Anlegen neuer Clients schlägt fehl

Beiträge: 102
Registriert: 16 Mär 2009, 11:00

Anlegen neuer Clients schlägt fehl

Beitrag von Der-Matze »

Hallo zusammen,
gestern habe ich versucht auf einem neuen, dem Server noch unbekannten Client den Preloginloader per setup.cmd zu installieren.
Das Setup läuft auch durch, ohne eine Fehlermeldung anzuzeigen.
Nach dem Neustart des Clients meldet der Preloginloader allerdings den Fehler HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized.
Das Anlegen des Clients per Configed schlägt ebenfalls fehl, dort aber mit der Fehlermeldung Response 500 Internal Server Error {"error":"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'","id":1,"result":null}. Die gleiche Fehlermeldung bekomme ich auch wenn ich per opsi-admin -d method createClient xpXXX .intern versuche den Client auf der Shell anzulegen.
Das Löschen bestehender Clients per Configed schlägt ebenfalls fehlt, allerdings erscheint keine Fehlermeldung. Der Client bleibt einfach in der Liste.
Clients, die dem Server bereits bekannt sind booten weiter fleißig und installieren auch ihre Pakete wie gewohnt.

Folgendes habe ich schon versucht:
Reinstall aller Opsi-Pakete auf dem Server - erfolgreich
opsi-admin -d createServer lxopsi xxx.intern - erfolgreich
opsi-admin -t task setPcpatchPassword - erfolgreich
Samba Passwort für pcpatch neu gesetzt - erfolgreich
preloginloader Paket neu installiert - erfolgreich

Nichts davon hat geholfen.
In /var/lib/opsi/config/clients wird keine .ini Datei für den Client erzeugt.
In /etc/opsi/pckeys wird kein Eintrag für den Client erzeugt. Dementsprechend meldet die locked.cfg in C:\Programme\\preloginloader\cfg

Code: Alles auswählen

pckey={"message":"Cannot find opsiHostKey for host 'xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern' in file '/etc/opsi/pckeys'","class":"BackendMissingDataError"}
Opsi Version: 3.4
Winst Version
Preloginloader Version 3.4.27
Configed Version 1.4.04

dpkg -l | grep opsi meldet folgende Versionen
ii opsi-atftpd 0.7.dfsg-1.4 advanced TFTP server - opsi version with pcr
ii opsi-configed 1.4.04-1 OPSI config editor
ii opsi-depotserver 3.4-1 server fuer das Softwareverteilungssystem OP
ii opsi-linux-bootimage 20090827-1 Linux-Bootimage fuer das Softwareverteilungs
ii opsi-utils 3.4-1 OPSI utils
ii opsiconfd OPSI configuration service
ii opsipxeconfd 0.3.8-1 OPSI PXE configuration daemon
ii python-opsi OPSI python library

Leider kann ich nicht sagen ob das Problem erst seit dem Upgrade auf 3.4 besteht, oder schon vorher auftrat. Aufgefallen ist es erst gestern.

Log vom Versuch per Configed aus den Client anzulegen

Code: Alles auswählen

[3] [Sep 10 09:46:06] Host 'xpXXX-vl' already exists in config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf', deleting first (|458)
[4] [Sep 10 09:46:06] Deleting host 'xpXXX-vl' from dhcpd config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf' (|537)
[1] [Sep 10 09:46:11] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 148, in _worker, function, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 59, in callWithContext
    return self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 37, in callWithContext
    return func(*args,**kw)
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 25, in _putResultInDeferred
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/sbin/opsiconfd", line 527, in _realRpc
    self.result['result'] = eval( "bm.%s(*params)" % method )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/etc/opsi/backendManager.d/50_interface.conf", line 282, in createClient
    self._execMethod(self.passwordBackend, 'setPcpatchPassword', clientId, blowfishEncrypt(opsiHostKey, blowfishDecrypt(serverKey, encryptedPcpatchPass)))
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 501, in _execMethod
    res = eval( "instance.%s%s" % (method, params) )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 1433, in setPcpatchPassword
    hostId = self._preProcessHostId(hostId)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 183, in _preProcessHostId
    if (hostId.split('.') < 3):
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2] [Sep 10 09:46:11] Failed to process rpc: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' (opsiconfd|623)
Log des Clients aus /var/log/opsi/opsiconfd:

