Good morning, I have recently installed the opsi server on Linux and I need to install software packages on a W11 client, not in domain.
when I run the "hwaudit" script from the webgui, the following message appears in the log:
(12640) [6] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Got response status=200, id='fb55454c-2ce2-4bd5-a28e-1eef2eabf1a0', method=user_getCredentials, Content-Type=application/msgpack, Content-Encoding=, duration=0.016s (
(12641) [5] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Mounting depot share smb://test/opsi_depot (
(12642) [6] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] JSONRPC request to https://test:4447: id='3fac7e6e-aafd-4478-9437-dacd030d2816', method=user_getCredentials, Content-Type=application/msgpack, Content-Encoding=lz4, timeout=300.0 (
(12643) [6] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Got response status=200, id='3fac7e6e-aafd-4478-9437-dacd030d2816', method=user_getCredentials, Content-Type=application/msgpack, Content-Encoding=, duration=0.000s (
(12644) [6] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Added depot 'test' to trusted domains (
(12645) [6] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Not an IP address 'test', using smb://test/opsi_depot for depot mount: 'test' does not appear to be an IPv4 or IPv6 address (
(12646) [5] [2024-08-29 15:13:44.938] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Mounting '\\test\opsi_depot' to 's:' (
(12647) [3] [2024-08-29 15:13:49.073] [event processing on_demand{user_logged_in}] Failed to mount '\\test\opsi_depot': (5, 'WNetAddConnection2', 'Accesso negato.') (
trying to connect the path, directly from the client, I can access the files in the repository.
Can you kindly help me?
Problem installing sw on client
- j.schneider
- uib-Team
- Beiträge: 1885
- Registriert: 29 Mai 2008, 15:14
Re: Problem installing sw on client
the opsi-client-agent uses the user “pcpatch” to mount the share.
It may be using the wrong password.
You can also try to log in manually via pcpatch with this password.
Jan Schneider
the opsi-client-agent uses the user “pcpatch” to mount the share.
It may be using the wrong password.
Code: Alles auswählen
opsiconfd setup --set-depot-user-password strong_password
Jan Schneider