Seite 2 von 3

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 11 Apr 2014, 16:17
von esb-stade
Hallo der Matze,

klappt fast. Vielen Dank! Kannst Du noch einmal unterstützen?

Code: Alles auswählen

; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (
; This sourcecode is owned by uib
; and published under the Terms of the General Public License.
; credits:

requiredWinstVersion >= ""

DefVar $MsiId32$
DefVar $UninstallProgram32$
DefVar $MsiId64$
DefVar $UninstallProgram64$
DefVar $LogDir$
DefVar $ProductId$  
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $InstallDir32$
DefVar $InstallDir64$
DefVar $ExitCode$
DefVar $LicenseRequired$
DefVar $LicenseKey$
DefVar $LicensePool$
DefVar $INST_SystemType$
DefVar $INST_architecture$
DefVar $companyname$
DefVar $username$

Set $username$ = GetProductProperty("username", "CST")
Set $companyname$ = GetProductProperty("companyname", "CST")

; Abfrage der OS-Sprache vorbereiten
DefStringList $languageInfo$
DefVar $oslanguage$
set $languageInfo$ = getLocaleInfoMap
set $oslanguage$ = getValue("language_id_2chars", $languageInfo$)

Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType
set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific")

Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; - Please edit the following values                             -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi
; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts, 
; no white space use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$       = "Office 2013 Home and Business"
Set $MinimumSpace$    = "1000 MB"
; the path were we find the product after the installation
Set $InstallDir32$      = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\<path to the product>"
Set $InstallDir64$      = "%ProgramFiles64Dir%\<path to the product>"
Set $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
	LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
	; Stop process and set installation status to failed
	comment "Show product picture"
	ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$
	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins")
		comment "Start uninstall sub section"
		Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"
	if $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
		comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key"
	comment "installing"

	if (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only")
		Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " 32 Bit..."
		Files_install /32Bit
		comment "Patche configuration.xml"
	if $oslanguage$="DE"
			; installiere deutsche Version
			PatchTextFile_Config_de configuration.xml
		if $oslanguage$="EN"
			; installiere englische Version
			PatchTextFile_Config_en configuration.xml
		comment "Start setup program"		
		comment "Patch Registry"
		Registry_install /64Bit
		comment "Create shortcuts"

	if ($INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") and (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only"))
		Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " 64 Bit..."
		Files_install /32Bit
		comment "Patche configuration.xml"
		if $oslanguage$="DE"
			; installiere deutsche Version
			PatchTextFile_Config_de configuration.xml
		if $oslanguage$="EN"
			; installiere englische Version
			PatchTextFile_Config_en configuration.xml
		comment "Start setup program"		
		comment "Patch Registry"
		Registry_install /64Bit
		comment "Create shortcuts"

Addline '<Configuration>'
Addline ' <Add SourcePath="%scriptpath%\files\office" OfficeClientEdition="32" >'
Addline ' <Product ID="HomeBusinessRetail" PIDKEY="$LicenseKey$" >'
Addline ' <Language ID="de-de" />'
Addline ' </Product>'
AddLine ' </Add>'
Addline ' <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />'
AddLine ' <Logging Level="Standard" Name="office2013_home_business.txt" Path="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp" />'
AddLine ' <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />'
AddLine ' <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />'
AddLine ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" UpdatePath="%scriptpath%\files\office" />'
Addline ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" />'
AddLine '</Configuration>'
SaveToFile "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\configuration.xml"

Addline '<Configuration>'
Addline ' <Add SourcePath="%scriptpath%\files\office" OfficeClientEdition="32" >'
Addline ' <Product ID="HomeBusinessRetail" PIDKEY="$LicenseKey$" >'
Addline ' <Language ID="en-us" />'
Addline ' </Product>'
AddLine ' </Add>'
Addline ' <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />'
AddLine ' <Logging Level="Standard" Name="office2013_home_business.txt" Path="%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp" />'
AddLine ' <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />'
AddLine ' <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />'
AddLine ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" UpdatePath="%scriptpath%\files\office" />'
Addline ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" />'
AddLine '</Configuration>'
SaveToFile "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\configuration.xml"

;copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\setup.exe" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp"

%scriptpath%\files\setup.exe" /configure %SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\configuration.xml

; Choose one of the following examples as basis for your installation
; You can use $LicenseKey$ var to pass a license key to the installer
; === Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ================================================================
; "%ScriptPath%\Setup.exe" /S
; === MSI package =======================================================================================
; You may use the parameter PIDKEY=$Licensekey$
; msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\some.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
; === InstallShield + MSI=====================================================================================
; Attention: The path to the log file should not contain any whitespaces
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /l* $LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; === InstallShield =====================================================================================
; Create setup.iss answer file by running: setup.exe /r /f1"c:\setup.iss"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /sms /f1"%ScriptPath%\setup.iss" /f2"$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt"
; === Inno Setup ========================================================================================
; You may create setup answer file by: setup.exe /SAVEINF="filename"
; You may use an answer file by the parameter /LOADINF="filename"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart

; Example of recursively copying some files into the installation directory:
copy "%ScriptPath%\config.xml" "$LogDir$"

;"%scriptpath%\de\setup.exe" /config %SystemDrive%\tmp\config.xml
; Choose one of the following examples as basis for your installation
; You can use $LicenseKey$ var to pass a license key to the installer
; === Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ================================================================
; "%ScriptPath%\Setup.exe" /S
; === MSI package =======================================================================================
; You may use the parameter PIDKEY=$Licensekey$
; msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\some.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress
; === InstallShield + MSI=====================================================================================
; Attention: The path to the log file should not contain any whitespaces
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /l* $LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
; === InstallShield =====================================================================================
; Create setup.iss answer file by running: setup.exe /r /f1"c:\setup.iss"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /sms /f1"%ScriptPath%\setup.iss" /f2"$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt"
; === Inno Setup ========================================================================================
; You may create setup answer file by: setup.exe /SAVEINF="filename"
; You may use an answer file by the parameter /LOADINF="filename"
; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart

; Example of recursively copying some files into the installation directory:
; copy "%ScriptPath%\config.xml" "$LogDir$"

; Example of setting some values of an registry key:
; openkey [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\$ProductId$]
; set "name1" = "some string value"
; set "name2" = REG_DWORD:0001
; set "name3" = REG_BINARY:00 af 99 cd

; Example of deleting a folder from AllUsers startmenu:
; set_basefolder common_programs
; delete_subfolder $ProductId$
; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe in AllUsers startmenu:
; set_basefolder common_programs
; set_subfolder $ProductId$
; set_link
; 	name: $ProductId$
; 	target: <path to the program>
; 	parameters:
; 	working_dir: $InstallDir$
; 	icon_file:
; 	icon_index:
; end_link
; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe on AllUsers desktop:
; set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory
; set_subfolder ""
; set_link
; 	name: $ProductId$
; 	target: <path to the program>
; 	parameters: <some_param>
; 	working_dir: $InstallDir$
; 	icon_file: <path to icon file>
; 	icon_index: 2
; end_link

comment "License management is enabled and will be used"

comment "Trying to get a license key"
Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ($LicensePool$)
; If there is an assignment of exactly one licensepool to the product the following call is possible:
; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", $ProductId$)
; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use:
; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$
; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..."
; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$)

DefVar $ServiceErrorClass$
set $ServiceErrorClass$ = getLastServiceErrorClass
comment "Error class: " + $ServiceErrorClass$

if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "None"
	comment "Everything fine, we got the license key '" + $LicenseKey$ + "'"
	if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseConfigurationError"
		LogError "Fatal: license configuration must be corrected"
		LogError getLastServiceErrorMessage
		if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseMissingError"
			LogError "Fatal: required license is not supplied"

comment "Test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
	comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
	comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
	if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
		comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT	1605	This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
		comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
		if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
			comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
			comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED	1641	The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
			if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
				comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
				comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED	3010	A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
				logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$

in der LOG steht:

