Actualisation pour opsi 4.2 dans stable et testing

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Actualisation pour opsi 4.2 dans stable et testing

Beitrag von otto »

Chers utilisateurs d'opsi,

nous publions des nouveaux paquets pour opsi 4.2 dans stable et testing. Des points essentiels dans cette version:

Les produits opsi-wim-capture et opsi-local-image-wim-capture vont comme hotfix dans la version dans testing et stable.
Ils contiennent une correction pour le problème que les images capturées ne se pouvaient plus se dérouler.

Dans l'opsi-linux-bootimage une erreur dans le contexte du login avec un mot de passe à usage unique.

Les paquets Netboot ubuntu, debian et opsi-local-image-restore ont reçu une nouvelle propriété: no_proxy. En usant cela on peut controler quels hosts ne devaient pas être appelés par proxy.

Mint 20-3 est soutenu par opsi 4.2.

Le comportement des paquets Netboot basés sur NT6 à été corrigé dans le contexte de l'utilisations de la propriété data_partition_preserve. En plus on a fait des changement dans la unattend.xml des paquets Netboot Windows 10 afin de prévenir un chiffrage Bitlocker automatique pendant l'installation.

opsi-client-agent, opsi-linux-client-agent et opsi-mac-client-agent corrigent un bug de la manutention des événements que peut mener à des problèmes pendant l'exécution de plusieurs événements (par exemple gui_startup et net_connection).

Le produit opsi-template n'est plus maintenu. Afin de créer un template actuel (pour Windows / Linux / Mac) veuillez utiliser l'opsi-setup-detector.

Les dépôts 4.1 ne sont plus maintenus, mais ils vont rester pour l'instant. On conseille tous les utilisateurs une actualisation à 4.2.

Paquets actualisés dans testing:

Windows Localboot:

* opsi-script
* opsi-winst
* opsi-wim-capture
* opsi-client-agent

Linux Localboot:

* opsi-script
* opsi-linux-client-agent

macOS Localboot:

* opsi-script
* opsi-mac-client-agent

opsi-local-image Localboot:

* opsi-local-image-wim-capture

Windows Netboot:

* windows
* opsi-vhd-win10-x64

Linux Netboot:

* debian
* ubuntu
* ucs44

opsi-local-image Netboot:

* opsi-local-image-windows
* opsi-local-image-restore

opsi serveur:

* opsi-utils
* opsiconfd
* opsi-linux-bootimage 20220117-2

Paquets actualisés dans stable:

Windows Localboot:

* opsi-script
* opsi-winst
* opsi-wim-capture

Linux Localboot:

* l-debuntu-upgrade

opsi-local-image Localboot:

* opsi-local-image-wim-capture
* opsi-vhd-pagefile 1.0.0-1

Linux Netboot:

* alma8
* centos70
* centos8
* redhat70
* redhat8
* rocky8
* opensusel15-2
* opensusel15-3
* sles12sp3
* sles12sp4
* sles12sp5
* sles15-1
* sles15-2
* sles15-3
* ubuntu18-04
* ubuntu20-04

opsi-local-image Netboot:

* opsi-local-image-prepare

opsi Server:

* opsi-utils
* opsiconfd
* opsi-linux-bootimage 20211214-1

Nils Dörrer


Code: Alles auswählen

opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

  * osparser: getMSVersionMap: remove double ReleaseID=
  * osparser: executeWith: AllSigned Hack: use:
        "Get-Content -Path '+ tempfilename +' | Out-String | Invoke-Expression"
  * osparser: new function getMSVersionName: string
  * oslinmount: replace getGeneralConfigValue by configState_getObjects
  * osprocesses: new isProcessChildOf(searchproc,parentproc: string): boolean;
  * new boolean opsi-script function: isProcessChildOf(<searchprocstr>, <parentprocstr>): bool;
    implemented for WLM
  * new opsi-script constant %opsiscriptprocname% represents the name of the
    just running opsi-script process (opsi-script.exe, opsi-script, opsi-script-gui)
    changes in opsiconf, osparser, opsiscript.lpr
  * write now component logs to subdir 'lastprodlogs'
  * osprocesses: isProcessChildOf also for win64
  * oswebservice: sendlog: fix boolean values for append at log_write
  * osfunclin: getProfilesDirListLin fix non standard lines from getent passwd
  * osparser: executewith: powershell: remove a trailing '-file' from programparas
  * osGUIcontrol: skindirectoryDevelopment = '../../../skin';
  * osGUIcontrol: Linux: skindirectoryCompatibility = '/opt/opsi-script/skin';

