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[Gelöst] Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 13:51
von Maroo
Hallo liebe Opsi-community ,
ich habe folgendes problem . ich versuche erfolglos Packet auf dem client zu installieren..habe alles 100% wie in der Anleitung steht aber irgendwas stimmt nicht (bei mir) .also die Anleitung wiki/doku.php?id=userspace:wie_man_dies ... schreibung aber bekomme ich ein fehler meldung Failed ..die Log datei sieht so aus :

Code: Alles auswählen

6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:973] [notepad]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\notepad\delsub.ins"
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:975] [notepad]     Set  $UninstallProgram$ = $InstallDir$ + "\uninstall.exe"
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:975] [notepad]       The value of the variable "$UninstallProgram$" is now: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe"
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:977] [notepad]     message Uninstalling notepad_plusplus ...
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     If
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]       Starting query if file exist ...
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]         "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe": 
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]       FileExists($UninstallProgram$)   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     Then
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     EndIf
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     line is starting with "[": inDefFunc3: 0
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     Section ending since next line is starting with "["
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\notepad\delsub.ins"
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]     
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:979] [notepad]   EndIf
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:982] [notepad]   message Installing notepad_plusplus ...
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:984] [notepad]   If
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:984] [notepad]     $LicenseRequired$ = "true"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:984] [notepad]   Then
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:984] [notepad]   EndIf
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:987] [notepad]   comment: Start setup program
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:987] [notepad]   Execution of: Winbatch_install 
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:987] [notepad]   
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:28:989] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:29:398] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:29:802] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:30:204] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:30:608] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:31:011] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:31:414] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:31:818] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:32:220] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:32:624] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:034] [notepad]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe - giving up
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:034] [notepad]     Call ""p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe" /S"
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:034] [notepad]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:035] [notepad]     Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
[3] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:038] [notepad]     Exception in StartProcess_cp: Failed to execute "p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe" /S : 2
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:038] [notepad]     
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:047] [notepad]   
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:047] [notepad]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[5] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:052] [notepad]   comment: Test for installation success via exit code
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:052] [notepad]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:052] [notepad]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "-1"
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:053] [notepad]   If
[7] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:053] [notepad]     $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 13:22:33:053] [notepad]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result false

ich verstehe nich woher diese P:\ kommt..ich bin sehr dankbar für jeder hilfe :)
Danke im voraus

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 15:27
von Maroo
ok ,auf der Opsiproduct ordner habe mit mit umask probiert und sollte die 2770 rechte haben jedoch bei mir ist die 0022 angezeigt..chmod hat nichts gebracht bzw bleibt immer auf 0022.. eine idee ?

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 15:48
von ThomasA
Die Fehlermeldung ist ja relativ eindeutig:

Code: Alles auswählen

Warning: file not found :p:\notepad\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe
Liegt die Datei denn in dem Ordner und stimmt der Name?
Kannst du mal deine setup.ins bzw install.ins posten?

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 16:00
von Maroo
ja ich weiß..das Problem dass ich nichts mit :p: zu tut habe.. hier ist die Setup.ins

