Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Aug 2022, 12:52

Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von s.bredebach »

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich habe aktuell folgendes Problem, wir haben ein neues Paket bei Opsi installiert, welches auf den Pfad %ProgramFileDir%\MicroSIP MicroSIP installieren soll. Hingegen der Erwartung installiert er das Programm jedoch auf einen Pfad nach SysWOW64 und ich kann nicht nachvollziehen warum er dies tut.

Ich hänge hier mal das editierte Installationsskript an:

Code: Alles auswählen

requiredWinstVersion >= ""

DefVar $MsiId$
DefVar $UninstallProgram$
DefVar $LogDir$
DefVar $ProductId$
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $InstallDir$
DefVar $ExitCode$
DefVar $LicenseRequired$
DefVar $LicenseKey$
DefVar $LicensePool$
DefVar $displayName32$
DefVar $displayName64$
DefVar $oldProgFound$

DefStringlist $msilist$

Set $LogDir$ = "%opsiLogDir%"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; - Please edit the following values                             -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi
; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts,
; no white space use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$       = "microsip"
Set $MinimumSpace$    = "30 MB"
; the path were we find the product after the installation
Set $InstallDir$      = "%ProgramFilesDir%\MicroSIP"
;is a license required?
Set $LicenseRequired$ = "false"
Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
	LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
	isFatalError "No Space"
	; Stop process and set installation status to failed
	comment "Show product picture"
	ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$

	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.opsiscript")
		comment "Start uninstall sub section"
		Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.opsiscript"

	Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " ..."

	if $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
		comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key"

	comment "Start setup program"
	ChangeDirectory "%SCRIPTPATH%"

	comment "Copy files"


; Choose one of the following examples as basis for your installation
; You can use $LicenseKey$ var to pass a license key to the installer
; === Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ================================================================
 "%ScriptPath%\files1\MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe" /S

; === MSI package =======================================================================================
; You may use the parameter PIDKEY=$Licensekey$
; msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\some.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb-! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
; === InstallShield + MSI=====================================================================================
; Attention: The path to the log file should not contain any whitespaces
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /l* $LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt /qb-! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /qb-! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; === InstallShield =====================================================================================
; Create setup.iss answer file by running: setup.exe /r /f1"c:\setup.iss"
; You may use an answer file by the parameter /f1"c:\setup.iss"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /sms /f2"$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt"
; === Inno Setup ========================================================================================
; http://unattended.sourceforge.net/InnoSetup_Switches_ExitCodes.html
; You may create setup answer file by: setup.exe /SAVEINF="filename"
; You may use an answer file by the parameter /LOADINF="filename"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart /nocancel /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

; Example of recursively copying some files into the installation directory:
 copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files1\*.*" "c:\tmp\installation"

; Example of setting some values of an registry key:
; openkey [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\$ProductId$]
; set "name1" = "some string value"
; set "name2" = REG_DWORD:0001
; set "name3" = REG_BINARY:00 af 99 cd

; Example of deleting a folder from AllUsers startmenu:
; set_basefolder common_programs
; delete_subfolder $ProductId$
; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe in AllUsers startmenu:
; set_basefolder common_programs
; set_subfolder $ProductId$
; set_link
; 	name: $ProductId$
; 	target: <path to the program>
; 	parameters:
; 	working_dir: $InstallDir$
; 	icon_file:
; 	icon_index:
; end_link
; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe on AllUsers desktop:
; set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory
; set_subfolder ""
; set_link
; 	name: $ProductId$
; 	target: <path to the program>
; 	parameters: <some_param>
; 	working_dir: $InstallDir$
; 	icon_file: <path to icon file>
; 	icon_index: 2
; end_link

if opsiLicenseManagementEnabled
	comment "License management is enabled and will be used"

	comment "Trying to get a license key"
	Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ($LicensePool$)
	; If there is an assignment of exactly one licensepool to the product the following call is possible:
	; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", $ProductId$)
	; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use:
	; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$
	; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..."
	; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$)

	DefVar $ServiceErrorClass$
	set $ServiceErrorClass$ = getLastServiceErrorClass
	comment "Error class: " + $ServiceErrorClass$

	if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "None"
		comment "Everything fine, we got the license key '" + $LicenseKey$ + "'"
		if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseConfigurationError"
			LogError "Fatal: license configuration must be corrected"
			LogError getLastServiceErrorMessage
			if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseMissingError"
				LogError "Fatal: required license is not supplied"
	LogError "Fatal: license required, but license management not enabled"

comment "Test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368542.aspx
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
	comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
	comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
	if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
		comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT	1605	This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
		comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
		if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
			comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
			comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED	1641	The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
			if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
				comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
				comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED	3010	A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
				logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
Dazu hänge ich mal das instlog an:

