Installation schlägt fehl

Beiträge: 18
Registriert: 21 Jun 2018, 18:39

Installation schlägt fehl

Beitrag von MaZzEe »

Guten Morgen liebes opsi Forum,

ich habe leider ein Problem, bei der Installation diverser Softwarepakete auf den Clients.
Angefangen hat es mit der Installation des VirtualBox Extensions Packs.

Zuerst habe ich ein Paket für die neue Version 6.1.2 von VirtualBox, mit dem PackageBuilder erstellt. Die Installation lief auch ohne Probleme auf den Clients ab.
Dann wollte ich das Erweiterungspaket installieren. Hierfür habe ich ein ganz triviales Skript, welches wie folgt aussieht:

Code: Alles auswählen

requiredWinstVersion >= ""

DefVar $ProductId$ 
DefVar $Setupfile$
;DefVar $SilentSwitch$

; $ProductId$ is the name of the product in opsi, only lower letters, no umlauts, no white spaces, use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$       = "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2"
Set $Setupfile$       = "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack"
;Set $SilentSwitch$ = "extpack install "%ScriptPath%$Setupfile$ --accept-license=56be48f923303c8cababb0bb4c478284b688ed23f16d775d729b89a2e8e5f9eb"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

comment "Start setup program"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; install section
; ----------------------------------------------------------------

"%ProgramFiles64Dir%\Oracle\Virtualbox\Vboxmanage.exe" extpack install "%ScriptPath%\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack" --accept-license=56be48f923303c8cababb0bb4c478284b688ed23f16d775d729b89a2e8e5f9eb

; ----------------------------------------------------------------

Im instlog steht dann folgendes:

