Installation von Firefox

Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Jul 2011, 11:42

Installation von Firefox

Beitrag von anonymous1000 »

Hallo ich möchte gerne den Browser Firefox 5.0.1 auf meinen Clients installieren, jedoch ist es mír ein bischen unklar wie ich das WinstScripts verändern muss. Ich denke das ich die Pfadangaben falsch angebe, aber finde die richtige Lösung nicht. Für Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.

-Mein OPSI Server läuft auf Ubuntu 10.04.

-Meine Fehlermeldung: "c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe" konnte nicht gefunden werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Namen richtig eingegeben haben und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.

-Meine instlog:

Code: Alles auswählen

[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:53] opsi-winst started at 15.07.2011 11:36:50
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:53] JSON service request getDepotId
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:53] JSON service request backend_setOptions
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:53] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : opsi-client-agent=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : opsi-client-agent=installed
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : firefox=setup
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : firefox=unknown
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : hwaudit=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : hwaudit=installed
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : opsi-winst=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : opsi-winst=installed
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : coreldraw12=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : coreldraw12=unknown
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : 7zip=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : 7zip=installed
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] action entry : swaudit=none
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] state entry : swaudit=installed
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : opsi-client-agent
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : firefox
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : hwaudit
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : opsi-winst
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : coreldraw12
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : 7zip
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product : swaudit
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product sequence calculated by opsi-server
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Computername:ddenk-pc.domain.local
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Computername according to Environment Variable :DDENK-PC
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] opsi service URL
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Depot path:  p:\
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] bootmode from registry: BKSTD
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] bootmode BKSTD
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Resolved sequence of products (15.07.2011 11:36:54): 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Product 1 	firefox : setup
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] JSON service request getProductProperties_hash
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] JSON service request getProduct_hash
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : firefox
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] scriptname: "firefox.ins", special path: "p:\firefox\"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] ============ Version WIN32 script "p:\firefox\firefox.ins"
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]              start: 2011-07-15  11:36:54 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]              on client named    "ddenk-pc.domain.local"
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]              user account    "SYSTEM"
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] [executing: "C:\Program Files\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"]
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] system infos:
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 08:00:27:0B:BC:28  -  PC hardware address
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] ddenk-PC  -  IP name 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]  -  IP address
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] DEU  -  System default locale 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] opsi service version : 4
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Key closed
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Warning: depricated: <LogLevel=> please use <setLogLevel=> 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] LogLevel was 6
[1] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] LogLevel set to 6
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $TEMP$ = EnvVar("TEMP")
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$TEMP$" is now: "C:\Windows\TEMP"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $PRODUCTPATH$="C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$PRODUCTPATH$" is now: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $InstallDir$=$PRODUCTPATH$
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$InstallDir$" is now: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $NewExe$= $PRODUCTPATH$+"\firefox.exe"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$NewExe$" is now: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $ProductId$ = "firefox"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "firefox"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Set  $OS$ = GetNTVersion
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   The value of the variable "$OS$" is now: "Windows Vista"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]     Free on Disk C:: 30.720.495.616 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 100.000.000 bytes
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   HasMinimumSpace ("C:", "100 MB")   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", "100 MB"))   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54] Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:54]   comment: show product picture
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   comment: what is the name of the Application Data Dir ?
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$AppData$" is now: "\Anwendungsdaten"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $InterestingFile$ = "C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$InterestingFile$" is now: "C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $FileInfo$ = getFileInfoMap($InterestingFile$)
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       retrieving strings from getFileInfoMap [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $language$ = getValue("language name 0", $FileInfo$ )
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       retrieving strings from $FileInfo$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$language$" is now: "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     $language$ = "Deutsch (Deutschland)"   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Set  $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       The value of the variable "$AppData$" is now: "\Anwendungsdaten"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     GetNTVersion = "Windows Vista"   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Set  $AppData$ = "\AppData\Roaming"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       The value of the variable "$AppData$" is now: "\AppData\Roaming"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Key closed
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$MozVersion$" is now: "5.0.1 (de)"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $MozInstallPathRegKey$ = "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\"+$MozVersion$+"\Main]"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$MozInstallPathRegKey$" is now: "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\5.0.1 (de)\Main]"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $MozInstallDir$ = GetRegistryStringValue ($MozInstallPathRegKey$+" Install Directory")
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\5.0.1 (de)\Main]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Key closed
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$MozInstallDir$" is now: "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     FileExists("p:\firefox\delsub.ins")   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     comment: start uninstall
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  sub "p:\firefox\delsub.ins"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     message Deinstalling firefox ...