-- d.oertel <> Tue, 04 Jan 2022 15:00

opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

  * oszip: catch exceptions
  * osparser: fix callingsection parameter in call of SearchForSectionLines
    from producestringlist:getOutstreamFromSection / getReturnlistFromSection
  * powershell AllSigned Hack: type tmpfile | powershell -command -
    will be switched on automatically if AllSigned is detected.
    Additional parameters (to script or powershell) will be ignored in this case.
  * oslog: new property WriteComponentFile. if true a logfile for every component (product)
    is (re)written.
  * osconf: new config: (default=false)
  * oslog: changed histrory line to:
    'handled: <productid> Version: <versiion> Request: <request> Result: <result>
  * osparser: opsiservicecall: new line allowed: "timeout" : <int>
  * oswebservice: TOpsiMethodCall has now property timeout

-- d.oertel <> Wed, 15 Dec 2021 15:00

opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

  * osparser: more debug logs in getFileInfoMap
  * osparser: getFileInfoMap: catch exceptions
  * versionx: catch exceptions in GetString

-- d.oertel <> Fri, 03 Dec 2021 15:00


opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

  * powershell: AllSigned Hack in PowershellCall / execwith with loops
  * opsiservicecall test timeout command: give a message
  * new property processinfo
    tests for getprocesslist and processIsRunning moved from stringlist to here
  * test isProcessChildOf in processinfo
  * test getMSVersionName in stringtest
  * varasparam: fixes for waitforprocessending at macos
  * execwith: powershell: testing removing trailing -file parameter

-- detlef oertel <>  Tue,  04 Jan 2022 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

  * powershell: AllSigned Hack in PowershellCall / execwith
  * varasparam: AllSigned Hack in PowershellCall / execwith
  * subsub getoutstreamfromsection
  * opsiservicecall test timeout command

-- detlef oertel <>  Wed,  22 Dec 2021 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

  * files unzip to profiles
  * todo
  * DefVar / DefStringlist with initialization
  * set <stringlist> = <json type stringlist literal>
  * files section: unzip create target dir
    * new void function ImportCertToSystem(<cert file name>)
    * Linux: waitforpackagelock
    * standalone test for: GetProductProperty:
      if no service context, tries to find property in %scriptpah%/properties.conf

-- detlef oertel <>  Fri,  19 Nov 2021 15:00:00 +0200


opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

  * remove DefaultPassword var from Winlogon in Registry before sysprep

-- detlef oertel <>  Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

  * remove experimental changes from
  * setup: shareusername: default to <server>\pcpatch
  * capture.xml: comment on: SkipRearm=1, PersistAllDeviceInstalls=true, DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices=true
  * capture: unmount shares
  * capture: remove adding flag after using dism
  * capture: dism use /CheckIntegrity
  * force_imagex default now = false
  * check opsi service version
  * call updateWIMConfig if opsi service version >= 4.2

-- detlef oertel <>  Mon, 06 Dec 2021 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

  * experimental: setup.opsiscript: sub_deactivate_opsi-client-agent:
    stop opsiclientd service
    del opsiclientd.exe
    del opsiclientd.conf

-- detlef oertel <>  Fri, 03 Dec 2021 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

  * setup.opsiscript: Enhanced error message on missing PE partition
  * setup.opsiscript: fix in removing opsiclientd.exe
  * setup.opsiscript: Enhanced error message on tiledatamodelsvc

-- detlef oertel <>  Tue, 23 Nov 2021 15:00:00 +0000


opsi-vhd-pagefile (1.0.0-1) stable; urgency=medium

  * renamed from configure-vhd-pagefile

-- d.oertel <> Tue, 23 Nov 2021 15:00 +0200

configure-vhd-pagefile (1.0.0-1) stable; urgency=medium

  * initial by opsi-setup-detector - Version:
  * Creates for a opsi-vhd-win10-x64 a pagefile on drive d:

