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opsi 4.0: Updates in testing:

Verfasst: 13 Dez 2017, 13:34
von d.oertel
Sehr geehrte opsi Anwender

Hiermit gibt es ein paar Updates und auch neue Pakete in Testing.
Dies sind die abschließenden Updates für die Pakete welche wir in den letzten
Wochen für opsi 4.0 nach testing gestellt haben. Aktuell haben wir vor diese am
Dienstag den 19.12.2017 als Stable freizugeben.

Neu in testing ist das Paket opsi-local-image-restore_4.0.7.4-5
Bei diesem Paket fällt das Property 'method' weg.
Da es unter Windows 10 zunehmend Probleme mit der Methode "rsync-partclone-image" gab
und sie bei modernen Platten (SATA) kaum noch einen Geschwindigkeitsvorteil hat,
haben wir diese Methode entfernt und ein restore wird jetzt immer mit der Methode
'partclone-image-restore' durchgeführt.

Happy Testing

Im Einzelnen:

Als Testing veröffentlichen wir:

Netboot Produkte in der Version


LocalBoot Produkte


opsi-linux Produkte

Linux Netboot Proukte:

debian (
sles12sp1 (

Linux LocalBoot Produkte

l-ssh-root-login (1.0-3)




Server Pakete:


detlef oertel


opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* update to opsi-script

-- Detlef Oertel <> Tue, 12 Dec 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* update to opsi-notifier
* notifier_json: method choicesChanged ; fixes #3196
* notifierguicontrol: objectByIndex: do not crash on wrong ini content ; fixes #3156
* dpi awareness: Vista-8:off; 8.1+:per Monitor
* new dir c:\\applog which is open for user and should have the logs from systray and kiosk-client
* update to opsi_client_systray
* oslog: changed logging to c:\\applog
* DataModuleCreate: initlogging: logfilename := 'systray-' + GetUserName_ ;
* DataModuleCreate: setlogvel to 7
* DataModuleCreate: check for opsiclientd
* update to opsiclientkiosk
* oslog: changed logging to c:\\applog
* ockdata: initlogging: logfilename := 'kiosk-' + GetUserName_ +'.log';
* ockdata: readconf: setlogvel to 7
* code cleanup
* ockdata: main: check for opsiclientd ; fixes #3225
* use delete in Files_redist_cleanup_c / Files_redist_cleanup_d ; fixes #3227

-- Detlef Oertel <> Tue, 05 Dec 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* remove of some del -s Options (bug created in last Version)
* removed unused section DosInAnIcon_lock_opsiclientd_conf
* unused file opsicliend.reg

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 06 Oct 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* use 'sc failure' to configure opsiclientd service restarts after failure
* use allway -c option in delete and copy to avoid not wanted reboots

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 02 Oct 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-client-agent ( stable; urgency=low

* Files_del_systray: Fixed wrong path.
* Trying to kill notifier.exe before copying

-- Erol Ueluekmen <> Thu, 28 Sep 2017:14:00:00 +0200


opsi-winst/opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

* Additional fix for Support brackets '[]' in Registry keys
* osfunc: function posFromEnd(const substr : string; const s : string) : integer;
* osparser: doRegistryHack: openkey, deletekey in Registry sections
* osparser: evaluatestring: GetRegistryStringValue*

-- Detlef Oertel <> Wed, 12 Dec 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-winst/opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

* osdefinedfunctions: free local Vars on leaving the function; fixes #3230
* Fix call of defined functions inside if statement ; fixes #3232
* osdefinedfunctions: call: new param Nestlevel
* osparser: evaluatestring: new param Nestlevel (to use while call defined function)
* osparser: producestringlist: new param Nestlevel (to use while call defined function)
* osparser: doSetVar: new param Nestlevel (to use while call evaluatestring/producestringlist)
* Support brackets '[]' in Registry keys ; fixes #2825
* osparser: doRegistryHack: openkey, deletekey in Registry sections
* osparser: evaluatestring: GetRegistryStringValue*
* Encoding Parameter for sections which modify files (patches,Patchtext,...); references #3140
* osencoding: LoadFromFileWithEncoding
* osparser: doIniFilesPatchesMain: shortcut for utf8
* other encoding Problems:
* osencoding: reencode: encode by Default to utf8 which is the internal encoding
* osencoding: LoadFromFileWithEncoding (more changes)

-- Detlef Oertel <> Wed, 06 Dec 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-winst/opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

* osmain: log command line parameter of opsi-script call
* osmain: startprogrammodes: fix for /productid (bug created with /logproductid)

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 06 Nov 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-winst/opsi-script ( stable; urgency=low

* start to wor on new modifier '/encoding <encoding>' for patches sections
* osparser: fix Message 'ReportMessages' changed to 'ScriptErrorMessages'
* osparser: fix Message 'ScriptErrorMessages' 'is set to' true/false was wrong
* osparser: tsImportLib: replace constants

-- Detlef Oertel <> Mon, 06 Nov 2017:15:00:00 +0200

opsi-local-image-restore ( stable; urgency=low

* remove method "rsync-partclone-image"
* remove property method
* change
* now always using method 'partclone-image-restore'

-- detlef oertel <> Fri, 08 Dec 2017 15:00:00 +0200


windows ( / opsi-local-image (

* deleting unattend.xml in cleanup script

-- Mathias Radtke <> Thu Nov 30 14:01:28 2017 +0200

windows ( stable; urgency)low

* support for #@installdiskindex*# placeholder in unattend.xml
* nt6.xml: support for #@installdiskindex*# placeholder in unattend.xml

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 09 Nov 2017:15:00:00 +0200

windows ( stable; urgency)low

* lookup table for localized adminstrator accounts
* nt6.opsiscript: call setup.exe from installfiles_dir
* nt6.xml: use #@adminName*# instead of 'administrator'
* win2016: default password is Nt123?