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Nothing to stop, no instances of "firefox.exe" found
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       $MozVersion$=""   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       not ($MozVersion$="")   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\helper.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\Uninst.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\Uninst.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\UninstallFirefox.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\UninstallFirefox.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           "C:\Windows\UninstallFirefox.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         FileExists("C:\Windows\UninstallFirefox.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Execution of Registry_delete_current_version
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             Variable "CurrentVersion"  had value  "5.0.1 (de)"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             Info:    "CurrentVersion"  changed to ""
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             Key closed
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         $MozInstallDir$ = ""   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         not ($MozInstallDir$ = "")   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         Execution of Files_copy_deinstall
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]           Delete recursively "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             Search "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]               Search "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]               File "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\shortcuts_log.ini"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]                 The file has been deleted
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]               File "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\uninstall.log"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]                 The file has been deleted
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]               Directory "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall" deleted
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             File "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\install.log"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]               The file has been deleted
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]             Directory "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" deleted
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     EndIf
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Section ending since next line is starting with "["
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  sub "p:\firefox\delsub.ins"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   comment: Message at install time:
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   comment: kill a running firefox
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "firefox.exe" found
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   comment: check for depotshare
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   If
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     FileExists("p:\firefox")   <<< result true
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     not (FileExists("p:\firefox"))   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   EndIf
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   comment: start setup program
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $FIREFOXVER$ = "FirefoxSetup5.0.1"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$FIREFOXVER$" is now: "FirefoxSetup5.0.1"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Set  $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     The value of the variable "$SilentSwitch$" is now: "-ms"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Execution of Files_copy_local
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Copying  p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -----> c:\tmp
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       1 File(s) found
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       Source p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         Info: Target c:\tmp\setup.exe exists and shall be overwritten
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]         p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe copied to c:\tmp\
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]       1 File(s) treated
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]   Execution of Winbatch_firefox
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:55]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:56]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:56]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:56]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:57]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:57]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:58]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:58]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:58]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe -retrying
[4] [15.07.2011 11:36:59]     Warning: file not found :c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe - giving up
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:59]     Call ""c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe" -ms"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:36:59]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[3] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     Error: "c:\tmp\FirefoxSetup5.0.1\setup.exe" -ms .... ShellExecute Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  sub_check_exitcode
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   comment: test for installation success via exit code
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "-1"
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     comment: Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: -1
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       $ExitCode$ = "1605"   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       ($ExitCode$ = "1605")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]     Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         $ExitCode$ = "1641"   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         ($ExitCode$ = "1641")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]       Else
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         If
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]           $ExitCode$ = "3010"   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]           ($ExitCode$ = "3010")   <<< result false
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         Then
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]         Else
[3] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]           Error: Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: -1
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]           Error level set to fatal
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]           Process aborted
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  sub_check_exitcode
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   Process aborted
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] ___________________
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] script finished
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] 2 errors
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] 1 warning
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] installed Produkt: firefox Version: 5.0.1-2
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] opsi service version: 4
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] 
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] Delete "c:\tmp\_winstbat_*"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]   Search "c:\tmp\"
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] get Update script name ...
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] Update script name: 
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] Update script name: 
[5] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] no script file name given
[1] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] we have no update script
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\tmp\instlog.txt"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Variable "NumberOfErrors"  not found. Code: 2
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Key flushed
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Key closed
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [15.07.2011 11:37:24]                 Key closed
und das von mir angepasste WinstScript:

