reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 09 Mär 2016, 14:36

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von kor »

Mit DosBatch hat es leider auch nicht funktioniert.
Kam ein weiterer Exitcode 1 und gelöscht war der Schlüssel auch nicht.

Code hab ich diesmal mit angehängt.

Code: Alles auswählen

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (
; This sourcecode is owned by uib
; and published under the Terms of the General Public License.
; credits:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

; SETUPTYPE      msi
; SETUPFILE      XXX.msi
; LICENSE        false     
; PRODUCTVER     x.x.x
; SETUPSCRIPT    setup.opsiscript
; UNINSSCRIPT    uninstall.opsiscript
; MSIID          {XXXXX}
; USE-MST        
; INSTALLDIR     (not used)
; TIMESTAMP      05.02.2016 8:40:34

requiredWinstVersion >= ""
ScriptErrorMessages = false

DefVar $SetupType$
DefVar $ProductId$ 
DefVar $Setupfile$ 
DefVar $InstallDir$
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $ExitCode$
DefVar $ErrorMsg$
DefVar $LicenseRequired$
DefVar $LicenseKey$
DefVar $LicensePool$
DefVar $MsiId$
DefVar $NsisInstallBatch$
DefVar $LogDir$

Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp"

include_append "%ScriptPath%\check_msi_exitcode.opsiscript"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
Set $SetupType$       = "msi"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; $ProductId$ is the name of the product in opsi, only lower letters, no umlauts, no white spaces, use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$       = "XXX"
Set $Setupfile$       = "XXX.msi"
Set $InstallDir$      = "(not used)"
Set $LicenseRequired$ = "false"
Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
Set $MsiId$           = "{XXXXX}"
Set $MinimumSpace$    = "100 MB"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
   LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
   isFatalError "No Space"
   ; Stop process and set installation status to failed
   comment "Show product picture"
   ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$
   if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.opsiscript")
      comment "Start uninstall sub section"
      Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.opsiscript"
   Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " ..."
   if $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
      comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key"
   comment "Start setup program"
   ChangeDirectory "%SCRIPTPATH%"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; install section
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\XXX.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress

reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\^*\shell\XXX /f

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
if opsiLicenseManagementEnabled
   comment "License management is enabled and will be used"

   comment "Trying to get a license key"
   Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ($LicensePool$)
   ; If there is an assignment of exactly one licensepool to the product the following call is possible:
   ; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", $ProductId$)
   ; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use:
   ; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$
   ; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..."
   ; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$)

   DefVar $ServiceErrorClass$
   set $ServiceErrorClass$ = getLastServiceErrorClass
   comment "Error class: " + $ServiceErrorClass$
   if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "None"
      comment "Everything fine, we got the license key '" + $LicenseKey$ + "'"
      if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseConfigurationError"
         LogError "Fatal: license configuration must be corrected"
         LogError getLastServiceErrorMessage
         if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseMissingError"
            LogError "Fatal: required license is not supplied"
   LogError "Fatal: license required, but license management not enabled"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

Hier auch mal der passende Auschnitt aus dem Log.

Code: Alles auswählen

Execution of Winbatch_install_msi
(341)     [6] [Mrz 14 13:59:11:731] [XXX]     Call "msiexec /i "p:\...\XXX.msi" /l* "C:\tmp\XXX.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
(342)     [6] [Mrz 14 13:59:11:731] [XXX]        Waiting until the called process is finished
(343)     [6] [Mrz 14 13:59:11:732] [XXX]     Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
(344)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:06:825] [XXX]     ExitCode 0    Executed process "msiexec /i "p:\...\XXX.msi" /l* "C:\tmp\XXX.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
(345)     [5] [Mrz 14 14:00:06:828] [XXX]     
(346)     [5] [Mrz 14 14:00:06:828] [XXX]     DosBatch_regedit
(347)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:06:831] [XXX]       c:\\tmp\_opsiscript_Ny44Tt67.cmd saved back
(348)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:06:831] [XXX]       Executing "cmd.exe" /C c:\\tmp\_opsiscript_Ny44Tt67.cmd
(349)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:07:704] [XXX]       ExitCode 1
(350)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:07:707] [XXX]       Delete "c:\\tmp\_opsiscript_*"
(351)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:07:707] [XXX]         Search "c:\\tmp\"
(352)     [6] [Mrz 14 14:00:07:707] [XXX]         Search "c:\\tmp\_opsiscript_*"
Beiträge: 650
Registriert: 21 Feb 2012, 12:03
Wohnort: Mainz

