opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 09 Mai 2017, 13:04

opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von NikoBS »

Hallo liebe OPSI-Gemeinde,
ich versuche schon seit Tagen opsi-wim-capture zum Laufen zu bekommen.
Allerdings bricht er stetig mit Fehlermeldung ab :(
Ich wäre euch für Hilfe sehr dankbar.

Meine Konfiguration:
DELL Optiplex 3050 (SSD als Festplatte)

Win10-x64 Propertys (Netboot-Produkt):

opsi-wim-capture Propertys:

Fehlermeldung im Log:
(235) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:34:278] [opsi-wim-capture] comment: handle Rebootflag
(236) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:34:278] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $WinstRegKey$ = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst\opsi-wim-capture"
(237) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:34:278] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$WinstRegKey$" is now: "HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst\opsi-wim-capture"
(238) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:34:279] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $nowstr$ = takeString(0,shellCall("k:\opsi-wim-capture\nowasdoublestr.exe"))
(239) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:34:279] [opsi-wim-capture] Executing "C:\WINDOWS\\cmd64.exe" /C "k:\opsi-wim-capture\nowasdoublestr.exe"
(240) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:586] [opsi-wim-capture] ExitCode 0
(241) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:586] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from shellCall [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(242) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:586] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)42864.537
(243) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:586] [opsi-wim-capture]
(244) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:586] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$nowstr$" is now: "42864.537"
(245) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:587] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $rebootnowstr$ = GetRegistryStringValue32("["+$WinstRegKey$+"] "+"RebootFlag")
(246) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:588] [opsi-wim-capture] Registry started readonly
(247) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:588] [opsi-wim-capture] Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
(248) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Info: Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\opsi.org\winst\opsi-wim-capture] could not be opened by RegOpenKeyEx, Errorno 2 "Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.<"
(249) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$rebootnowstr$" is now: ""
(250) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $RebootFlag$ = ""
(251) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$RebootFlag$" is now: ""
(252) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(253) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] "" = $rebootnowstr$ <<< result true
(254) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] not ("" = $rebootnowstr$) <<< result false
(255) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(256) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(257) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(258) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(259) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(260) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(261) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(262) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(263) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] comment: get product properties ...
(264) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $force_imagex$ = GetProductProperty("force_imagex","true")
(265) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$force_imagex$" is now: "True"
(266) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $startcapture$ = GetProductProperty("startcapture","true")
(267) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$startcapture$" is now: "True"
(268) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:589] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $always_backup_before_sysprep$ = GetProductProperty("always_backup_before_sysprep","true")
(269) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$always_backup_before_sysprep$" is now: "True"
(270) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $abort_on_no_backup$ = GetProductProperty("abort_on_no_backup","true")
(271) [4] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Property not existing in GetProductProperty - using default
(272) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$abort_on_no_backup$" is now: "true"
(273) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $clonezilla_imagefile_org$ = GetProductProperty("clonezilla_imagefile","auto")
(274) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$clonezilla_imagefile_org$" is now: "auto"
(275) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $target_product$ = getProductProperty("target_product","")
(276) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$target_product$" is now: "win10-x64-captured"
(277) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $verify_clonezilla_images$ = getProductProperty("verify_clonezilla_images","never")
(278) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$verify_clonezilla_images$" is now: "never"
(279) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:590] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $imagename$ = getProductProperty("imagename","capture")
(280) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$imagename$" is now: "capture"
(281) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(282) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] lower($clonezilla_imagefile_org$) = "auto" <<< result true
(283) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] $clonezilla_imagefile_org$ = "" <<< result false
(284) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] ($clonezilla_imagefile_org$ = "") <<< result false
(285) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] (lower($clonezilla_imagefile_org$) = "auto") or ($clonezilla_imagefile_org$ = "") <<< result true
(286) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(287) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $clonezilla_imagefile$ = "lke-002.test"+$target_product$+"_"+$imagename$
(288) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$clonezilla_imagefile$" is now: "lke-002.test_win10-x64-captured_capture"
(289) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Else
(290) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(291) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(292) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Else
(293) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(294) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(295) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(296) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] runningOnUefi <<< result false
(297) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:591] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(298) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] Else
(299) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $useGpt$ = "false"
(300) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$useGpt$" is now: "false"
(301) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(302) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(303) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] $always_backup_before_sysprep$ ="true" <<< result true
(304) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] ($always_backup_before_sysprep$ ="true" ) <<< result true
(305) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(306) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(307) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] $RebootFlag$ = "1" <<< result false
(308) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] not ($RebootFlag$ = "1") <<< result true
(309) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(310) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] comment: Part before first Reboot
(311) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:592] [opsi-wim-capture] message Check for WinPE Partition ....
(312) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $diskpartscript$ = "c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt"
(313) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$diskpartscript$" is now: "c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt"
(314) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $diskpartlist$ = emptylist($diskpartlist$)
(315) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $diskpartlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(316) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(317) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from emptylist [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(318) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(319) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $diskpartlist$ = addtolist($diskpartlist$,"select disk 0")
(320) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $diskpartlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(321) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(322) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from addtolist [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(323) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(324) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(325) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $diskpartlist$ = addtolist($diskpartlist$,"list partition")
(326) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $diskpartlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(327) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(328) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(329) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from addtolist [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(330) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(331) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)list partition
(332) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(333) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $diskpartlist$ = addtolist($diskpartlist$,"exit")
(334) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $diskpartlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(335) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(336) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)list partition