-- d.oertel <> Di, 05 Okt 2021 16:52:54 +0200


alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * Corrected EPEL repo installation

 -- Terry Strooband <> Tue Dec  7 12:16:49 2021 +0200

alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * Added UEFI firmware settings to intermediate grub menu
  * Fix installation of opsi-linux-client-agent with minimal installation ISOs

 -- Terry Strooband <> Sat Dec  4 03:22:45 2021 +0200

alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:48 2021 +0200

alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * Removed unneeded variable from

 -- Terry Strooband <> Tue Nov 16 12:49:06 2021 +0200

alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * Split kernel_boot_options, the kernel_boot_options_installer property is only for options for the installer.
  * Installation from nfs should also use the signed linux/initrd.
  * Default packages in kickstart file can now be changed via a productproperty.
  * Added productproperty to select custom partition scheme.
  * Changed method of not installing opsi-client-agent, if productproperty is set to false.
  * Packages needed for opsi-client-agent are now in
  * Added wget as requirement for opsi-client-agent
  * Moved opsi-client-agent installation to

 -- Terry Strooband <> Fri Nov 05 18:30:00 2021 +0100

alma8/centos8/redhat8/centos70/redhat70 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


debian ( testing; urgency=low

  * added no_proxy property

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue 21 Dec 14:25:00 2021 +0200

debian ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected path to opsi-linux-client-agent.log

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Oct 28 08:44:00 2021 +0200


debian9/10/11 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:48 2021 +0200

debian9/10/11 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


mint20-1/2 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:48 2021 +0200

mint20-1/2 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


sles12sp3/4/5 ( testing; urgency=low

  * autoyast xml: added LTSS repository

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Wed Dec 08 13:14:00 2021 +0200

sles12sp3/4/5 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:48 2021 +0200

sles12sp3/4/5 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


sles15-1/2/3 ( testing; urgency=low

  * setting final-reboot to false to stabilize olca installation

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Dec 01 10:10:48 2021 +0200

sles15-1/2/3 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:49 2021 +0200

sles15-1/2/3 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


ubuntu ( testing; urgency=low

  * added no_proxy property

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue 21 Dec 14:25:00 2021 +0200

ubuntu ( testing; urgency=low

  * using nosplash on focal release to prevent blackscreen

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Nov 11 12:04:00 2021 +0200

ubuntu ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected path to opsi-linux-client-agent.log

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Oct 28 08:44:00 2021 +0200


ubuntu18-04/20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * fixed keymap when using different locale

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue, Nov 30 14:40:00 2021 +0200

ubuntu18-04/20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:49 2021 +0200

ubuntu18-04/20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


ucs44 ( testing; urgency=low

  * fixed error when installing linux-client-agent

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Dec 21 12:32:00 2021 +0200

ucs44 ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed preseed/post installation command to adapt to other clientconfig.configserver.urls

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Nov 16 15:34:49 2021 +0200

ucs44 ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected configserver ip address patching

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon Oct 25 12:27:33 2021 +0200


l-debunut-upgrade ( stable; urgency=low

 * patchung security repo when upgrading from buster to bullseye

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu, 07 Oct 2021 11:11:00 +0200

l-debunut-upgrade ( stable; urgency=low

  * quitting of target OS version is current OS version

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu, 30 Sep 2021 14:00:00 +0200
l-debunut-upgrade ( stable; urgency=low

  * fixed possible error with confnew/confdev when upgrading to bullseye

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:32:00 +0200

l-debuntu-upgrade ( stable; urgency=low

  * buster to bullseye upgrade added

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu, 09 Sep 2021 14:15:00 +0200


windows ( testing; urgency=low

  * corrected behaviour when using data_partition_preserve
  * modified unattend.xml to prevent device encryption on installation

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Wed Jan 12 13:39:37 2022 +0200

windows ( testing; urgency=low

  * changed property values for system_keyboard_locale and winpe_inputlocale

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Dec  9 14:26:58 2021 +0200


opsi-local-image-prepare ( stable; urgency=low

  * add capture products to start_os_installation
  * remove win7 and win81 from start_os_installation