Code: Alles auswählen

;  Log Errors in Logfile but don't abort:
; Show syntax errors in the script:
; Dont trace step by step through the script:
; let started programs run in front of the winst window

DefVar $ProductId$
DefVar $InstallDir$
DefVar $NewExe$
DefStringList $profiles$
DefVar $akt_profile_ini$
DefVar $rel_prefs_path$
DefVar $akt_prefs_path$
DefVar $TEMP$
DefVar $OS$
DefVar $UninstallCommand$
DefVar $MozInstallDir$
DefVar $MozVersion$
DefVar $MozInstallPathRegKey$
DefStringList $languageInfo$
DefVar $language$
DefVar $AppData$
DefVar $SilentSwitch$
DefVar $ExitCode$

Set $TEMP$ = EnvVar("TEMP")
Set $PRODUCTPATH$="%ProgramFilesDir%\Mozilla Firefox"
set $InstallDir$=$PRODUCTPATH$
set $NewExe$= $PRODUCTPATH$+"\firefox.exe"
set $ProductId$ = "firefox"
set $OS$ = GetNTVersion

if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%", "100 MB"))
	LogError "Nicht gengend Platz auf C: . 100 MB auf C: fuer Firefox erforderlich."
	comment "Bearbeitung beenden und Produktschalter auf failed setzen"
	comment "show product picture"
	ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\firefox.png" "Firefox"

	comment "what is the name of the Application Data Dir ?"
	set $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
	DefVar $InterestingFile$
	set $InterestingFile$ = "%system%\kernel32.dll"
	DefStringList $FileInfo$
	set $FileInfo$ = getFileInfoMap($InterestingFile$)
	set $language$ = getValue("language name 0", $FileInfo$ )

	if $language$ = "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
		set $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
		if $language$ = "English (United States)"
			set $AppData$ = "\Application Data"
			comment "Name of Application Data Dir here not defined for "+$language$

	if GetNTVersion = "Windows Vista"
		set $AppData$ = "\AppData\Roaming"

	set $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")
	set $MozInstallPathRegKey$ = "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\"+$MozVersion$+"\Main]"
	set $MozInstallDir$ = GetRegistryStringValue ($MozInstallPathRegKey$+" Install Directory")

	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins")
		comment "start uninstall"
		sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"

	comment "Message at install time:"
	Message=Installing Firefox...
	comment "kill a running firefox"
	killtask "firefox.exe"

	comment "check for depotshare"
	if not (FileExists("%SCRIPTPATH%"))
	comment "start setup program"

;	if (IniVar ("firefox3-version") = "3.0.x")
;		set $FIREFOXVER$ = "Firefox Setup 3.0.19.exe"
;		set $SilentSwitch$ = "/S"
;	else 
;		if (IniVar ("firefox3-version") = "3.5.x")
;			set $FIREFOXVER$ = "Firefox Setup 3.5.9.exe"
;			set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"
;		else
;			if (IniVar ("firefox3-version") = "3.6.x")
;				set $FIREFOXVER$ = "Firefox Setup 3.6.3.exe"
;				set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"
;			else
;				logError "Unhandled firefox version: " + IniVar("firefox3-version")
;				isFatalError
;      			endif
;		endif
;	endif
        set $FIREFOXVER$ = "FirefoxSetup5.0.1"
        set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"


;	set $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")
;	comment "if failed - try again"
;	if ($MozVersion$="")
;		Winbatch_firefox
;	endif
;	set $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")

	comment "kill a running firefox"
	killtask "firefox.exe"

	if not(FileExists($NewExe$))
		logError "Fatal: After Installation "+$NewExe$+" not found"

	comment "del temporary files"

	comment "now we do the customizing"
	comment "should we patch user.js or prefs.js ?"
	set $PREF_FILE$ = IniVar("pref_file")
	set $PREF_FILE$ = $PREF_FILE$+".js"