Code: Alles auswählen

requiredWinstVersion >= ""
DefVar $MsiId$
DefVar $UninstallProgram$
DefVar $LogDir$
DefVar $ProductId$  
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $InstallDir$
DefVar $SetupFile$
DefVar $ExitCode$
DefVar $LicenseRequired$
DefVar $LicenseKey$
DefVar $LicensePool$
Set $LogDir$ 		= "%SystemDrive%\tmp"
Set $ProductId$       	= "notepad_plusplus"
Set $MinimumSpace$    	= "30 MB"
Set $InstallDir$      	= "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\Notepad++"
Set $SetupFile$		= "npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe"
Set $LicenseRequired$ 	= "false"
Set $LicensePool$     	= "p_" + $ProductId$
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
	LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
	; Stop process and set installation status to failed
	comment "Show product picture"
	ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$
	if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins")
		comment "Start uninstall sub section"
		Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"
	Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " ..."
	if $LicenseRequired$ = "true"
		comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key"
	comment "Start setup program"
"%ScriptPath%\setup\$SetupFile$" /S
if opsiLicenseManagementEnabled
	comment "License management is enabled and will be used"
	comment "Trying to get a license key"
	Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ($LicensePool$)
	; If there is an assignment of exactly one licensepool to the product the following call is possible:
	; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", $ProductId$)
	; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use:
	; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$
	; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..."
	; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$)
	DefVar $ServiceErrorClass$
	set $ServiceErrorClass$ = getLastServiceErrorClass
	comment "Error class: " + $ServiceErrorClass$
	if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "None"
		comment "Everything fine, we got the license key '" + $LicenseKey$ + "'"
		if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseConfigurationError"
			LogError "Fatal: license configuration must be corrected"
			LogError getLastServiceErrorMessage
			if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseMissingError"
				LogError "Fatal: required license is not supplied"
	LogError "Fatal: license required, but license management not enabled"
comment "Test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
	comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
	comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
	if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
		comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT	1605	This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
		comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
		if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
			comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
			comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED	1641	The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
			if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
				comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
				comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED	3010	A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
				logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 16:34
von uncle_scrooge
1. Um Berechtigungen für OPSI-relevante Dateien und Verzeichnisse zu setzen, bitte ausschließlich opsi-set-rights nutzen. Kein chmod oder was auch immer.
2. Mit p: hast Du durchaus was zu tun.
Wenn der OPSI-Client vom OPSI-Server etwas installieren soll, muß er irgendwie an die entsprechenden Dateien kommen.
Das passiert über CIFS/SMB. Und da manche Sachen nicht über UNC-Pfade funktionieren, wird ein Laufwerk p: gemappt.
Für das jeweilige Paket zeigt p: auf >OPSI-Server>/var/lib/opsi/depot/<Paketname>
3. Wenn Dein Paket wirklich notepad_plusplus heißt, bitte einmal ls -laR /var/lib/opsi/depot/notepad_plusplus und hier einstellen.

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 17:05
von Maroo
vielen Dank für Deine Antwort..ich habe schon mit opsi-set-rights aber Tzotzdem nichst gebracht bzw habe noch immer die 0022 statt 2770 :roll:
Hier ist die Ausgabe von dem Befehl :

Code: Alles auswählen

root@opsiserver:~# ls -laR /var/lib/opsi/depot/notepad_plusplus
insgesamt 4204
drwxrws---  2 opsiconfd pcpatch    4096 Mär 13 16:54 .
drwxrws--- 85 opsiconfd pcpatch    4096 Mär 13 16:54 ..
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    1516 Mär 13 13:17 delsub.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch     229 Mär 13 16:54 notepad_plusplus.files
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch 4276400 Mär 13 12:06 npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    3901 Mär 13 16:52 setup.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    1391 Mär 13 13:18 unistall.ins

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 17:42
von uncle_scrooge
Erst einmal sorry.
Für das jeweilige Paket zeigt p: auf >OPSI-Server>/var/lib/opsi/depot/<Paketname>
ist einfach nur falsch.
Richtig ist
p: zeigt auf <OPSI-Server>/var/lib/opsi/depot/

Aber jetzt wird es verwirrend.
Laut Deinem Log wird in p:\notepad\setup gesucht. Also müsste das Paket 'notepad' heißen.
Du hast aber offensichtlich auch ein Paket notepad_plusplus.
Was genau hast Du versucht zu installieren.

Und, wenn es das Verzeichnis gibt, bitte ein ls -laR /var/lib/opsi/depot/notepad

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 17:58
von Maroo
ja das sind zwei unterschiedliche Pakete..die leider das gleiche Ergebnis geführt haben .
also ich versuche notepad_plusplus zu installieren und jetzt noch mach die Log datei