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von uncle_scrooge »

Nach befragen meiner Glaskugel gehen ich davon aus daß Dein dontmentionitsname-Setup den Schlüssel erst erzeugt, den Du später wieder löschen möchtest.
Ist er zum Zeitpunkt, an dem Dein DOSBatch anläuft überhaupt schon da?
Ein fröhliches reg query könnte da Aufschluß bringen.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 09 Mär 2016, 14:36

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von kor »

Kannte den Befehl bis jetzt nicht. Werde es sofort testen und mich dann nochmal melden.
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 09 Mär 2016, 14:36

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von kor »

Werde mich morgen nochmal melden, schaffe es momentan nicht den Inhalt ausgegeben zu bekommen.
Beiträge: 288
Registriert: 20 Aug 2012, 09:35

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von holgerv »

kor hat geschrieben:Anmerkung: der Schlüssel ist nicht unter HKLM sondern unter HKCU
Wessen HKCU? Das des angemeldeten Users, oder das von "SYSTEM"?
Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 09 Mär 2016, 14:36

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von kor »

Vom angemeldeten User, aber als SYSTEM-User finde ich weder den in HKCR, noch den in HKCU.

Also ich kann nun bestätigen, dass der Schlüssel den ich Löschen will über OPSi nicht zu sehen ist.

reg query HKCR\*\shell > C:\dummy.txt

Scheint kein OPSI-Problem zu sein, sondern eher ein Windows-Problem, aber vielen Dank für die Hilfe.
Beiträge: 1939
Registriert: 28 Mai 2008, 10:53

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von ueluekmen »


ich verstehe das nicht ganz, aber als ich den Thread gelesen habe, kam mir folgende Punkte:

HKCU ist ja nur virtuell auf einen anderen Key, wenn sich ein User einloggt, dass heißt jeder User sieht einen anderen HKCU und SYSTEM ist eine absolute Sonderrolle in Windows. Wenn ich HKCU sehe, fällt mir nur /AllNTUserDats ein, Weiterhin ist der Schalter Sysnative zu empfehlen, da es sich bestimmt um ein 64bit System handelt. Ansonsten sieht man nur die Reflektion. Das mit dem 64bit ist übrigends auch für DosBatch wichtig, da man sich ansonsten auch nur von der Reflektion blenden lässt.

Sorry, wenn es nicht hilft, aber vielleicht hilft es ja doch ;)

PS.: Wenn es wirklich beim * liegt, würden wir das gerne prüfen. Deshalb wäre ein Feedback zu der Sache nett.
opsi support - uib gmbh
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 1524
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

ueluekmen hat geschrieben:HKCU ist ja nur virtuell auf einen anderen Key, wenn sich ein User einloggt, dass heißt jeder User sieht einen anderen HKCU und SYSTEM ist eine absolute Sonderrolle in Windows. Wenn ich HKCU sehe, fällt mir nur /AllNTUserDats ein, Weiterhin ist der Schalter Sysnative zu empfehlen, da es sich bestimmt um ein 64bit System handelt. Ansonsten sieht man nur die Reflektion. Das mit dem 64bit ist übrigends auch für DosBatch wichtig, da man sich ansonsten auch nur von der Reflektion blenden lässt.
I think I have the answer. I am trying to set a few values in HKCU\Software\Classes, and somehow the changes do not stick.

