Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Neuigkeiten und Ankündigungen
Beiträge: 1528
Registriert: 10 Jun 2015, 12:19

Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von m.radtke »

Sehr geehrte opsi-Anwenderinnen und -Anwender,

es wurden Updates für opsi 4.1 in Stable & Testing veröffentlicht.

Neuigkeiten zu den aktualisierten Paketen:

Das Hauptziel der Arbeiten am sichtbaren Teil des configed war die
Verbesserung der usability des Setzens von Aktionen für mehrere Produkte
mit einem Klick.
Unter der Oberfläche besteht die Hauptveränderung in der Unterstützung
des neuen shim-Bootloaders, der auch Secureboot behandeln kann.

Mit den aktualisierten Versionen ist es nun möglich den shim/grub Bootloader für UEFI Installationen zu nutzen, ohne das Secure Boot Modul freigeschaltet zu haben. Für eine Secure Boot Installation ist weiterhin die kostenpflichtige Erweiterung nötig. Ziel ist es allen opsi Anwenderinnen und Anwendern mit der UEFI Erweiterung zu ermöglichen den shim/grub Bootloader zu nutzen, da elilo immer öfter Probleme mit diversen UEFI implementation hat.

Der verwendete Grub und die dazugehörigen Module wurden aktualisiert. Zudem wurde das grub Menü erweitert. Rechner die über das grub Menü gestartet und über das opsi-linux-bootimage in den opsi-configed aufgenommen werden, erhalten den UEFI Haken, sofern sich der Client im UEFI modus befindet. Selbiges gilt auch für kernel-append Parameter die nachträglich über das grub Menü hinzugefügt worden sind.
Um das erweiterte grub Menü zu nutzen muss die Datei grub.cfg.opsi in grub.opsi im grub Verzeichnis des tftproot umgeschrieben werden.

Deropsiclientd basiert nun nicht mehr auf cx_freeze sondern auf py_installer und funktioniert auf allen unterstützten Linux Distribionen.

Neben vielen Fixes, gibt es folgende von aussen sichtbare Neuerungen:

* opsi-script erstellt wieder eine c:\opsi.org\opsi-script.history Logdatei mit einem einzeiligen Eintrag pro Produkt
* linkfolder: new link element window_state with the allowed values 'normal', 'min', 'max'
* Bei winbatch Aufrufen kann nun der parameter /timeoutseconds auch kombiniert werden mit WaitForWindowAppearing or WaitForWindowVanished
* new statement: executeSection( < string expr with section call>)
can call the following section types:
* winbatch
* registry
* DosBatch, DosInAnIcon, ShellBatch, ShellInAnIcon
* ExecWith, ExecPython
* Files
* new stringlist function setValueByKey(<key str>, <value str>, <target list> [, <separator str (char)>]) : stringlist
* new statement: forceLogInAppenMode = (true/false) (default=false)
* new statement: requiredOpsiscriptVersion (= requiredWinstVersion)
* new global constant %OpsiscriptVersion% (= %winstversion%)
* new global constant %OpsiscriptDir% ( = %winstdir%)
* new boolean function isPingReachable(<host>)
* Winbatch now supports WaitForProcessEnding also for [Linux/MacOS]
* new string function which(<command in path>) : string (command with path) [W/L/M]
* new stringlist function replaceOpsiConstants(<list>) : <list>
* new string function replaceOpsiConstants(<string>) : <string>
* new boolean function: runningWithGui (osparser,osfunc) (at win+Mac always true)
* new stringlist function listFiles (<Path>, <Searchmask> , <SearchSubDirectories>, <[Redirection]>) : stringlist [W/L/M]
example: Set $Filelist$ = listFiles("C:\windows\system32","*.Devices.*.dll","False","64bit")

Aktualisierte Pakete in Stable:

Windows Localboot Pakete:
opsi-configed (
opsi-setup-detector (
opsi-wan-config-on (4.0.1-2)
opsi-winst (
opsi-script-test (
swaudit (

Windows Netboot Pakete:
Windows-NT6 (

Linux Netboot Pakete:
debian9 (
ubuntu18-04 (

opsi-local-image Produkte:
opsi-local-image-prepare (
opsi-local-image-NT6 (
opsi-vhd-win10-x64 (

Linux Localboot Pakete:
swaudit (
opsi-linux-client-agent (

Server-Pakete opsi 4.1:

Aktualisierte Pakete in Testing:

Server Pakete opsi 4.1:
opsi-linux-bootimage (20200506-1)
opsi-tftpd-hpa (5.2.8-52)
opsi-utils (
opsipxeconfd (
python-opsi (
opsi-script (

Windows Localboot Pakete:
opsi-auto-update (
opsi-configed (
windows10-upgrade (19.09-8)

Linux Localboot Pakete:
l-system-update (
opsi-linux-client-agent (

Windows Netboot Pakete:
Windows-NT6 (

opsi-local-image Produkte:
opsi-local-image-NT6 (

Linux Netboot Pakete:
debian (
debian8 (
debiab9 (
debian10 (
ubuntu (
ubuntu16-04 (
ubuntu18-04 (
ubuntu20-04 (

Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Code: Alles auswählen

debian ( stable; urgency=low

  * fixed swap partition creation on LVM devices

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri 08 May 2020 17:40:00 +0200


debian8 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


debian9 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

debian9 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200

debian9 ( testing: urgency=low

  * added new property installation_method to choose kexec or reboot install method

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> 30 Sep 2019 16:00:00 +0200


debian10 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices
  * kernel update

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon 11 May 2020 14:50.00 +0200

debian10 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200

debian10 ( testing: urgency=low

  * added new property installation_method to choose kexec or reboot install method