Code: Alles auswählen

5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     comment: Patche configuration.xml
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]       $oslanguage$="DE"   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Else
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]       
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]       If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]         $oslanguage$="EN"   <<< result true
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]       Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]         
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Execution of PatchTextFile_Config_en
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]         
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Patching: configuration.xml
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]               FILE configuration.xml
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Item Pointer set to Top (before first line)
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item '<Configuration>'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Add SourcePath="P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\office" OfficeClientEdition="32" >'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Product ID="HomeBusinessRetail" PIDKEY="j8qxx-ntbxx-y8xx4-3xx7j-xx3q4" >'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Language ID="en-us" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' </Product>'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' </Add>'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Logging Level="Standard" Name="office2013_home_business.txt" Path="C:\tmp" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:532] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Property Name="FORCEAPPSHUTDOWN" Value="TRUE" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" UpdatePath="P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\office" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item ' <Updates Enabled="TRUE" />'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Added item '</Configuration>'
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           saveToOriginalFile = false
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           C:\tmp\configuration.xml saved back with 8 Bit system encoding
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]           The lines are saved to "C:\tmp\configuration.xml"
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:533] [office_home_and_business_2013]       EndIf
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]       comment: Start setup program
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]       
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]       Execution of Winbatch_install
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:37:937] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:38:339] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:38:739] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:39:143] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:39:543] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:39:946] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:40:347] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:40:747] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:41:147] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:41:549] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  - giving up
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:549] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Call "P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe" /configure C:\tmp\configuration.xml"
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:549] [office_home_and_business_2013]            Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:549] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
[3] [Apr 11 16:18:41:551] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Exception in StartProcess_cp: Failed to execute P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe" /configure C:\tmp\configuration.xml : 2
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:551] [office_home_and_business_2013]         
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:553] [office_home_and_business_2013]     EndIf
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:553] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:553] [office_home_and_business_2013]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     comment: Test for installation success via exit code
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "-1"
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Else
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       comment: Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: -1
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         $ExitCode$ = "1605"   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         ($ExitCode$ = "1605")   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]       Else
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           $ExitCode$ = "1641"   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           ($ExitCode$ = "1641")   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Else
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           If
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]             $ExitCode$ = "3010"   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]             ($ExitCode$ = "3010")   <<< result false
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Then
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:554] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Else
[3] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Error: Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: -1
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Error level set to fatal
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Process aborted
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Process aborted
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] ___________________
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] script finished
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] 2 errors
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] 12 warnings
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] 
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] installed product: office_home_and_business_2013 Version: 1.0-1
[1] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] 
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013] Delete "c:\\tmp\_winstbat_*"
[6] [Apr 11 16:18:41:555] [office_home_and_business_2013]   Search "c:\\tmp\"

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 11 Apr 2014, 16:58
von mensch90
Vielen Dank an @Der-Matze.

Die ersten Schritte waren der Funken ;) die Erstellung der Antwortdatei habe ich damals auch via XML-Patch versucht und bin fast durchgedreht. Lasse schon für 2007 & 2010 genau nach deiner Art und Weise die Antwortdatei "bauen" ;)

Edit: Ms ist doch nicht ganz dicht..als ich mir 2013 angeschaut habe, gab es dieses Toolkit nicht... Date Published: 2/25/2014
Wer 8.1 parallel zu 2013 im Firmenumfeld deployed/verwendet... mag seine User wohl nicht sonderlich...

Vielen Dank nochmals,
schönes WE

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 14 Apr 2014, 08:12
von Der-Matze
esb-stade hat geschrieben: Hallo der Matze,

klappt fast. Vielen Dank! Kannst Du noch einmal unterstützen?

Code: Alles auswählen

%scriptpath%\files\setup.exe" /configure %SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\configuration.xml

Code: Alles auswählen

[5] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]       Execution of Winbatch_install
[4] [Apr 11 16:18:37:534] [office_home_and_business_2013]         Warning: file not found :P:\install\office_home_and_business_2013\files\setup.exe"  -retrying
Da fehlt ein Anführungszeichen in der Pfadangabe. Sollte so aussehen:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%scriptpath%\files\setup.exe" /configure %SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\configuration.xml

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 28 Apr 2014, 14:59
von esb-stade
Hallo der Matze,

erneut vielen Dank! Nach meinem Urlaub kam ich heute dazu die Anführungszeichen zu setzen. Nun bekomme ich folgenden Eintrag im LOG.