	if (IniVar("NoAutoUpdate") = "on") or ((IniVar("SetProxy") = "off") or not(IniVar("SetProxy") = ""))
		comment "there is something to customize"
		comment "now we patch the default profiles"
		if (IniVar("NoAutoUpdate") = "on")
			PatchTextFile_profile_noautoupdate $PRODUCTPATH$+"\defaults\profile\"+$PREF_FILE$
		if not(((IniVar("SetProxy") = "off") or (IniVar("SetProxy") = "")))
			set $NOPROXY_HOSTS$ = IniVar("noproxy_hosts")
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "direct")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_direct $PRODUCTPATH$+"\defaults\profile\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "manual")
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = IniVar("Proxysetting")
				set $PROXY_PORT$           = takeString(1,splitString($PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$,":"))
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = takeString(0,splitString($PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$,":"))
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_manual $PRODUCTPATH$+"\defaults\profile\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "file")
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = IniVar("Proxysetting")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_file $PRODUCTPATH$+"\defaults\profile\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "automatic")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_automatic $PRODUCTPATH$+"\defaults\profile\"+$PREF_FILE$
		comment "now we patch the existing user profiles"
		comment "get user directories via dosbatch dir command"
		Set $profiles$ = getOutStreamFromSection ('dosbatch_profiledir')
		comment "loop over the result"
		for $x$ in $profiles$ do sub_patch_prefs_file
		comment "there is nothing to customize"

	comment "custom specific stuff"
	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\custom_ins_dir\custom.ins")
		sub "%ScriptPath%\custom_ins_dir\custom.ins"

copy -x "%SCRIPTPATH%\$FIREFOXVER$\setup.exe" c:\tmp
;copy -x "%SCRIPTPATH%\setup.exe" c:\tmp

delete -f "c:\tmp\$FIREFOXVER$"

; see
"c:\tmp\$FIREFOXVER$\setup.exe" $SilentSwitch$
;"c:\tmp\setup.exe" $SilentSwitch$

@echo off
dir "%ProfileDir%" /b

Set $akt_profile_ini$ = "%ProfileDir%\"+"$x$"+$AppData$+"\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini"
if FileExists($akt_profile_ini$)
	Set $rel_prefs_path$ = GetIni ($akt_profile_ini$ [Profile0] Path)
	Set $akt_prefs_path$ = "%ProfileDir%\"+"$x$"+$AppData$+"\Mozilla\Firefox\"+$rel_prefs_path$
	if FileExists($akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$)
		if (IniVar("NoAutoUpdate") = "on")
			PatchTextFile_profile_noautoupdate $akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$
		if not(((IniVar("SetProxy") = "off") or (IniVar("SetProxy") = "")))
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "direct")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_direct $akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "manual")
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = IniVar("Proxysetting")
				set $PROXY_PORT$           = takeString(1,splitString($PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$,":"))
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = takeString(0,splitString($PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$,":"))
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_manual $akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "file")
				set $PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$ = IniVar("Proxysetting")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_file $akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$
			if (IniVar("SetProxy") = "automatic")
				PatchTextFile_profile_proxy_automatic $akt_prefs_path$+"\"+$PREF_FILE$

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("app.update.enabled", false)

net use
if exist "%SCRIPTPATH%\." goto READY
if %TIMEOUT% == 1111111111111111 goto READY
sleep 1
net use
goto TRY

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.type", 0)

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.type", 4)

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.type", 1)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.ftp", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.ftp_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.gopher", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.gopher_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.socks", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.socks_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.ssl", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.backup.ssl_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.ftp", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.ftp_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.gopher", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.gopher_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.socks", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.socks_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.http", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.http_port", $PROXY_PORT$)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "$NOPROXY_HOSTS$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.share_proxy_settings", true)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.ssl", "$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.ssl_port", $PROXY_PORT$)

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.type", 2)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "file:///$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")

comment "test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
	comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
	comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: "+$ExitCode$
	if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
		comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT	1605	This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
		comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
		if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
			comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
			comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED	1641	The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
			if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
				comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
				comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED	3010	A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
				logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: "+$ExitCode$
PS: Hab die OPSI manuels schon durchgeschaut ;)
Beiträge: 31
Registriert: 30 Okt 2009, 14:28

Re: Installation von Firefox

Beitrag von s.ehlers »

Hallo anonymoues1000,

bei der Anpassung ist die Setup.exe-Datei "verloren" gegangen.