Code: Alles auswählen

(1)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:988] --
(2)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:988] --
(3)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:988] c:\\log\\opsi-script-part-Vz52Ny14.log
(4)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] opsi-script started at >>
(5)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] opsi-script log file with encoding utf8
(6)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] startmessage opsi-script created at CentralForm.FormCreate: 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(7)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Loading skin from: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winstskin
(8)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Called with parameter: /opsiservice\r\nhttps://\r\n/clientid\r\\r\n/username\r\\r\n/password\r\n***(confidential)***
(9)       [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Depot path from readconfig:  p:\ 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(10)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] startmessage StartProgramModes and create log: 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(11)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] pm: 5 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(12)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] startmessage start opsi service connection: 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(13)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] startmessage: opsidata initialized: 28.01.2020 09:04:23
(14)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989]
(15)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Starting Servicecall: backend_info
(16)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Success Servicecall: backend_info
(17)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got AutoActivityDisplay: true
(18)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got debug_lib: false
(19)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got debug_prog: false
(20)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got default_loglevel: 7
(21)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got config:
(22)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got force_min_loglevel: false
(23)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Error: Not an Integer:  force_min_loglevel: false
(24)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got ScriptErrorMessages: false
(25)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] got w10BitlockerSuspendOnReboot: false
(26)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] readConfigFromService: ok
(27)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] startmessage create log: 28.01.2020 09:04:25
(28)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] force_min_loglevel: 0
(29)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] default_loglevel: 7
(30)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] debug_prog: false
(31)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] debug_lib: false
(32)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:25:989] Testing as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(33)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:25:990] Succseeded: Testing as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(34)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:25:990] Final: Using as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(35)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:25:990] JSON service request getDepotId
(36)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:26:318] JSON service request getProductOrdering
(37)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:27:880] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(38)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:29:065]
(39)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:29:065] Computername according to Environment Variable :CLIENT23
(40)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:29:065] opsi service URL
(41)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:065] Depot path:  p:\
(42)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:065] 
(43)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:29:069] bootmode from registry: BKSTD
(44)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:069] bootmode BKSTD
(45)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:069] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(46)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:069] Resolved sequence of products (28.01.2020 09:04:29):
(47)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:087] Product 115 	oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack : setup
(48)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:107] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(49)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:29:124] JSON service request getProduct_hash
(50)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:29:457] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack
(51)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:29:458] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(52)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:752] Actionrequest for product: oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack is (original/actual): (setup / setup)
(53)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:29:772] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Actionrequest for Product: oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack is: setup
(54)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:29:772] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request getProductProperties_hash
(55)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:30:300] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request getProduct_hash
(56)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:30:618] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack
(57)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:30:618] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(58)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:30:871] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] scriptname: "setup.opsiscript", special path: "p:\oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack\"
(59)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:30:871] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
(60)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:164] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: force_min_loglevel: 0
(61)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:164] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: default_loglevel: 7
(62)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:165] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: debug_prog: False
(63)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:165] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: debug_lib: False
(64)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:165] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: ScriptErrorMessages: False
(65)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:165] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Prog: AutoActivityDisplay: True
(66)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:165] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Using new Depot path:  p:\
(67)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:176] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 
(68)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:176] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] ============ Version script "p:\oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack\setup.opsiscript"
(69)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              used script encoding: cp1252
(70)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              used system encoding: cp1252
(71)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              start: 2020-01-28  09:04:31
(72)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              installing product: oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack_6.1.2-1
(73)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              on client named    ""
(74)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              loggedin user    "maxmustermann"
(75)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              opsi-script running as    "SYSTEM"
(76)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              opsi-script running with admin privileges
(77)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]              opsi-script running in standard script mode
(78)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"
(79)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:177] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] system infos:
(80)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX  -  PC hardware address
(81)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]  -  IP name
(82)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]  -  IP address
(83)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] DEU  -  System default locale
(84)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] MS Windows 6.1 64 Bit, Edition: Ultimate Edition"
(85)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] opsi service version : 4
(86)      [1] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 
(87)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Registry started readonly
(88)      [7] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
(89)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:182] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
(90)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:183] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Key closed
(91)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:235] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] opsi-script has version, required is : >=
(92)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Set  $ProductId$       = "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2"
(93)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2"
(94)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Set  $Setupfile$       = "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack"
(95)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]   The value of the variable "$Setupfile$" is now: "Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack"
(96)      [5] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] comment: Start setup program
(97)      [5] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Execution of: Winbatch_install
(98)      [5] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 
(99)      [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]   Call ""C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox\Vboxmanage.exe" extpack install "p:\oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack" --accept-license=56be48f923303c8cababb0bb4c478284b688ed23f16d775d729b89a2e8e5f9eb"
(100)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:236] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]      Waiting until the called process is finished
(101)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:31:237] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]   Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
(102)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:33:262] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack]   ExitCode 1    Executed process ""C:\Program Files\Oracle\Virtualbox\Vboxmanage.exe" extpack install "p:\oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack\Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.2.vbox-extpack" --accept-license=56be48f923303c8cababb0bb4c478284b688ed23f16d775d729b89a2e8e5f9eb"
(103)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] ___________________
(104)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] script finished: success
(105)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 0 errors
(106)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 0 warnings
(107)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 
(108)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] installed product: oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack Version: 6.1.2-1
(109)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] 
(110)     [7] [Jan 28 09:04:33:268] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request setProductActionRequest
(111)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:939] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] product oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack set to update
(112)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:939] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] Update script name:
(113)     [1] [Jan 28 09:04:33:939] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] we have no update script
(114)     [7] [Jan 28 09:04:33:939] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] BuildPC: update switches .....
(115)     [7] [Jan 28 09:04:33:940] [oracle-vm-virtualbox-6-1-2-extension-pack] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
(116)     [7] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259] Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
(117)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
(118)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259]                   Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
(119)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259]                   Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\\log\opsi-script.log"
(120)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259]                   Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
(121)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:259]                   Variable "NumberOfErrors"  is keeping its value "0"
(122)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:260]                   Key flushed
(123)     [6] [Jan 28 09:04:34:260]                   Key closed
(124)     [5] [Jan 28 09:04:34:265] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------
Komischerweise funktioniert das gleiche Skript für die Version 6.1.0 einwandfrei. Das einzige was ich hier geändert habe ist die Versionsnummer von dem VirtualBox Extension Packs. (Von 6.1.0 auf 6.1.2)
Bei genauer Betrachtung, fiel mir dann auf, dass der Ordner in der Workbench mit der Version 6.1.0 die Rechte (Jeder-Keine, opsiconfd-Speziell,pcpatch-Speziell) hat und der Ordner für 6.1.2 (Jeder-Keine, pcpatch-Speziell, adminuser-Speziell).
Daraufhin habe ich auf dem opsiserver die Rechte mit "opsi-set-rights" verteilt. Dies brachte aber leider auch keine Abhilfe.