Code: Alles auswählen

5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:052] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Then
[5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:052] [office_home_and_business_2013]           
[5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:052] [office_home_and_business_2013]           Else
[3] [Apr 28 14:28:47:052] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Error: Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: 17002
[5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Error level set to fatal
[5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]             Process aborted
[6] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[6] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[6] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]     
[5] [Apr 28 14:28:47:053] [office_home_and_business_2013]     Process aborted
Hat da jemand eine Info?

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 09 Mai 2014, 10:23
von sebastianwi
Hi, brauchst du noch Hilfe?
Dann schick ich dir mein Skript. ;-)

Grüße, Sebastian

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 12 Sep 2014, 08:57
von Mike162

stehe vor einem ähnlichem Problem.

Ich möchte gerne Office 2013 Plus automatisch installieren.
Eine Vorlage hierzu gibt es ja bereits.
Die seriennummer wurde in der Setup.ins eingetragen.

Die Installation klappt schonmal.
Leider fragt Office beim ersten öffnen nach Updates und aktivierung, dies möchte ich auch automatisieren.

Hier mein config.xml

Code: Alles auswählen

<Configuration Product="ProPlusr">
<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
<Logging Type="standard" Path="C:\\log" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Plus Setup(*).txt" />
<Updates Enabled="FALSE" UpdatePath="C:\Test\Office\" />
<Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" /
<Setting Id="AUTO_ACTIVATE" Value="1" />
<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />
Ich hoffe Ihr könnt mir weiter helfen.

Vielen Dank


Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 26 Sep 2014, 11:16
von Der-Matze
Das hat zwar überhaupt nix in diesem Thread verloren, da es hier um den Click-to-Run Installer von der Home and Business Edition geht, aber was solls.

Installation von Updates: ... 15%29.aspx
Such da mal nach CollectUpdates.vbs

Aktivierung: ... mmand-list

Code: Alles auswählen


	cscript "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\ospp.vbs" /act
Falls der Key schon zu oft, oder schon mal auf einem anderen Rechner aktiviert wurde kommst du aber auch damit nicht um den lästigen Telefonanruf mit Microsoft herum.

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 10 Apr 2017, 12:08
von Bullet

ich habe die Config Datei wie folgt Configuriert:

Code: Alles auswählen

<Add SourcePath="\\%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tmp\odt" OfficeClientEdition="32" >
 <Product ID="HomeBusinessRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />

 <Product ID="WordRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />

 <Product ID="OutlookRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />

 <Product ID="ExcelRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />

 <Product ID="OneNoteRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />

 <Product ID="PowerPointRetail">
  <Language ID="de-DE" />


  <Updates Enabled="TRUE" UpdatePath="\\SERVERNAME\Programme\Microsoft\Microsoft Office\MS Office 2013\download" />

  <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />

  <!--  <Logging Path="%temp%" />  -->

  <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />

Führe ich den entsprechenden cmd Befehl aus, passiert jedoch nichts. Es wird in einer Domänenumgebung angewendet. Habt ihr eventuell eine Idee?

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 10 Apr 2017, 17:29
von Avira
Der Thread ist von 2014, die Scripte aus dem Wiki haben bei mir ebenfalls nicht funktioniert. Wahrscheinlich müssen Sie einfach mal überarbeitet werden.

Ich hab das Problem mit dem Windows Anpassungstool gelöst.

Re: Office 2013 Home and Business

Verfasst: 12 Apr 2017, 09:10
von Bullet
Avira hat geschrieben:Der Thread ist von 2014, die Scripte aus dem Wiki haben bei mir ebenfalls nicht funktioniert. Wahrscheinlich müssen Sie einfach mal überarbeitet werden.

Ich hab das Problem mit dem Windows Anpassungstool gelöst.
Meinst du das ANpassungstool von Outlook ? Kannst du eventuell beschreiben, wie genau du es gelöst hast?