(337) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(338) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from addtolist [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(339) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(340) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)list partition
(341) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 2)exit
(342) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture]
(343) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:594] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(344) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $diskpartlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(345) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)select disk 0
(346) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)list partition
(347) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 2)exit
(348) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture]
(349) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:595] [opsi-wim-capture] Save to file with encoding: system
(350) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt saved back with encoding: system
(351) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] saveTextFile($diskpartlist$, $diskpartscript$) <<< result true
(352) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] not (saveTextFile($diskpartlist$, $diskpartscript$)) <<< result false
(353) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(354) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(355) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:596] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $resultlist$ = GetOutStreamFromSection("ShellInAnIcon_diskpart winst /sysnative")
(356) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:597] [opsi-wim-capture]
(357) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:35:597] [opsi-wim-capture] ShellInAnIcon_diskpart
(358) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:35:597] [opsi-wim-capture] Save to file with encoding: system
(359) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:598] [opsi-wim-capture] c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_Yj61Mb12.cmd saved back with encoding: system
(360) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:35:598] [opsi-wim-capture] Executing "C:\WINDOWS\\cmd64.exe" /C c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_Yj61Mb12.cmd
(361) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture] ExitCode 0
(362) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture]
(363) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture] output:
(364) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture] --------------
(365) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture]
(366) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture] C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart /s "c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt"
(367) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture]
(368) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture] Microsoft DiskPart-Version 10.0.15063.0
(369) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:805] [opsi-wim-capture]
(370) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
(371) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Auf Computer: LKE-002
(372) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture]
(373) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Datenträger 0 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
(374) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture]
(375) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Partition ### Typ Größe Offset
(376) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] ------------- ---------------- ------- -------
(377) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Partition 1 Primär 233 GB 1024 KB
(378) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Partition 2 Wiederherstellun 450 MB 233 GB
(379) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Partition 3 OEM 4000 MB 234 GB
(380) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture]
(381) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] Datenträgerpartitionierung wird beendet...
(382) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture]
(383) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture] C:\WINDOWS\system32>exit 0
(384) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:806] [opsi-wim-capture]
(385) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] The file: c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_Yj61Mb12.cmd has been deleted
(386) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] Delete "c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_*"
(387) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] Search "c:\opsi.org\tmp\"
(388) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] Search "c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_*"
(389) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] File "c:\opsi.org\tmp\_opsiscript_Nq24Fl59.cmd"
(390) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] The file is 1 day(s) old, no deletion
(391) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:807] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from GetOutStreamFromSection [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(392) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)
(393) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart /s "c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt"
(394) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 2)
(395) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 3)Microsoft DiskPart-Version 10.0.15063.0
(396) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 4)
(397) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 5)Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
(398) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 6)Auf Computer: LKE-002
(399) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 7)
(400) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 8)Datenträger 0 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
(401) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 9)
(402) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 10) Partition ### Typ Größe Offset
(403) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 11) ------------- ---------------- ------- -------
(404) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 12) Partition 1 Primär 233 GB 1024 KB
(405) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 13) Partition 2 Wiederherstellun 450 MB 233 GB
(406) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 14) Partition 3 OEM 4000 MB 234 GB
(407) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 15)
(408) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 16)Datenträgerpartitionierung wird beendet...
(409) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 17)
(410) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 18)C:\WINDOWS\system32>exit 0
(411) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture]
(412) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] Set $exitcode$ = getLastExitcode
(413) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] The value of the variable "$exitcode$" is now: "0"
(414) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(415) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] $exitcode$ = "0" <<< result true
(416) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] not ($exitcode$ = "0") <<< result false
(417) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(418) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] EndIf
(419) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] If
(420) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] retrieving strings from $resultlist$ [switch to loglevel 7 for debugging]
(421) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 0)
(422) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 1)C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart /s "c:\opsi.org\tmp\check_winpe.txt"
(423) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 2)
(424) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 3)Microsoft DiskPart-Version 10.0.15063.0
(425) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 4)
(426) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 5)Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.
(427) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 6)Auf Computer: LKE-002
(428) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 7)
(429) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 8)Datenträger 0 ist jetzt der gewählte Datenträger.
(430) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 9)
(431) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 10) Partition ### Typ Größe Offset
(432) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 11) ------------- ---------------- ------- -------
(433) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 12) Partition 1 Primär 233 GB 1024 KB
(434) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:808] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 13) Partition 2 Wiederherstellun 450 MB 233 GB
(435) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 14) Partition 3 OEM 4000 MB 234 GB
(436) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 15)
(437) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 16)Datenträgerpartitionierung wird beendet...
(438) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 17)
(439) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] (string 18)C:\WINDOWS\system32>exit 0
(440) [7] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture]
(441) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] "" = takeFirstStringContaining($resultlist$, "Partition 2 OEM") <<< result true
(442) [6] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Then
(443) [3] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected. Install Windows with Property: preserve_winpe_partition=true
(444) [2] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Error level set to fatal
(445) [5] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Process aborted
(446) [1] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] ___________________
(447) [1] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] script finished: success
(448) [1] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] 1 error
(449) [1] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] 1 warning
Hat Jemand eine Idee?