Code: Alles auswählen

[4] [Sep 10 10:09:11] Client '' did not send cookie (opsiconfd|261)
[4] [Sep 10 10:09:11] New session created (opsiconfd|950)
[4] [Sep 10 10:09:11] Authorization request from root@ (opsiconfd|354)
[2] [Sep 10 10:09:11] Failed to read opsi modules file '/etc/opsi/modules': Signature not found (|1211)
[4] [Sep 10 10:09:11] BackendManager created. (opsiconfd|391)
[3] [Sep 10 10:09:17] Host 'xpXXX-vl' already exists in config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf', deleting first (|458)
[4] [Sep 10 10:09:17] Deleting host 'xpXXX-vl' from dhcpd config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf' (|537)
[1] [Sep 10 10:09:21] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 148, in _worker, function, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 59, in callWithContext
    return self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 37, in callWithContext
    return func(*args,**kw)
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 25, in _putResultInDeferred
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/sbin/opsiconfd", line 527, in _realRpc
    self.result['result'] = eval( "bm.%s(*params)" % method )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/etc/opsi/backendManager.d/50_interface.conf", line 282, in createClient
    self._execMethod(self.passwordBackend, 'setPcpatchPassword', clientId, blowfishEncrypt(opsiHostKey, blowfishDecrypt(serverKey, encryptedPcpatchPass)))
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 501, in _execMethod
    res = eval( "instance.%s%s" % (method, params) )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 1433, in setPcpatchPassword
    hostId = self._preProcessHostId(hostId)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 183, in _preProcessHostId
    if (hostId.split('.') < 3):
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
[2] [Sep 10 10:09:21] Failed to process rpc: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split' (opsiconfd|623)
[2] [Sep 10 10:09:23] Cannot find opsiHostKey for host 'xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern' in file '/etc/opsi/pckeys' (opsiconfd|533)
[3] [Sep 10 10:09:23] Host 'xpXXX-vl' already exists in config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf', deleting first (|458)
[4] [Sep 10 10:09:23] Deleting host 'xpXXX-vl' from dhcpd config file '/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf' (|537)
[1] [Sep 10 10:09:27] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 446, in run
    self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 148, in _worker, function, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 59, in callWithContext
    return self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/", line 37, in callWithContext
    return func(*args,**kw)
--- <exception caught here> ---
  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/internet/", line 25, in _putResultInDeferred
    result = f(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/sbin/opsiconfd", line 527, in _realRpc
    self.result['result'] = eval( "bm.%s(*params)" % method )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/etc/opsi/backendManager.d/50_interface.conf", line 282, in createClient
    self._execMethod(self.passwordBackend, 'setPcpatchPassword', clientId, blowfishEncrypt(opsiHostKey, blowfishDecrypt(serverKey, encryptedPcpatchPass)))
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 501, in _execMethod
    res = eval( "instance.%s%s" % (method, params) )
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 1433, in setPcpatchPassword
    hostId = self._preProcessHostId(hostId)
  File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.5/OPSI/Backend/", line 183, in _preProcessHostId
    if (hostId.split('.') < 3):
exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'
<string>, line 1) (opsiconfd|623)