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 02 Nov 2017:15:00:00 +0200

windows ( stable; urgency)low

* minor fixes
* nt6.opsiscript: minor fixes
* minor fixes

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 12 Oct 2017:15:00:00 +0200

windows ( stable; urgency)low

* check if correct opsi-script is available
* check for <productid>.png or windows.png' before copy
* nt6.opsiscript: check for <productid>.png or windows.png' before ShowBitmap
* Makefile: copy windows.png as windows.png (makes work with derivated products easyer)
* Show message about productId_ver-ver on clientId
* removed property: blockalignment - now always true

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 12 Oct 2017:15:00:00 +0200

windows ( experimental; urgency)low

* merge from check for opsi version opsi 4.1 compatible
* make sure that encodedPcpatchPassword is defined
* uefi: create system partition: more info

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 05 Oct 2017:15:00:00 +0200

windows ( experimental; urgency)low

* integrate use of opsi-script in winpe part
* new nt6.opsiscript
* modified changed work.cmd additonal opsi-script-infos.ini
* new property: multi_disk_mode with values: ["0","1","2","3","prefer_ssd","prefer_rotaional"]
Fallback is first disk
* moving postinst stuff from c:\tmp to c:\\log
* removed setwallpaper, opsimbr.exe
* fix 99_cleanup.cmd: path to 64bit shutdown.exe
* added sleep prior making NTFS partition (mr
* update pci.ids, usb.ids ; fixes: #2747
* new property: administrator_password ; fixes: #2396
* new property: winpe_dir ;default=auto; auto=winpe or winpe_uefi, if not auto: used for mbr and uefi; fixes: #2922
* winpe_uefi is a symlink to winpe by default ; fixes: #2863
* postinst and preinst now created from postinst_nt6 and preinst_nt6
* nt5 stuff removed
* winpe* is backuped and restored in preinst/postinst
* create winpe_uefi as symlink if not existing (do)
* postinst.cmd now also allows calling powershell scripts (*.ps1) ; fixes: #2677

-- Detlef Oertel <> Thu, 24 Aug 2017:15:00:00 +0200


opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* suspends the product if event on_shutdown is detected and < win8.1
* capture.opsiscript: no more setloglevel

-- detlef oertel <> Mo, 06 Nov 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* set opsi-clonezilla property disk_device and use 'diskdevice' in property runcommand
* uefi support
* multi disk support

-- detlef oertel <> Mo, 30 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* more fixes for win < 8.1
* more fixes for more than one disk

-- detlef oertel <> Wed, 25 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* fix: added declaration for $aktNumber$

-- rupert roeder <> Wed, 25 Oct 2017 09:45:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* fix at "Check for active (boot) disk ..."

-- detlef oertel <> Mon, 23 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* new property image_flag: Flag will be set after capture
* set flag also after creat via dism
* update auf wimlib 1.12

-- detlef oertel <> Wed, 04 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* try to include sysprep logs
* call method updateWIMConfig
* fixed ShellInAnIcon_imagex_flags
* fix create work.cmd for different netboot product versions
* start opsi-script in PE with /logproductid
* stop service tiledatamodelsvc before sysprep
* use powershell to get boot drive
* do not use WINDOWS Label to get captutre Drive Letter

-- detlef oertel <> Wed, 06 Sep 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-wim-capture ( stable; urgency=low

* workaround for setProductActionRequestWithDependencies (none Bug)

-- detlef oertel <> Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:00:00 +0000

opsi-clonezilla ( stable; urgency=low

* quickfix smb1 fallback

-- detlef oertel <> Wed, 25 Nov 2017 15:00:00 +0200
debian ( stable; urgency=low

* Debian9 now installs with working network confiuration

-- Mathias Radtke <> Wed nov 23 15:20:00 +0100


sles12sp1 ( stable; urgency=low

* replaced opsi4.0 check with an opsi4.x check

-- Mathias Radtke <> Wed Oct 4 13:43:06 2017 +0200

l-ssh-root-login (1.0-3) stable; urgency=low

* added debian9 compatability

-- Mathias Radtke <> Wed, 26 Jul 2017 13:28:00 +0200

l-ssh-root-login (1.0-2) stable; urgency=low

* PermitRootLogin prohibit-password now detected

-- Mathias Radtke <> Mon, 13 Feb 2017 14:55:00 +0100


l-system-update stable urgency=low

* Requiring opsi-winst/opsi-script 4.11.6.
* Cleaned up script.
* RedHat: Running yum makecache before attempting to update.
* UCS: Refactored waiting for package lock.
* Increased initial waiting time for the package lock.
* Running on an unsupported distro family will fail.

-- Niko Wenselowski <> Thu, 17 Nov 2017 12:40:07 +0100

l-system-update stable urgency=low

* univention upgrade: retrying twice when failed to upgrade

-- Mathias Radtke <> Thu, 09 Nov 2017 16:10:00 +0100

opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

* registry:
* fix for Support brackets '[]' in Registry keys ; fixes #2825
* osparser: doRegistryHack: openkey, deletekey in Registry sections
* osparser: evaluatestring: GetRegistryStringValue*

-- detlef oertel <> Tue, 12 Dec 2017 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

* test local functions:
* Testing repeated function call with local variables
* Testing fuction call while if
* registry:
* Support brackets '[]' in Registry keys ; fixes #2825
* osparser: doRegistryHack: openkey, deletekey in Registry sections
* osparser: evaluatestring: GetRegistryStringValue*

-- detlef oertel <> Mon, 06 Dec 2017 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script-test ( stable; urgency=low

* test encoding:Patches /encoding "ucs2be"

-- detlef oertel <> Mon, 23 Oct 2017 15:00:00 +0200