Danach dachte ich mir, probiere ich mal eine andere Installation und habe versucht mit der MSI Datei von Firefox 72.0.2 eine Installation zu erstellen. Dies konnte ich aber leider auch nicht installieren. Hier steht in der Logdatei folgendes:

Code: Alles auswählen

(1)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:945] --
(2)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:945] --
(3)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:945] c:\\log\\opsi-script-part-Dp42Ak27.log
(4)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] opsi-script started at >>
(5)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] opsi-script log file with encoding utf8
(6)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] startmessage opsi-script created at CentralForm.FormCreate: 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(7)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Loading skin from: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winstskin
(8)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Called with parameter: /opsiservice\r\nhttps://\r\n/clientid\r\\r\n/username\r\\r\n/password\r\n***(confidential)***
(9)       [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Depot path from readconfig:  p:\ 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(10)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] startmessage StartProgramModes and create log: 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(11)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] pm: 5 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(12)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] startmessage start opsi service connection: 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(13)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] startmessage: opsidata initialized: 28.01.2020 09:32:42
(14)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946]
(15)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Starting Servicecall: backend_info
(16)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Success Servicecall: backend_info
(17)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got AutoActivityDisplay: true
(18)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got debug_lib: false
(19)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got debug_prog: false
(20)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got default_loglevel: 7
(21)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got config:
(22)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got force_min_loglevel: false
(23)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Error: Not an Integer:  force_min_loglevel: false
(24)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got ScriptErrorMessages: false
(25)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] got w10BitlockerSuspendOnReboot: false
(26)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] readConfigFromService: ok
(27)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] startmessage create log: 28.01.2020 09:32:44
(28)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] force_min_loglevel: 0
(29)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] default_loglevel: 7
(30)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] debug_prog: false
(31)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] debug_lib: false
(32)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Testing as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(33)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:44:946] Succseeded: Testing as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(34)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:44:947] Final: Using as temp path: c:\\tmp\
(35)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:44:947] JSON service request getDepotId
(36)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:45:281] JSON service request getProductOrdering
(37)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:46:740] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(38)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:47:963]
(39)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:47:964] Computername according to Environment Variable :CLIENT23
(40)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:47:964] opsi service URL
(41)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:964] Depot path:  p:\
(42)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:964] 
(43)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:47:967] bootmode from registry: BKSTD
(44)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:967] bootmode BKSTD
(45)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:967] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(46)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:967] Resolved sequence of products (28.01.2020 09:32:47):
(47)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:47:969] Product 31 	firefox-setup-72-02 : setup
(48)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:48:006] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
(49)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:48:007] JSON service request getProduct_hash
(50)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:48:316] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : firefox-setup-72-02
(51)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:48:317] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(52)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:48:582] Actionrequest for product: firefox-setup-72-02 is (original/actual): (setup / setup)
(53)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:48:615] [firefox-setup-72-02] Actionrequest for Product: firefox-setup-72-02 is: setup
(54)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:48:616] [firefox-setup-72-02] JSON service request getProductProperties_hash
(55)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:49:182] [firefox-setup-72-02] JSON service request getProduct_hash
(56)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:49:523] [firefox-setup-72-02] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : firefox-setup-72-02
(57)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:49:524] [firefox-setup-72-02] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
(58)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:49:787] [firefox-setup-72-02] scriptname: "setup.opsiscript", special path: "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\"
(59)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:49:787] [firefox-setup-72-02] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
(60)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: force_min_loglevel: 0
(61)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: default_loglevel: 7
(62)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: debug_prog: False
(63)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: debug_lib: False
(64)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: ScriptErrorMessages: False
(65)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Prog: AutoActivityDisplay: True
(66)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:099] [firefox-setup-72-02] Using new Depot path:  p:\
(67)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(68)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02] ============ Version script "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\setup.opsiscript"
(69)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02]              used script encoding: cp1252
(70)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02]              used system encoding: cp1252
(71)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02]              start: 2020-01-28  09:32:50
(72)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02]              installing product: firefox-setup-72-02_72.0.2.0-1