Code: Alles auswählen

10.09.2009 10:10:55     ============================   pcptch Version 3.9.3   ============================ 
10.09.2009 10:10:57     starting pcptch
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: Windows-IP-Konfiguration
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Hostname. . . . . . . . . . . . . : xpXXX-vl
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Primõres DNS-Suffix . . . . . . . : 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Knotentyp . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         IP-Routing aktiviert. . . . . . . : Nein
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         WINS-Proxy aktiviert. . . . . . . : Nein
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         DNS-Suffixsuchliste . . . . . . . : XXX.intern
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: Ethernetadapter LAN-Verbindung:
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58  ~  
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Verbindungsspezifisches DNS-Suffix: XXX.intern
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Beschreibung. . . . . . . . . . . : VMware Accelerated AMD PCNet Adapter
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Physikalische Adresse . . . . . . : 00-0C-29-69-0B-9A
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         DHCP aktiviert. . . . . . . . . . : Ja
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Autokonfiguration aktiviert . . . : Ja
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         IP-Adresse. . . . . . . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Subnetzmaske. . . . . . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Standardgateway . . . . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         DHCP-Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         DNS-Server. . . . . . . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::                                   
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::                                   
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Primõrer WINS-Server. . . . . . . :
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Lease erhalten. . . . . . . . . . : Donnerstag, 10. September 2009 10:10:49
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all :::         Lease lõuft ab. . . . . . . . . . : Freitag, 11. September 2009 10:10:49
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipconfig /all ::: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     getting IP-Names from Environment
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipName from system:   xpXXX-vl
10.09.2009 10:10:58     ipAddress from system:
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName, Computername: XPXXX-VL
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, mountdrive: 1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, label1: opsi
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, label2: uib gmbh
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, loadbitmap: 1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, bitmap1: winst1.bmp
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, bitmap2: winst2.bmp
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, button_stopnetworking: immediate
10.09.2009 10:10:58     Button StopNetworking enabled
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, SecsUntilConnectionTimeOut: 10
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, pcprotoname: pcproto.ini
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, patchlevelTyp: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, copydefaultuser: 0
10.09.2009 10:10:58     registry-read-Fehler networkEntriesFromEnvironment Error: Fehler beim Holen der Daten für 'networkEntriesFromEnvironment'
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, networkEntriesFromEnvironment: -1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     key \SOFTWARE\\pcptch taken default value true
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, WinstLocalDirectory: C:\Programme\\preloginloader\opsi-winst
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, ConfigDirectory: C:\Programme\\preloginloader\cfg
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, makeLocalCopyOfIniFile: 0
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, makeLocalWinst: 1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\general, opsiconf: 1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, pingcheck: 1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     registry-read-Fehler sendlogtoservice Error: Fehler beim Holen der Daten für 'sendlogtoservice'
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, sendlogtoservice: -1
10.09.2009 10:10:58     key \SOFTWARE\\pcptch taken default value true
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, opsiServerType: service
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, opsiServiceURL:
10.09.2009 10:10:58     registry-read-Fehler repeatServiceConnectNo Error: Fehler beim Holen der Daten für 'repeatServiceConnectNo'
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, repeatServiceConnectNo: 3
10.09.2009 10:10:58     opsiconf true
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, pckey:  DONT SHOW IT
10.09.2009 10:10:58     reading pckey from file "C:\Programme\\preloginloader\cfg\locked.cfg"
10.09.2009 10:10:58     pckey read from file
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\general, tftpserver: /* not found */
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\general, configlocal: 0
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, user: pcpatch
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, smbusername1: pcpatch
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, try_secondary_user: 0
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, pcpatchpass: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, depoturl: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, configurl: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, utilsurl: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, utilsdrive: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, configdrive: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\shareinfo, depotdrive: 
10.09.2009 10:10:58     Error: Requested bitmap could not be loaded
10.09.2009 10:10:58     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, button_stopnetworking: immediate
10.09.2009 10:10:58     Button StopNetworking enabled
10.09.2009 10:10:58     servicehost reached in 16 ms
10.09.2009 10:10:58      determining opsi client ID
10.09.2009 10:10:58     opsi service with URL
10.09.2009 10:10:58     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22getHostId%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:10:59     json general Result "{"error":null,"id":1,"result":""}"
10.09.2009 10:10:59     No client ID got from service
10.09.2009 10:10:59     Try with ipname from local system: xpXXX-vl
10.09.2009 10:10:59     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22getDomain%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:10:59     json general Result "{"error":null,"id":1,"result":"XXX.intern"}"
10.09.2009 10:10:59     Default domain from service >XXX.intern<
10.09.2009 10:10:59     we supplement default domain from service to name: xpXXX-vl
10.09.2009 10:10:59     We have client ID xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern
10.09.2009 10:10:59     opsi service with URL
10.09.2009 10:10:59     opsi service "", client "xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern" , username "xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern"
10.09.2009 10:10:59     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:00     opsi service problem: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
10.09.2009 10:11:00     error on trying to connect to opsi service, username "xpXXX-vl.XXX.intern" , message " error: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json retrieval error "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized", request was: "Content-Type: text/html
Accept: text/html, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json retrieval error "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized", request was: "Content-Type: text/html
Accept: text/html, */*
User-Agent: Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:00     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:01     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:02     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:03     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:04     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:05     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:06     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:07     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:08     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:09     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:10     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:11     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:12     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:13     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:14     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:15     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:16     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:17     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:18     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:19     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:20     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:21     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:22     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:23     json retrieval error   ~ (as above)
10.09.2009 10:11:23     try_network_connect set to false. Reached time out  10  secs 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     getConfigsFromService failed, we dont try to connect anything
10.09.2009 10:11:24     ipNameHost: /* not found */
10.09.2009 10:11:24     depoturl: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     configurl: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     utilsurl: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     depot drive: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     config drive: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     utils drive: 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     depotshare \\/* not found */\opt_pcbin
10.09.2009 10:11:24     depotdir \install
10.09.2009 10:11:24     configshare \\/* not found */\opt_pcbin
10.09.2009 10:11:24     configdir \pcpatch
10.09.2009 10:11:24     utilsshare \\/* not found */\opt_pcbin
10.09.2009 10:11:24     utilsdir \utils
10.09.2009 10:11:24     winstMasterDirectory p:\install\opsi-winst\files\opsi-winst
10.09.2009 10:11:24     Profildateienpfad p:\pcpatch\
10.09.2009 10:11:24     once more reading configs ---
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName, Computername: XPXXX-VL
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, mountdrive: 1
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, label1: opsi
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, label2: uib gmbh
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, loadbitmap: 1
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, bitmap1: winst1.bmp
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, bitmap2: winst2.bmp
10.09.2009 10:11:24     retrieved from registry \SOFTWARE\\pcptch, button_stopnetworking: immediate
10.09.2009 10:11:24     Button StopNetworking enabled
10.09.2009 10:11:24     user of the process: pcpatch
10.09.2009 10:11:24     ending pcptch
10.09.2009 10:11:24     json call:  ",%22method%22:%22authenticated%22,%22params%22:%5B%5D%7D"
10.09.2009 10:11:24     opsi service problem: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
10.09.2009 10:11:24     RebootRequested set to 0 
10.09.2009 10:11:24     ShutdownRequested set to 0 

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt ratlos was ich noch probieren könnte.
Beiträge: 3319
Registriert: 04 Jun 2008, 14:27

Re: Anlegen neuer Clients schlägt fehl

Beitrag von d.oertel »


wie wäre es mit einem Supportvertrag ?

opsi support - uib gmbh

For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.