Code: Alles auswählen

75)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip] ============ Version script "p:\microsip\setup.opsiscript"
(76)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip]              used script encoding: cp1252
(77)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip]              used system encoding: cp1252
(78)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip]              start: 2022-08-15  12:35:25
(79)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip]              installing product: microsip_3.21.2-1
(80)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.234] [microsip]              on client named    "domainname.de"
(81)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip]              loggedin user    "s.bredebach"
(82)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip]              opsi-script running as    "SYSTEM"
(83)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip]              opsi-script running with admin privileges
(84)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip]              opsi-script running in standard script mode
(85)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip] executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"
(86)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.235] [microsip] system infos:
(87)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.238] [microsip] F0-D5-BF-56-F5-BC  -  PC hardware address
(88)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.238] [microsip] mberg.laemmerzahl.de  -  IP name
(89)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.238] [microsip]  -  IP address
(90)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.238] [microsip] DEU  -  System default locale
(91)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.238] [microsip] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]  opened
(92)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.239] [microsip] Key closed
(93)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.239] [microsip] MS Windows 10.0 64 Bit, Release: 2009, Edition: PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL
(94)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.239] [microsip] opsi service version : 4
(95)      [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.239] [microsip] 
(96)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.240] [microsip] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
(97)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.240] [microsip] Key closed
(98)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.323] [microsip] opsi-script has version, required is : >=
(99)      [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.323] [microsip] ScriptErrorMessages was False is set to false
(100)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.324] [microsip] Set  $LogDir$ = "c:\opsi.org\log"
(101)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$LogDir$" is now: "c:\opsi.org\log"
(102)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip] Set  $ProductId$       = "microsip"
(103)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "microsip"
(104)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip] Set  $MinimumSpace$    = "30 MB"
(105)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$MinimumSpace$" is now: "30 MB"
(106)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip] Set  $InstallDir$      = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSIP"
(107)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$InstallDir$" is now: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSIP"
(108)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip] Set  $LicenseRequired$ = "false"
(109)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$LicenseRequired$" is now: "false"
(110)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.325] [microsip] Set  $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
(111)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip]   The value of the variable "$LicensePool$" is now: "p_microsip"
(112)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip] If
(113)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip]     Free on Disk C:: 59.339.567.104 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 30.000.000 bytes
(114)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$))   <<< result false
(115)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip] Then
(116)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip] Else
(117)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.326] [microsip]   comment: Show product picture
(118)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.351] [microsip]   If
(119)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.351] [microsip]       Starting query if file exists ...
(120)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.354] [microsip]     FileExists("p:\microsip\delsub.opsiscript")   <<< result true
(121)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.354] [microsip]   Then
(122)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.354] [microsip]     comment: Start uninstall sub section
(123)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.365] [microsip]     
(124)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.365] [microsip]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\microsip\delsub.opsiscript"
(125)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.366] [microsip]     message Check for existing installation of microsip ...
(126)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     comment: Start the Uninstall check:
(127)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     Set  $oldProgFound$ = "false"
(128)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]       The value of the variable "$oldProgFound$" is now: "false"
(129)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     If
(130)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]         Starting query if file exists ...
(131)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]       Not found: "C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroSIP\uninstall.exe":
(132)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]       fileexists($installdir$+"\uninstall.exe")   <<< result false
(133)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     Then
(134)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     EndIf
(135)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.371] [microsip]     If
(136)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       $oldProgFound$ = "true"   <<< result false
(137)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]     Then
(138)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       If
(139)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       Then
(140)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       Else
(141)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       EndIf
(142)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.372] [microsip]       If
(143)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]       Then
(144)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]       EndIf
(145)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]     EndIf
(146)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]     Section ending since next line is starting with "["
(147)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]     
(148)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\microsip\delsub.opsiscript"
(149)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]     
(150)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.373] [microsip]   EndIf
(151)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.375] [microsip]   message Installing microsip ...
(152)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.379] [microsip]   If
(153)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.379] [microsip]     $LicenseRequired$ = "true"   <<< result false
(154)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.379] [microsip]   Then
(155)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.379] [microsip]   EndIf
(156)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.382] [microsip]   comment: Start setup program
(157)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.385] [microsip]   Changed current directory to p:\microsip
(158)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.385] [microsip]   Execution of: Winbatch_install
(159)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.385] [microsip]   
(160)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.388] [microsip]     Call ""p:\microsip\files1\MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe" /S"
(161)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.388] [microsip]        Waiting until the called process is finished
(162)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.388] [microsip]     Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
(163)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:25.518] [microsip]     Started process "p:\microsip\files1\MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe" with Opt: /S
(164)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.264] [microsip]     ExitCode 0    Executed process ""p:\microsip\files1\MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe" /S"
(165)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   
(166)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
(167)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   comment: Test for installation success via exit code
(168)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
(169)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "0"
(170)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   If
(171)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result true
(172)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   Then
(173)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]     comment: Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero
(174)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]   Else
(175)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]     If
(176)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.276] [microsip]     Then
(177)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]     Else
(178)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]       If
(179)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]       Then
(180)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]       Else
(181)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]         If
(182)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.277] [microsip]         Then
(183)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]         Else
(184)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]         EndIf
(185)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]       EndIf
(186)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]     EndIf
(187)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]   EndIf
(188)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]   
(189)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
(190)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.278] [microsip]   
(191)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.280] [microsip]   comment: Copy files
(192)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.280] [microsip]   Execution of: Files_install
(193)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.280] [microsip]   
(194)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.285] [microsip]     Copying  p:\microsip\files1\*.* -----> c:\tmp\installation
(195)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.286] [microsip]       2 File(s) found
(196)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.468] [microsip]         copy: p:\microsip\files1\MicroSIP-Lite-3.21.2.exe copied to c:\tmp\installation\
(197)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.528] [microsip]         copy: p:\microsip\files1\MicroSIP.ini copied to c:\tmp\installation\
(198)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.534] [microsip]       2 File(s) treated
(199)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.546] [microsip]   Finished section: Files_install
(200)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.546] [microsip] EndIf
(201)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] ___________________
(202)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] script finished: success
(203)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] 0 errors
(204)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] 0 warnings
(205)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] 
(206)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] installed product: microsip Version: 3.21.2-1
(207)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.547] [microsip] 
(208)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.552] [microsip] SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\ssleay32.dll
(209)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.745] [microsip] JSON Bench for setProductActionRequest "params":["microsip","mberg.laemmerzahl.de","updat Start: 12:35:26:552 Time: 00:00:00:193
(210)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.745] [microsip] product microsip set to update
(211)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.746] [microsip] Update script name:
(212)     [1] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.746] [microsip] we have no update script
(213)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.746] [microsip] SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\ssleay32.dll
(214)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.828] [microsip] JSON Bench for productOnClient_updateObject "params":[{"clientId":"mberg.laemmerzahl.de","acti Start: 12:35:26:746 Time: 00:00:00:082
(215)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.828] [] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst]  opened
(216)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.828] []                 Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
(217)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.828] []                 Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\opsi.org\log\opsi-script.log"
(218)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.828] []                 Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
(219)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.829] []                 Variable "NumberOfErrors"  is keeping its value "0"
(220)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.832] []                 Key flushed
(221)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.832] []                 Key closed
(222)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.841] []                 SslLib should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\opsi.org\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\ssleay32.dll
(223)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.860] []                 JSON Bench for backend_getSystemConfiguration "params":[],"id":1} Start: 12:35:26:837 Time: 00:00:00:023
(224)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.860] []                 Checking if partlog: is bigger than 5 MB :.
(225)     [6] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.860] []                 Checking if partlog: c:\opsi.org\log\\opsi-script-part-2Okf1f1A2V.log is bigger than 5 MB - found: 0 MB
(226)     [5] [2022-08-15 12:35:26.860] [] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------
Wenn noch zusätzliche Informationen benötigt werden, fragt gerne danach.