-- detlef oertel <>  Wed, 23 Jun 2018 15:00:00 +0200


opsi-linux-bootimage (20210117-2) testing; urgency=low

  * run-master: corrected behaviour when using backend_getLicensingInfo

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:22:00 +0200

opsi-linux-bootimage (20220117-1) testing; urgency=low

  * run-master: using backend_getLicensingInfo for new modular licneses
  * kernel 5.15.15

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Mon, 17 Jan 2022 12:17:00 +0200

opsi-local-image-restore ( stable; urgency=low

  * remove deleteAllEntriesFromEFIBootmgr('opsitempwinpe')
    (at least until we are able to recreate it in windows)

-- detlef oertel <>  Tue, 18 Jan 2022 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-local-image-restore ( testing; urgency=low

  * added no_proxy property

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Dec 21 14:25:00 2021 +0200


mint20-3 ( testing; urgency=low

  * initial release

 -- Mathias Radtke <> Tue Jan 18 11:34:48 2021 +0200


 opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Dependency to opsi-script >=
  * Improved uninstallation script
  * Updated oca-installation-helper to (powershell allsigned change, adapted proxy handling)
  * Improved installation in wim-capture-kontext (not setting installed packages to setup)
  * Connectivity check during setup
  * Updated opsiclientd to

-- Nils Doerrer <> Thu, 06 Jan 2022 16:30:00 +0100

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Reverted powershell fix
  * Updated opsiclientd to

-- Nils Doerrer <> Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:00:00 +0100

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Update opsi-login-blocker to
  * Update opsiclientd to (event handling fix)
  * Update oca-installation-helper to (windows 7 tempdir fix)
  * Allsigned compatible powershell calls
  * Fixed allow_reboot in case of very old previous opsi-client-agent version

-- Jan Schneider <> Tue, 21 Dec 2021 14:30:00 +0100

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Update oca-installation-helper to (minor logging fix)

-- Nils Doerrer <> Mon, 16 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0100

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Rotate instlog during os installation
  * Update opsiclientd to (event handling fix)
  * Update oca-installation-helper to (proxy handling fix)
  * Fixed uninstall (Registry access by sysnative)
  * Update opsi-script to (FileVersionInfo fix)

-- Jan Schneider <> Mon, 15 Dec 2021 11:24:00 +0100


opsi-linux-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Adjust to opsi-windows-client-agent
  * Remove unused update_mac_address_on_normal_setup
  * Updated opsiclientd to
  * Updated opsi-script to
  * Updated oca-isntallation-helper to

-- Jan Schneider <> Mon, 06 Jan 2022 14:40:00 +0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Update opsiclientd to (event handling fix)
  * Simplified dependency installation for RPM-based linux

-- Nils Doerrer <> Mon, 20 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Update oca-installation-helper to (minor logging fix)

-- Nils Doerrer <> Thu, 16 Dec 2021 12:00:00 +0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=low

  * Update opsiclientd to
    - fix: notifier handling on gui_startup
    - fix: event cancellation denied in case of reboot during installation
  * Update opsi-script to
  * Update oca-installation-helper to

-- Nils Doerrer <> Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:30:00 +0100


opsi-mac-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

  * Adjust to opsi-windows-client-agent
  * Updated opsiclientd to
  * Updated opsi-script to
  * Updated oca-isntallation-helper to

-- Jan Schneider <> Mon, 06 Jan 2022 14:40:00 +0100

opsi-mac-client-agent ( testing; urgency=low

  * Update opsiclientd to
    - fix: notifier handling on gui_startup
    - fix: event cancellation denied in case of reboot during installation
  * Update opsi-script to
  * Update oca-installation-helper to
  * Update opsi-notifier to

-- Nils Doerrer <> Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:30:00 +0100

opsi-mac-client-agent ( testing; urgency=low

  * updated opsiclientd (reworked event-handling, minor fixes)
  * updated oca-installation-helper
  * updated opsi-script
  * updated opsi-deploy-client-agent (isolated from opsicommon python module)

-- Nils Doerrer <> Thu, 18 Nov 2021 17:30:00 +0100