Code: Alles auswählen

1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:427] --
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:428] --
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:428] c:\\log\\opsi-script-part-Wr65Tv62.log
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:434] opsi-script started at >>
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:434] opsi-script log file with encoding utf8
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:434] startmessage opsi-script created at CentralForm.FormCreate: 13.03.2018 16:58:56
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:434] Loading skin from: C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winstskin
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:434] Called with parameter: /opsiservice\r\nhttps://\r\n/clientid\r\nwin10-vm.uib.local\r\n/username\r\nwin10-vm.uib.local\r\n/password\r\n***(confidential)***\r\n
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] Depot path from readconfig:  p:\ 13.03.2018 16:58:57
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] startmessage StartProgramModes and create log: 13.03.2018 16:58:57
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] pm: 5 13.03.2018 16:58:57
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] startmessage start opsi service connection: 13.03.2018 16:58:57
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] startmessage: opsidata initialized: 13.03.2018 16:58:57
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] win10-vm.uib.local
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] got debug_prog: false
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] got default_loglevel: 7
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] got config:
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] got force_min_loglevel: false
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] Error: Not an Integer:  force_min_loglevel: false
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] readConfigFromService: ok
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] startmessage create log: 13.03.2018 16:59:01
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] force_min_loglevel: 0
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] default_loglevel: 7
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] debug_prog: false
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:435] debug_lib: true
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:441] JSON service request getDepotId
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:01:749] JSON service request getProductOrdering
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:393] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:706] Computername:win10-vm.uib.local
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:707] Computername according to Environment Variable :WIN10-VM
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:707] opsi service URL
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:707] Depot path:  p:\
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:707] 
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] bootmode from registry: BKSTD
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] bootmode BKSTD
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] Resolved sequence of products (13.03.2018 16:59:04): 
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] Product 3 	notepad_plusplus : setup
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:04:716] JSON service request getProduct_hash
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:05:453] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : notepad_plusplus
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:05:453] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:05:679] Actionrequest for product: notepad_plusplus is (original/actual): (setup / setup)
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:05:772] [notepad_plusplus] Actionrequest for Product: notepad_plusplus is: setup
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:05:772] [notepad_plusplus] JSON service request getProductProperties_hash
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:06:426] [notepad_plusplus] JSON service request getProduct_hash
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:06:847] [notepad_plusplus] in TOpsi4Data.initProduct : notepad_plusplus
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:06:848] [notepad_plusplus] JSON service request productOnClient_getObjects
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:120] [notepad_plusplus] scriptname: "setup.ins", special path: "p:\notepad_plusplus\"
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:120] [notepad_plusplus] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:404] [notepad_plusplus] Using old Depot path:  p:\
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus] 
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus] ============ Version script "p:\notepad_plusplus\setup.ins"
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus]              used script encoding: cp1252
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus]              used system encoding: cp1252
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus]              start: 2018-03-13  16:59:07 
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus]              installing product: notepad_plusplus_1.0-1
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:444] [notepad_plusplus]              on client named    "win10-vm.uib.local"
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus]              loggedin user    "adminuser"
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus]              opsi-script running as    "SYSTEM"
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus]              opsi-script running with admin privileges
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus]              opsi-script running in standard script mode
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus] executing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\\opsi-client-agent\opsi-winst\winst32.exe"
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:445] [notepad_plusplus] system infos:
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus] 08-00-27-FE-0C-4A  -  PC hardware address
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus] win10-vm  -  IP name 
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus]  -  IP address
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus] DEU  -  System default locale 
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus] Registry started readonly
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:451] [notepad_plusplus] Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:452] [notepad_plusplus] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]  opened
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:452] [notepad_plusplus] Key closed
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:452] [notepad_plusplus] MS Windows 10.0 64 Bit, Release: 1709, Edition: PRODUCT_PROFESSIONAL
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:452] [notepad_plusplus] opsi service version : 4
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:452] [notepad_plusplus] 
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:454] [notepad_plusplus] Registry started readonly
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:454] [notepad_plusplus] Registry started without redirection (64 Bit)
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:454] [notepad_plusplus] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion]  opened
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:454] [notepad_plusplus] Key closed
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:569] [notepad_plusplus] opsi-script has version, required is : >=
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $LogDir$ 		= "C:\tmp"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$LogDir$" is now: "C:\tmp"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $ProductId$       	= "Notepad_plusplus"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$ProductId$" is now: "Notepad_plusplus"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $MinimumSpace$    	= "30 MB"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:571] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$MinimumSpace$" is now: "30 MB"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $InstallDir$      	= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$InstallDir$" is now: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $SetupFile$		= "npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$SetupFile$" is now: "npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $LicenseRequired$ 	= "false"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$LicenseRequired$" is now: "false"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus] Set  $LicensePool$     	= "p_" + $ProductId$
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   The value of the variable "$LicensePool$" is now: "p_Notepad_plusplus"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus] If
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]     Free on Disk C:: 15.757.090.816 bytes  This is more than the required amount of 30.000.000 bytes
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$)   <<< result true
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:572] [notepad_plusplus]   not(HasMinimumSpace ("C:", $MinimumSpace$))   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:573] [notepad_plusplus] Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:573] [notepad_plusplus] Else