; set $FIREFOXVER$ = "Firefox Setup 3.6.3.exe"
; set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"

Angepasstes Skript

set $FIREFOXVER$ = "FirefoxSetup5.0.1"
set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"

Hier müsste die "Firefox Setup 5.0.1.exe" stehen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
S. Ehlers
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Jul 2011, 11:42

Re: Installation von Firefox

Beitrag von anonymous1000 »


hab das jetzt mal umgeändert hat aber leider noch nicht zum Erfolg geführt ;)
Allerdings wird auf dem Client schon mal eine Verknüpfung zu Firefox erstellt, diese findet jedoch die firefox.exe nicht.
Nur um das klar zustellen, die FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe ist ein Verzeichniss in dem sich 2 weitere Ordner befinden: core und win32 und ausserdem eine setup.exe. Im Ordner core befindet sich ausserdem eine firefox.exe.

Die Fehlermeldung: Error: Fatal: After Installation C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe not found

Dabei schreibt er doch die firefox.exe nach Mozilla Firefox oder?
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Execution of Files_copy_local
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Copying p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe -----> c:\tmp
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 1 File(s) found
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Source p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Info: Target c:\tmp\setup.exe exists and shall be overwritten
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe copied to c:\tmp\
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 1 File(s) treated
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] path C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox created
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Copying p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe -----> C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 1 File(s) found
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Source p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe copied to C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 1 File(s) treated