Liebe Grüße
Beiträge: 3194
Registriert: 04 Apr 2013, 12:15

Re: opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von n.wenselowski »

Bitte log lesen:
(443) [3] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected. Install Windows with Property: preserve_winpe_partition=true

Code: Alles auswählen

import OPSI
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 09 Mai 2017, 13:04

Re: opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von NikoBS »

Guten Morgen!
Bitte log lesen:

(443) [3] [Mai 09 12:53:36:809] [opsi-wim-capture] Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected. Install Windows with Property: preserve_winpe_partition=true
Ich hatte ein Bild angehängt (welches jetzt nicht mehr angezeigt wird?), worauf man die Propertys für die Windows-Installation sehen kann.
Darauf sieht man, dass ich die Option preserve_winpe_partition auf true steht.
Ich habe nun den Fehler ausmachen können:
Wenn man das Windows 10 Creators Update installiert hat, dann bricht opsi-wim-capture mit der Fehlermeldung ab, dass er die WinPE nicht findet.
Es hat auch nichts mit dem unserer Rechnerkonfiguration zu tun, da der Fehler bei einer VirtualBox-Installation genauso auftritt.
Genutzt habe ich die neusten Version des WAIK (Windows ADK für Windows 10, Version 1703) für die Erstellung der WinPE.
Gibt es schon eine Lösung für das Problem?
Beiträge: 3194
Registriert: 04 Apr 2013, 12:15

Re: opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von n.wenselowski »

NikoBS hat geschrieben:Wenn man das Windows 10 Creators Update installiert hat, dann bricht opsi-wim-capture mit der Fehlermeldung ab, dass er die WinPE nicht findet.
Es hat auch nichts mit dem unserer Rechnerkonfiguration zu tun, da der Fehler bei einer VirtualBox-Installation genauso auftritt.
Genutzt habe ich die neusten Version des WAIK (Windows ADK für Windows 10, Version 1703) für die Erstellung der WinPE.
Gibt es schon eine Lösung für das Problem?
Hmm... mein faules Ich denkt gerade daran einfach eine Windows-Version zu deployen, welche das Update bereits beinhaltet.
Aber ansonsten: nein.

Den Fehler können wir wie folgt reproduzieren:
* Client mit Win 10, ohne Creators Update
* Installieren des Creators Update
* Versuchen den Rechner zu capturen

Fehlt da noch irgendwas?
Falls nicht, würde ich das mal so an die Kollegen weitergeben.



Code: Alles auswählen

import OPSI
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 09 Mai 2017, 13:04

Re: opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von NikoBS »

Das passt soweit.
Gibt es schon neue Erkenntnisse?
Beiträge: 3194
Registriert: 04 Apr 2013, 12:15

Re: opsi-wim-capture Fehler: Error: No WinPE Partition found as expected

Beitrag von n.wenselowski »


sorry für die späte Antwort.
Ich bin gerade erst die Foren-Posts der restlichen Monate am nachholen.

Der Fehler ist in der aktuellen Version von opsi-wim-capture noch vorhanden?



Code: Alles auswählen

import OPSI