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:573] [notepad_plusplus]   comment: Show product picture
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:654] [notepad_plusplus]   If
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:657] [notepad_plusplus]     Starting query if file exist ...
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:658] [notepad_plusplus]     FileExists("p:\notepad_plusplus\delsub.ins")   <<< result true
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:658] [notepad_plusplus]   Then
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:658] [notepad_plusplus]     comment: Start uninstall sub section
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:670] [notepad_plusplus]     Loaded sub from: p:\notepad_plusplus\delsub.ins with encoding: cp1252
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:670] [notepad_plusplus]     
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:670] [notepad_plusplus]     ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\notepad_plusplus\delsub.ins"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:673] [notepad_plusplus]     Set  $UninstallProgram$ = $InstallDir$ + "\uninstall.exe"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:674] [notepad_plusplus]       The value of the variable "$UninstallProgram$" is now: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe"
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:675] [notepad_plusplus]     message Uninstalling Notepad_plusplus ...
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:678] [notepad_plusplus]     If
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:678] [notepad_plusplus]       Starting query if file exist ...
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:678] [notepad_plusplus]         "C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\uninstall.exe": 
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:678] [notepad_plusplus]       FileExists($UninstallProgram$)   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:678] [notepad_plusplus]     Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     EndIf
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     line is starting with "[": inDefFunc3: 0
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     Section ending since next line is starting with "["
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub "p:\notepad_plusplus\delsub.ins"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]     
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:679] [notepad_plusplus]   EndIf
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:685] [notepad_plusplus]   message Installing Notepad_plusplus ...
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:689] [notepad_plusplus]   If
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:689] [notepad_plusplus]     $LicenseRequired$ = "true"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:689] [notepad_plusplus]   Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:690] [notepad_plusplus]   EndIf
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:693] [notepad_plusplus]   comment: Start setup program
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:693] [notepad_plusplus]   Execution of: Winbatch_install 
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:693] [notepad_plusplus]   
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:07:694] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:08:112] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:08:519] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:08:923] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:09:328] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:09:735] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:10:140] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:10:542] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:10:947] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:353] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe -retrying
[4] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:758] [notepad_plusplus]     Warning: file not found :p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe - giving up
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:758] [notepad_plusplus]     Call ""p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe" /S"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:758] [notepad_plusplus]        Waiting until the called process is finished
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:762] [notepad_plusplus]     Start process as invoker: SYSTEM
[3] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:766] [notepad_plusplus]     Exception in StartProcess_cp: Failed to execute "p:\notepad_plusplus\setup\npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe" /S : 2
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:766] [notepad_plusplus]     
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:777] [notepad_plusplus]   
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:778] [notepad_plusplus]   ~~~~~~~ Start Sub ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:779] [notepad_plusplus]   comment: Test for installation success via exit code
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]   Set  $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]     The value of the variable "$ExitCode$" is now: "-1"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]   If
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]     $ExitCode$ = "0"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]     ($ExitCode$ = "0")   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:780] [notepad_plusplus]   Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]   Else
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]     comment: Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: -1
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]     If
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]       $ExitCode$ = "1605"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]       ($ExitCode$ = "1605")   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]     Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]     Else
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]       If
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]         $ExitCode$ = "1641"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]         ($ExitCode$ = "1641")   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]       Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]       Else
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]         If
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]           $ExitCode$ = "3010"   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]           ($ExitCode$ = "3010")   <<< result false
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]         Then
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]         Else
[3] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]           Error: Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: -1
[2] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]           Error level set to fatal
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]           Process aborted
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]   
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]   ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  Sub_check_exitcode
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]   
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus]   Process aborted
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] ___________________
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] script finished: failed
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] 2 errors
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] 11 warnings
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] 
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] installed product: notepad_plusplus Version: 1.0-1
[1] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:781] [notepad_plusplus] 
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:782] [notepad_plusplus] We do not look for a update script, because the setup script is failed
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:782] [notepad_plusplus] BuildPC: update switches .....
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:11:782] [notepad_plusplus] JSON service request productOnClient_updateObject
[7] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042] Registry started with redirection (32 Bit)
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042] Registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\\winst]  opened
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042]                   Variable "RebootRequested"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042]                   Variable "LastLogFilename"  is keeping its value "c:\\log\opsi-script.log"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042]                   Variable "ContinueLogFile"  is keeping its value "0"
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:042]                   Variable "NumberOfErrors"  not found. Code: 2
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:043]                   Key flushed
[6] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:043]                   Key closed
[5] [Mrz 13 16:59:12:052] -------- submitted part of log file ends here, see the rest of log file on client ----------