Code: Alles auswählen

[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:12] opsi-winst started at 18.07.2011 15:03:10
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:12] JSON service request getDepotId
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] JSON service request backend_setOptions
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] action entry : opsi-client-agent=none
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] state entry : opsi-client-agent=installed
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] action entry : firefox=setup
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] state entry : firefox=unknown
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] action entry : opsi-winst=none
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] state entry : opsi-winst=installed
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Product : opsi-client-agent
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Product : firefox
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Product : opsi-winst
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Product sequence calculated by opsi-server
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Computername:pc01.domain.local
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Computername according to Environment Variable :PC01
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] opsi service URL
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Depot path:  p:\
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] 
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] bootmode from registry: BKSTD
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] bootmode BKSTD
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Resolved sequence of products (18.07.2011 15:03:13): 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] Product 1 	firefox : setup
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] JSON service request getProductProperties_hash
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:13] JSON service request getProduct_hash
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : firefox
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] scriptname: "firefox.ins", special path: "p:\firefox\"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] ============ Version WIN32 script "p:\firefox\firefox.ins"
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]              start: 2011-07-18  15:03:14 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]              on client named    "pc01.domain.local"
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]              user account    "pcpatch"
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] [executing: "C:\Programme\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"]
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] system infos:
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 08:00:27:21:71:FB  -  PC hardware address
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] pc01  -  IP name 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]  -  IP address
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] DEU  -  System default locale 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] opsi service version : 4
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Key closed
[4] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Warning: depricated: <LogLevel=> please use <setLogLevel=> 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] LogLevel was 6
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] LogLevel set to 6
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $TEMP$ = EnvVar("TEMP")
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$TEMP$" is now: "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $PRODUCTPATH$="C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$PRODUCTPATH$" is now: "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $InstallDir$=$PRODUCTPATH$
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$InstallDir$" is now: "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $NewExe$= $PRODUCTPATH$+"\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$NewExe$" is now: "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $ProductId$ = "firefox"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "firefox"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Set  $OS$ = GetNTVersion
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   The value of the variable "$OS$" is now: "WinXP"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Free on Disk C:: 8.974.172.160 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 100.000.000 bytes
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   HasMinimumSpace ("C:", "100 MB")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", "100 MB"))   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14] Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: show product picture
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: what is the name of the Application Data Dir ?
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$AppData$" is now: "\Anwendungsdaten"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $InterestingFile$ = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$InterestingFile$" is now: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $FileInfo$ = getFileInfoMap($InterestingFile$)
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       retrieving strings from getFileInfoMap [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $language$ = getValue("language name 0", $FileInfo$ )
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       retrieving strings from $FileInfo$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$language$" is now: "Deutsch (Deutschland)"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     $language$ = "Deutsch (Deutschland)"   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Set  $AppData$ = "\Anwendungsdaten"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       The value of the variable "$AppData$" is now: "\Anwendungsdaten"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     GetNTVersion = "Windows Vista"   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Key closed
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$MozVersion$" is now: "3.6.18 (de)"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $MozInstallPathRegKey$ = "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\"+$MozVersion$+"\Main]"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$MozInstallPathRegKey$" is now: "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\3.6.18 (de)\Main]"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $MozInstallDir$ = GetRegistryStringValue ($MozInstallPathRegKey$+" Install Directory")
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox\3.6.18 (de)\Main]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Key closed
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$MozInstallDir$" is now: "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     FileExists("p:\firefox\delsub.ins")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     comment: start uninstall
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  sub "p:\firefox\delsub.ins"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     message Deinstalling firefox ...
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Nothing to stop, no instances of "firefox.exe" found
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       $MozVersion$=""   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       not ($MozVersion$="")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\helper.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\Uninst.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\Uninst.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\UninstallFirefox.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         FileExists(""+$MozInstallDir$+"\uninstall\UninstallFirefox.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           "C:\WINDOWS\UninstallFirefox.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         FileExists("C:\WINDOWS\UninstallFirefox.exe")   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Execution of Registry_delete_current_version
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         Registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             Variable "CurrentVersion"  had value  "3.6.18 (de)"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             Info:    "CurrentVersion"  changed to ""
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             Key closed
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         $MozInstallDir$ = ""   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         not ($MozInstallDir$ = "")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         Execution of Files_copy_deinstall
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]           Delete recursively "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             Search "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]               Search "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]               File "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\shortcuts_log.ini"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]                 The file has been deleted
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]               File "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\uninstall.log"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]                 The file has been deleted
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]               Directory "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall" deleted
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             File "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\install.log"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]               The file has been deleted
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]             Directory "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox" deleted
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     EndIf
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Section ending since next line is starting with "["
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  sub "p:\firefox\delsub.ins"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: Message at install time:
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: kill a running firefox
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "firefox.exe" found
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: check for depotshare
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     FileExists("p:\firefox")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     not (FileExists("p:\firefox"))   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   comment: start setup program
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $FIREFOXVER$ = "FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$FIREFOXVER$" is now: "FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Set  $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     The value of the variable "$SilentSwitch$" is now: "-ms"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Execution of Files_copy_local
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Copying  p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe -----> c:\tmp
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       1 File(s) found
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Source p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         Info: Target c:\tmp\setup.exe exists and shall be overwritten
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\setup.exe copied to c:\tmp\
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       1 File(s) treated
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         path C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox created
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Copying  p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe -----> C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       1 File(s) found
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       Source p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]         p:\firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe\core\firefox.exe copied to C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]       1 File(s) treated
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]   Execution of Winbatch_firefox
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]     Call ""c:\tmp\setup.exe" -ms"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:14]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     ExitCode 0    Executed process ""c:\tmp\setup.exe" -ms"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  sub_check_exitcode
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   comment: test for installation success via exit code
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "0"
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     comment: looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         If
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         Then
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         Else
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]         EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     EndIf
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   EndIf
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  sub_check_exitcode
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   comment: kill a running firefox
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Nothing to stop, no instances of "firefox.exe" found
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   If
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       Starting query if file exist ...
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]       "C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe": File Error 2 (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden)
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     FileExists($NewExe$)   <<< result false
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     not(FileExists($NewExe$))   <<< result true
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Then
[3] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     Error: Fatal: After Installation C:\Programme\Mozilla Firefox\FirefoxSetup5.0.1.exe not found
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     Error level set to fatal
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]     Process aborted
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] ___________________
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] script finished
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] 1 error
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] 1 warning
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] installed Produkt: firefox Version: 5.0.1-2
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] opsi service version: 4
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] 
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] Delete "c:\tmp\_winstbat_*"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]   Search "c:\tmp\"
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] get Update script name ...
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] Update script name: 
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] Update script name: 
[5] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] no script file name given
[1] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] we have no update script
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\tmp\instlog.txt"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Variable "NumberOfErrors"  not found. Code: 2
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Key flushed
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Key closed
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [18.07.2011 15:03:15]                 Key closed
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 15 Jul 2011, 11:42