(73)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:114] [firefox-setup-72-02]              on client named    ""
(74)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02]              loggedin user    "maxmustermann"
(75)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02]              opsi-script running as    "SYSTEM"
(76)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02]              opsi-script running with admin privileges
(77)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02]              opsi-script running in standard script mode
(78)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02] executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"
(79)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:115] [firefox-setup-72-02] system infos:
(80)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX -  PC hardware address
(81)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02]  -  IP name
(82)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02]  -  IP address
(83)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] DEU  -  System default locale
(84)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] MS Windows 6.1 64 Bit, Edition: Ultimate Edition"
(85)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] opsi service version : 4
(86)      [1] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(87)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] Registry started readonly
(88)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
(89)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
(90)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:120] [firefox-setup-72-02] Key closed
(91)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:175] [firefox-setup-72-02] opsi-script has version, required is : >=
(92)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:176] [firefox-setup-72-02] ScriptErrorMessages was False is set to false
(93)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:176] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $LogDir$ = "c:\\log"
(94)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:176] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$LogDir$" is now: "c:\\log"
(95)      [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:177] [firefox-setup-72-02] Found ImportLib statement for file: uib_exitcode.opsiscript and function:
(96)      [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:228] [firefox-setup-72-02] Imported all functions from file: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\lib\uib_exitcode.opsiscript
(97)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:232] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: ismsiexitcodefatal to the known functions
(98)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:233] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: ismsexitcodefatal_short to the known functions
(99)      [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:235] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: isadvancedmsiexitcodefatal to the known functions
(100)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:237] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: isinnoexitcodefatal to the known functions
(101)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:239] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: isinstallshieldexitcodefatal to the known functions
(102)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:240] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: isnsisexitcodefatal to the known functions
(103)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:241] [firefox-setup-72-02] Found ImportLib statement for file: p:\firefox-setup-72-02\osd-lib.opsiscript and function:
(104)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:262] [firefox-setup-72-02] Imported all functions from file: p:\firefox-setup-72-02\osd-lib.opsiscript
(105)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:264] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: checkformsiproduct to the known functions
(106)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:265] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: get_licensekey_bypoolorkey to the known functions
(107)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:267] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: get_licensekey_bypool to the known functions
(108)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:268] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: desktopicon_create to the known functions
(109)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02] Added defined function: desktopicon_remove to the known functions
(110)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $ProductId$		= "firefox-setup-72-02"
(111)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "firefox-setup-72-02"
(112)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $InstallDir$	= "unknown"
(113)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$InstallDir$" is now: "unknown"
(114)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:269] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $LicenseRequired$ = "False"
(115)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$LicenseRequired$" is now: "False"
(116)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $LicensePool$	  = ""
(117)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$LicensePool$" is now: ""
(118)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $MinimumSpace$	 = "297 MB"
(119)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$MinimumSpace$" is now: "297 MB"
(120)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $OS$ = GetOS
(121)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$OS$" is now: "Windows_NT"
(122)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] If
(123)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   $OS$ = "Windows_NT"   <<< result true
(124)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   ($OS$ = "Windows_NT")   <<< result true
(125)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   not(($OS$ = "Windows_NT"))   <<< result false
(126)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] Then
(127)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] EndIf
(128)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] If
(129)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]     Free on Disk C:: 155.848.671.232 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 297.000.000 bytes
(130)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$)   <<< result true
(131)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$))   <<< result false
(132)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] Then
(133)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:270] [firefox-setup-72-02] EndIf
(134)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:271] [firefox-setup-72-02] comment: Show product picture
(135)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:321] [firefox-setup-72-02] If
(136)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:324] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Starting query if file exist ...
(137)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:326] [firefox-setup-72-02]   FileExists("p:\firefox-setup-72-02\delsub.opsiscript")   <<< result true
(138)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:326] [firefox-setup-72-02] Then
(139)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:326] [firefox-setup-72-02]   comment: Start uninstall sub section
(140)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:331] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Loaded sub from: p:\firefox-setup-72-02\delsub.opsiscript with encoding: cp1252
(141)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:331] [firefox-setup-72-02]   