und hier nochmal das Befehl Ergebnis..vom Inhalt sind fast die gleiche nur unterschiedlich packete ..da ich immer wieder probiert habe . vielen dank nochmal für deine mühe .

Code: Alles auswählen

root@opsiserver:~# ls -laR /var/lib/opsi/depot/notepad
insgesamt 4204
drwxrws---  2 opsiconfd pcpatch    4096 Mär 13 13:20 .
drwxrws--- 85 opsiconfd pcpatch    4096 Mär 13 16:54 ..
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    1516 Mär 13 13:17 delsub.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch     229 Mär 13 13:20 notepad.files
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch 4276400 Mär 13 12:06 npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    3901 Mär 13 13:16 setup.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch    1391 Mär 13 13:18 unistall.ins

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 13 Mär 2018, 18:41
von uncle_scrooge
OK. Jetzt wird langsam ein Schuh draus.

Schau Dir das bitte mal genau an:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%ScriptPath%\setup\$SetupFile$" /S
Und dann das Verzeichnis /var/lib/opsi/notepad_plusplus.
Siehst Du da ein Verzeichnis 'setup'? Ich nicht.

Probier's mal damit:

Code: Alles auswählen

"%ScriptPath%\$SetupFile$" /S

Re: Packet könnte nicht installiert werden

Verfasst: 14 Mär 2018, 09:01
von Maroo
guten morgen , ich bin ja in der Opsi Welt ein Anfänger .mir fehl das Know how ,also wenn ich es einmal machen dann leuchtet es bei mir :D also in das Verzeichnis /var/lib/opsi/notepad_plusplus. das Befeh

Code: Alles auswählen

"%ScriptPath%\$SetupFile$" /S
in der setup.ins packen oder wo soll ich den schreiben ? ich bin echt verwirrt uns stecke seit 3 Tage fest.. :( Das vezeichniss habe ich übersehen sieht so aus

Code: Alles auswählen

oot@opsiserver:~# ls -laR /var/lib/opsi/depot/notepad_plusplus
insgesamt 28
drwxrws---  3 opsiconfd pcpatch 4096 Mär 14 09:05 .
drwxrws--- 85 opsiconfd pcpatch 4096 Mär 13 16:54 ..
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch 1516 Mär 13 13:17 delsub.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch  229 Mär 13 16:54 notepad_plusplus.files
drwxrwsr-x  2 adminuser pcpatch 4096 Mär 14 09:05 setup
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch 3901 Mär 13 16:52 setup.ins
-rw-rw----  1 opsiconfd pcpatch 1391 Mär 13 13:18 unistall.ins

insgesamt 4188
drwxrwsr-x 2 adminuser pcpatch    4096 Mär 14 09:05 .
drwxrws--- 3 opsiconfd pcpatch    4096 Mär 14 09:05 ..
-rw-rw---- 1 opsiconfd pcpatch 4276400 Mär 13 12:06 npp.7.5.5.Installer.exe
Vielen Dank