Re: Installation von Firefox

Beitrag von anonymous1000 »

also jetzt funktionierts ;)
Man sollte die Firefox.exe halt gepackt lassen :D
Für alle die noch am rum probieren sind, hier meine firefox.ins

Code: Alles auswählen

;  Log Errors in Logfile but don't abort:
; Show syntax errors in the script:
; Dont trace step by step through the script:
; let started programs run in front of the winst window

DefVar $ProductId$
DefVar $InstallDir$
DefVar $NewExe$
DefStringList $profiles$
DefVar $akt_profile_ini$
DefVar $rel_prefs_path$
DefVar $akt_prefs_path$
DefVar $TEMP$
DefVar $OS$
DefVar $UninstallCommand$
DefVar $MozInstallDir$
DefVar $MozVersion$
DefVar $MozInstallPathRegKey$
DefStringList $languageInfo$
DefVar $language$
DefVar $AppData$
DefVar $SilentSwitch$
DefVar $ExitCode$

Set $TEMP$ = EnvVar("TEMP")
Set $PRODUCTPATH$="%ProgramFilesDir%\Mozilla Firefox"
set $InstallDir$=$PRODUCTPATH$
set $NewExe$= $PRODUCTPATH$+"\"
set $ProductId$ = "firefox"
set $OS$ = GetNTVersion

if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%", "100 MB"))
	LogError "Nicht gengend Platz auf C: . 100 MB auf C: fuer Firefox erforderlich."
	comment "Bearbeitung beenden und Produktschalter auf failed setzen"
	comment "show product picture"
	ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\firefox.png" "Firefox"

	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins")
		comment "start uninstall"
		sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"

	comment "Message at install time:"
	Message=Installing Firefox...
	comment "kill a running firefox"
	killtask "firefox.exe"

	comment "check for depotshare"
	if not (FileExists("%SCRIPTPATH%"))
	comment "start setup program"

        set $FIREFOXVER$ = "Firefox Setup 5.0.1.exe"
        set $SilentSwitch$ = "-ms"


;	set $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")
;	comment "if failed - try again"
;	if ($MozVersion$="")
;		Winbatch_firefox
;	endif
;	set $MozVersion$ = GetRegistryStringValue ("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mozilla\Mozilla Firefox] CurrentVersion")

	comment "kill a running firefox"
	killtask "firefox.exe"

	if not(FileExists($NewExe$))
		logError "Fatal: After Installation "+$NewExe$+" not found"

	comment "del temporary files"


copy -x "%SCRIPTPATH%\$FIREFOXVER$" c:\tmp

delete -f "c:\tmp\$FIREFOXVER$"

; see
"c:\tmp\$FIREFOXVER$" $SilentSwitch$

@echo off
dir "%ProfileDir%" /b

net use
if exist "%SCRIPTPATH%\." goto READY
if %TIMEOUT% == 1111111111111111 goto READY
sleep 1
net use
goto TRY

Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.type", 2)
Set_Netscape_User_Pref ("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "file:///$PROXY_HOSTNAME_OR_IP$")

comment "test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
	comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
	comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: "+$ExitCode$
	if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
		comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT	1605	This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
		comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
		if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
			comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
			comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED	1641	The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
			if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
				comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
				comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED	3010	A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
				logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: "+$ExitCode$