Updated 4.0.7 packages in stable & testing

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Registriert: 10 Jun 2015, 12:19

Updated 4.0.7 packages in stable & testing

Beitrag von m.radtke »

Deap opsi users

hereby we release updated packages in our stable and testing repositories

The following packages are released as stable
-- Serverpackages
- python-opsi
- opsi-utils
-- Clientpackages
- opsi-client-agent
- config-win10 4.0.7-3

in Addition the following packages are released as testing:
-- Serverpackages
- opsiconfd
- opsipxeconfd
- opsi-linux-bootimage 20161221-1
-- Clientpackages
- opsi-script/opsi-winst


Mathias Radtke


python-opsi ( stable; urgency=medium

* Updated translations for hwaudit.

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 15:17:30 +0100

python-opsi ( stable; urgency=medium

* Updated translations.

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 14:11:42 +0100

python-opsi ( stable; urgency=medium

* OPSI.Backend.Backend.Backend.backend_setOptions now logs whenever a
is skipped because of the type differs from the expected one.
* OPSI.Backend.JSONRPC.JSONRPCBackend: corrected indentation.

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Tue, 22 Nov 2016 14:12:48 +0100

python-opsi ( experimental; urgency=medium

* Improved __repr__ of Group, ProductProperty, ProductPropertyState and
their subclasses.
* OpsiBackupArchive does not fail anymore if an added file does not exist.

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Tue, 25 Oct 2016 11:29:56 +0200


opsi-utils ( stable; urgency=medium

* Updated translations.
* Added new translations: ES, RU

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 14:36:00 +0100

opsi-utils ( testing; urgency=medium

* Updated translations for: DE, FR

-- Niko Wenselowski <n.wenselowski@uib.de> Tue, 11 Oct 2016 16:45:44 +0200


opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* sub_shutdown_starter_fix: if in shutdown mode and installed version of opsiclientd_event_starter.exe = 4.0.7
then replace this file and /ImmediateReboot

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Wed, 14 Dec 2016:14:30:00 +0200


config-win10 (4.0.7-3); stable; urgency=low

* disable_mac: fixed usage of wring registry key

-- Mathias Radtke <m.raddtke@uib.de> Fri, 12 Dez 2016 14:32:00 +0100


opsiconfd ( testing; urgency=medium

* opsiconfd.spec: deactivated removing su line from logrotate on SLES11SP4

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 10:36:22 +0100

opsiconfd ( testing; urgency=medium

* opsiconfd.spec: added detection of SLES12SP2 & OpenSUSE Leap42.2

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue, 06 Dec 2016 15:28:13 +0100


opsipxeconfd ( stable; urgency=medium

* debian/ubuntu: added missing esac in postrm

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 13:39:34 +0100

opsipxeconfd ( experimental; urgency=medium

* opsipxeconfd.spec: deactivated removing su line from logrotate on SLES11SP4

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu, 08 Dec 2016 10:33:37 +0100


opsi-linux-bootimage (20161221-1) testing; urgency=medium

* added python-opsi (better reboot handling)

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu, 22 Dec 2016 09:51:44 +0100

opsi-linux-bootimage (20161216-1) testing; urgency=medium

* updated translations
* added vga16 framebuffer

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri, 16 Dec 2016 13:21:42 +0100


opsi-winst/opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

* source migrated from svn to git and direcories restructured
* compiled with Lazarus 1.6.2
* osparser: doOpsiServiceCall: new Parametzer opsiclientd-once (=tscOpsiclientdOnce)
resets local_opsidata after servicecall
* osparser: CreateAndProcessScript: resets local_opsidata before script
* osparser: doAktionen: Statement: 'opsiservicecall /preloginservice' (without sektion) allowed
* oswebservice: sendLog: shrinking temporary disabled until size can be asked via service call
* osfuncwin: StrSIDToName: do not try empty string
* osparser: use 'on e: exception do' in exception handling
* osfuncwin2: updateenvironment: use lazarus sendmessage
* osregistry: WriteEntry: unicode / utf8 Support
* osparser: Resourcestring for translation: rsReadyToContinue
* osparser: fileactionsmain: GetString with true
* osfunc: TPatchList.FindFirstItemWith: more logging
* osinteracticegui: message for not working logview
* osparser: symlink: check via cmd.exe after create symlink
* osparser: removed cmd.exe call from fileexists%
* osparser: success or failed after 'script finished' in log footer
* osparser: dosbatch: retry on erroer 19 (WRITE_PROTECT)
* updateted lang (po) files
* updated indy lib 10-rev5391
* osparser: fix in getstring call chain
* osfunc: fix in chmod error handling

-- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Tue, 06 Dec 2016:15:00:00 +0200
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