_time = 60

active = true
name = gui_startup

super = default
type = custom
process_shutdown_requests = false
shutdown_user_cancelable = 1
shutdown_warning_repetition_time = 10000
shutdown_warning_time = 86400
name = on_demand

shutdown_warning_time = 86400
process_shutdown_requests = false
shutdown_user_cancelable = 1
shutdown_warning_repetition_time = 10000
name = on_demand

super = default
type = sw on demand
shutdown_warning_time = 0

super = default
type = template
process_actions = false
event_notifier_command = 
sync_config_to_server = true
sync_config_from_server = true
cache_products = true
cache_dynamic_bandwidth = true

super = sync
type = timer
active = false
interval = 3600

super = sync
type = custom
active = false
wql = SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 2 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_NetworkAdapter' AND TargetInstance.NetConnectionStatus = 2 AND PreviousInstance.NetConnectionStatus != 2

super = default
type = sync completed
event_notifier_command = 
process_actions = false
get_config_from_service = false
write_log_to_service = false

reboot = true
shutdown_user_cancelable = 10
shutdown_warning_time = 10800

reboot = true
shutdown_warning_time = 10800

super = default
type = user login
action_type = login
active = false
action_message = Starting to process user login actions.
action_message[de] = Beginne mit der Verarbeitung der Benutzer-Anmeldungs-Aktionen.
action_message[fr] = Traitement des actions à la connexion de l'utilisateur.
block_login = false
process_shutdown_requests = false
get_config_from_service = false
update_config_file = false
write_log_to_service = false
update_action_processor = true
event_notifier_command = %opsiclientd_notifier.command% -s notifier\\userlogin.ini
event_notifier_desktop = default
action_processor_command = %action_processor.command% /sessionid service_session /loginscripts /silent
action_processor_desktop = default
action_processor_timeout = 300

super = default
type = custom
active = false
max_repetitions = 0
action_user_cancelable = 999
action_warning_time = 46
name = on_shutdown

active = false
name = on_shutdown

super = default
type = custom
event_notifier_command = 
process_shutdown_requests = false
action_processor_command = %action_processor.command% /productlist %action_processor_productIds% /silent
action_processor_desktop = winlogon
action_processor_timeout = 300
action_processor_productids = 
name = silent_install

super = silent_install
type = timer
active = true
interval = 7246
action_processor_productids = swaudit_kk,swaudit,swaudit_loginventory
write_log_to_service = false

user_logged_in = true

config_cached = true
products_cached = true

user_logged_in = true
config_cached = true
products_cached = true

installation_pending = true
action_processor_command = %action_processor.command% /silent
event_notifier_command = 
name = on_demand_silent
process_shutdown_requests = false
super = on_demand
write_log_to_service = true
process_shutdown_requests = false
write_log_to_service = false
Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar!