As an example:

Code: Alles auswählen

openkey [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML]
set "" = "Firefox HTML Document"
set "FriendlyTypeName" = "Firefox HTML Document"
set "EditFlags" = REG_DWORD:00000002
Yes, this is run with /AllNTUserDats. Check the logfile, OPSI only loads NTUser.dat
However, the HKCU\Software\Classes are in a different file!
Those settings are in %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat for NT5 and in %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat for NT6.
And if OPSI is never opening those files to change them, it isn't very strange the changes never get through, now isn't it?

Code: Alles auswählen

[5] [Apr 13 15:15:53:548] [mozilla-firefox]     Branch: Administrator
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]     "C:\Users\Administrator\NTUser.dat" loaded.
[5] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]       
[5] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]       Execution of Registry_install_AllProfiles
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.htm]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.htm deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.html]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.html deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:564] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.shtml]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.shtml deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xht]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xht deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtm]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtm deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtml]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtml deleted
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:565] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]           Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.htm]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:566] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.html]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.shtml]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xht]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtm]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:567] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\.xhtml]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "Firefox HTML Document"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "FriendlyTypeName"  set to "Firefox HTML Document"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "EditFlags"  set to "00000002"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:568] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML\DefaultIcon]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe",1"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to "open"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:569] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell\open\command]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:571] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:571] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:571] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell\open\ddeexec]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:571] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable ""  set to "Firefox URL"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "FriendlyTypeName"  set to "Firefox URL"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "URL Protocol"  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:572] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "EditFlags"  set to "00000002"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL\DefaultIcon]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe",1"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL\shell]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to "open"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:573] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL\shell\open\command]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:575] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:575] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:575] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\FirefoxURL\shell\open\ddeexec]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "URL Protocol"  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "EditFlags"  set to "00000002"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:576] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp\DefaultIcon]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe",1"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp\shell]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to "open"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:577] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp\shell\open\command]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\ftp\shell\open\ddeexec]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "URL Protocol"  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "EditFlags"  set to "00000002"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http\DefaultIcon]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe",1"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:580] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http\shell]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:581] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to "open"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:581] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:581] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http\shell\open\command]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\http\shell\open\ddeexec]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "URL Protocol"  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]               Variable "EditFlags"  set to "00000002"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]               Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]               Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https\DefaultIcon]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe",1"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https\shell]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable ""  set to "open"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:584] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:585] [mozilla-firefox]                 Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https\shell\open\command]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Classes\https\shell\open\ddeexec]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Variable ""  set to ""
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                     Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.htm\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.html\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:588] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.shtml\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.xht\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.xhtml\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxHTML"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\ftp\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxURL"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:589] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\http\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxURL"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\UrlAssociations\https\UserChoice]  created
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Variable "Progid"  set to "FirefoxURL"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                         Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Mozilla\Firefox\Crash Reporter]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                 Variable "SubmitCrashReport"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                 Key closed
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                   Info: Registry key [HKEY_USERS\PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu]   could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx,  Errorno 2 "The system cannot find the file specified.<"
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                   Registry key [HKEY_USERS\]  opened
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                   Info: key "PatchNTUserdatTempUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu" not found 
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:590] [mozilla-firefox]                   Key closed
[5] [Apr 13 15:15:53:945] [mozilla-firefox]     
[5] [Apr 13 15:15:53:945] [mozilla-firefox]     Branch: t.gebruiker
[6] [Apr 13 15:15:53:959] [mozilla-firefox]     "C:\Users\t.gebruiker\NTUser.dat" loaded.
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!
Beiträge: 1524
Registriert: 22 Jun 2012, 19:18

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von SisterOfMercy »

Can anybody from opsi confirm this?
Bitte schreiben Sie Deutsch, when I'm responding in the German-speaking part of the forum!
Beiträge: 3319
Registriert: 04 Jun 2008, 14:27

Re: reg delete oder deletekey mit einem * im Pfad

Beitrag von d.oertel »

Hi Sister of Mercy,

even I did not try to confirm it right now, it sounds very plausible.
So I opened an internal Ticket for this issue.

Thanks for the hint and the investigation.

detlef oertel
opsi support - uib gmbh

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