(142)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:331] [firefox-setup-72-02]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\delsub.opsiscript"
(143)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:333] [firefox-setup-72-02]   message Check for existing installation of firefox-setup-72-02 ...
(144)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:336] [firefox-setup-72-02]   comment: Start the Uninstall check:
(145)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:336] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Set  $oldProgFound$ = "false"
(146)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:336] [firefox-setup-72-02]     The value of the variable "$oldProgFound$" is now: "false"
(147)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:336] [firefox-setup-72-02]   If
(148)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:50:337] [firefox-setup-72-02]     stringtobool(checkForMsiProduct("{1294A4C5-9977-480F-9497-C0EA1E630130}"))   <<< result false
(149)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:337] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Then
(150)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   EndIf
(151)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   If
(152)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]     $oldProgFound$ = "true"   <<< result false
(153)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Then
(154)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]     If
(155)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]     Then
(156)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]     EndIf
(157)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   EndIf
(158)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Section ending since next line is starting with "["
(159)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   
(160)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\delsub.opsiscript"
(161)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02]   
(162)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:338] [firefox-setup-72-02] EndIf
(163)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:340] [firefox-setup-72-02] message Installing firefox-setup-72-02 ...
(164)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:343] [firefox-setup-72-02] If
(165)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:343] [firefox-setup-72-02]   $LicenseRequired$ = "true"   <<< result false
(166)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:343] [firefox-setup-72-02] Then
(167)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:343] [firefox-setup-72-02] EndIf
(168)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:345] [firefox-setup-72-02] comment: Start setup program
(169)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:350] [firefox-setup-72-02] Changed current directory to p:\firefox-setup-72-02\files
(170)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:351] [firefox-setup-72-02] Execution of: Winbatch_install
(171)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:50:351] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(172)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:352] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Call "msiexec /i "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\Firefox Setup 72.0.2.msi" INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE=false /quiet"
(173)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:352] [firefox-setup-72-02]      Waiting until the called process is finished
(174)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:50:352] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
(175)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:379] [firefox-setup-72-02]   ExitCode 1619    Executed process "msiexec /i "p:\firefox-setup-72-02\Firefox Setup 72.0.2.msi" INSTALL_MAINTENANCE_SERVICE=false /quiet"
(176)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:385] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(177)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:385] [firefox-setup-72-02] ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
(178)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:386] [firefox-setup-72-02] Set  $ExitCode$ = getlastexitcode
(179)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:386] [firefox-setup-72-02]   The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "1619"
(180)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:386] [firefox-setup-72-02] If
(181)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02]   stringtobool(isMsiExitcodeFatal($exitcode$, "true", $ErrorString$ ))   <<< result true
(182)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] Then
(183)     [3] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Error: ExitCode = 1619 ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
(184)     [2] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Error level set to fatal
(185)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02]   Process aborted
(186)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(187)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
(188)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(189)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] Process aborted
(190)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] ___________________
(191)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] script finished: failed
(192)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 1 error
(193)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 0 warnings
(194)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(195)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] installed product: firefox-setup-72-02 Version:
(196)     [1] [Jan 28 09:32:51:397] [firefox-setup-72-02] 
(197)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:51:399] [firefox-setup-72-02] We do not look for a update script, because the setup script is failed
(198)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:51:399] [firefox-setup-72-02] BuildPC: update switches .....
(199)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:51:399] [firefox-setup-72-02] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
(200)     [7] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794] Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
(201)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
(202)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794]                   Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
(203)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794]                   Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\\log\opsi-script.log"
(204)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794]                   Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
(205)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:794]                   Variable "NumberOfErrors"  is keeping its value "0"
(206)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:811]                   Key flushed
(207)     [6] [Jan 28 09:32:51:811]                   Key closed
(208)     [5] [Jan 28 09:32:51:816] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------
Hier fällt mir der folgende Fehler auf:
Error: ExitCode = 1619 ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_OPEN_FAILED This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

Auf den ersten Blick, sieht es nach Problemen mit Rechten aus.

Mein Ablauf ist immer gleich. Mit MSI File und dem Package Builder ein Paket zusammenstellen und es auf dem Server installieren. Das hat bis jetzt auch immer wunderbar funktioniert. Das einzige, was ich in der letzten Zeit gemacht habe, sind Updates auf dem opsi Server und folgenden Befehl: "opsi-setup --init-current-config", da ich Probleme mit dem hwaudit hatte.

Ich hoffe, dass mir hierbei jemand helfen kann.