Liebe Grüße
Beiträge: 439
Registriert: 08 Jul 2017, 12:02

Re: Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von Jan.Schmidt »


deine Überschrift ist irreführend ;-)

Weil du eine Variable Set $InstallDir$ = "%ProgramFilesDir%\MicroSIP" gesetzt hast und die dann nirgendwo benutzt installiert der installer mit /S dahin wo er mag.

Daher hol dir doch die portable Version von dem Dingens, baue deine Wunschordner und entpacke den portablen installer dahin, leg links autostartwhatever nach belieben dazu und fettich ist der Lack.
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Aug 2022, 12:52

Re: Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von s.bredebach »


sorry, das tut mir leid!
Ah verstehe, erklärt natürlich einiges. Wie müsste die Variable $InstallDir$ denn verwurschtelt werden, damit der Installer sie verwendet?
Das mit der Portableversion werde ich im Hinterkopf behalten, wenn es nicht funktioniert.
Beiträge: 439
Registriert: 08 Jul 2017, 12:02

Re: Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von Jan.Schmidt »


#1 finde heraus, welche Parameter dein Installer kennt
#2 baue ein skript darum herum
#3 teste es
#4 verteile es

Und wenn #1 nada null niente max /S kann, dann schau ob es eine portable Version gibt.

#0 wenn du Beispiele nutzt, werf alles was keine Miete zahlt raus.
Und wenn du sowas machst, veralberst du dich nur selber...

Code: Alles auswählen

	comment "Copy files"
Kopierst du oder installierst du ?
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Aug 2022, 12:52

Re: Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von s.bredebach »

Vielen Dank!

Ich habe nun die Portale Version nun genommen und das Skript darum herum gebaut. Dankeschön!
Beiträge: 1524
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: Opsi installiert Software nicht auf dem gewünschten Pfad

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

Some NSIS installers listen to the /D parameter. It always should be the last parameter, and don't use quotes for the path:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%ScriptPath%\files\Setup.exe" /S /D=$InstallDir$
But unfortunately it's a crapshoot, so you'll have to test if it understands this parameter.
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!