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> 30 Sep 2019 16:00:00 +0200


ubuntu ( stable; urgency=low

  * fixed swap partition creation on LVM devices

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri 08 May 2020 17:40:00 +0200

ubuntu ( stable; urgency=low

  * added focal as release

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 28 Apr 2020 15:00:00 +0200


ubuntu16-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


ubuntu18-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

ubuntu18-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Apr 27 2020 14:40:00 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Apr 20 2020 14:40:00 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu Apr 02 2020 14:40:00 +0200


====== Release ======

Sehr geehrte opsi-Anwenderinnen und -Anwender,

es wurden Updates für opsi 4.1 in Stable & Testing veröffentlicht.
Neuigkeiten in Stable:
Aktualisierte Pakete in Stable:

Windows Localboot Pakete:
opsi-bootimage-local (20200506-1)
opsi-configed (
opsi-setup-detector (
opsi-wan-config-on (4.0.1-2)
opsi-winst (
opsi-winst-test (
swaudit (

Windows Netboot Pakete:
Windows-NT6 (

Linux Netboot Pakete:
debian9 (
ubuntu18-04 (

opsi-local-image Produkte:
opsi-local-image-prepare (
opsi-local-image-NT6 (

Linux Localboot Pakete:
swaudit (
opsi-linux-client-agent (

Server-Pakete opsi 4.1:

Aktualisierte Pakete in Testing:

Server Pakete opsi 4.1:
opsi-linux-bootimage (20200506-1)
opsi-tftpd-hpa (5.2.8-52)
opsi-utils (
opsipxeconfd (
python-opsi (

Windows Localboot Pakete:
opsi-auto-update (
opsi-configed (
windows10-upgrade (19.09-8)

Linux Localboot Pakete:
l-system-update (
opsi-linux-client-agent (
opsi-script (

Windows Netboot Pakete:
Windows-NT6 (

opsi-local-image Produkte:
opsi-local-image-NT6 (
opsi-vhd-win10-x64 (

Linux Netboot Pakete:
debian (
debian8 (
debiab9 (
debian10 (
ubuntu (
ubuntu16-04 (
ubuntu18-04 (
ubuntu20-04 (

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


debian ( stable; urgency=low

  * fixed swap partition creation on LVM devices

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri 08 May 2020 17:40:00 +0200


debian8 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


debian9 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

debian9 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200

debian9 ( testing: urgency=low

  * added new property installation_method to choose kexec or reboot install method

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> 30 Sep 2019 16:00:00 +0200


debian10 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices
  * kernel update

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon 11 May 2020 14:50.00 +0200

debian10 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200

debian10 ( testing: urgency=low

  * added new property installation_method to choose kexec or reboot install method

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> 30 Sep 2019 16:00:00 +0200


ubuntu ( stable; urgency=low

  * fixed swap partition creation on LVM devices

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri 08 May 2020 17:40:00 +0200

ubuntu ( stable; urgency=low

  * added focal as release

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 28 Apr 2020 15:00:00 +0200


ubuntu16-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


ubuntu18-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

ubuntu18-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * created user is now in sudo group

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue 21 Apr 2020 160:30:00 +0200


ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * add fix for vda block devices

-- Terry Strooband <t.strooband@dgip.nl> Fri May 8 2020 18:48:12 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Apr 27 2020 14:40:00 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Apr 20 2020 14:40:00 +0200

ubuntu20-04 ( testing; urgency=low

  * kernel updated to match online kernel

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu Apr 02 2020 14:40:00 +0200


opsi-local-image-prepare ( stable; urgency=low

  * added property "install_local_bootimage"

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon 03 Feb 2020 16:20:00 +0200
opsi-vhd-win10-x64 ( testing; urgency=low

  * using shimx64.efi.signed as default bootloader when installing opsi-linux-bootimage locally

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Wed Feb  5 15:33:45 2020 +0200
 windows ( testing; urgency=low

  * using shimx64.efi.signed as default bootloader when installing opsi-linux.bootimage locally

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Wed Feb  5 15:33:45 2020 +0200

windows ( testing; urgency=low

  * removed download of usb.ids and pci.ids in postinst

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Dec  2 09:56:15 2019 +0200

opsi-local-image ( testing; urgency=low

  * using shimx64.efi.signed as default bootloader when installing opsi-linux.bootimage locally

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Wed Feb  5 15:34:01 2020 +0200

opsi-local-image ( testing; urgency=low

  * removed download of usb.ids and pci.ids in postinst

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mon Dec  2 09:56:25 2019 +0200
 opsi-script ( testing; urgency=low
  * corrected changelog for OBS builds

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Thu, 12 May 2020 16:26:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * osmain: bootmode: now using opsiclientagentconf
  * linux: osprocesses: ProcessIsRunning: look for exact match in 15 char shortcmd
  * osfunclin: os_shutdown()
  * osmain: (linux) try to direct reboot or shutdown

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 12 Mar 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * osmain: /batch + /productid (template+with admin):
    * if no connection to real server, retry with localhost
    * if no connection to localhost - run any way

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 10 Mar 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * oswebservice: new function macosAgentActivated: boolean;
  * osmain: on macos: check macosAgentActivated
  * Info-os.plist: add opsi.icns file

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Wed, 26 Feb 2020 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * uib_exitcode: isMsExitcodeFatal_short calls isMsiExitcodeFatal_short
  * activate history logging again
  * osfunc / osparser: linkfolder: new link element window_state with the allowed values 'normal', 'min', 'max'

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 28 Jan 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * winbatch combine /timeoutseconds with WaitForWindowAppearing or WaitForWindowVanished
    done this in osfunc: StartProcess_cp
  * new statement: executeSection( < string expr with section call>)

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 28 Jan 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * fix: osparser: doAktionen: do not double backslashes in sub_sections
         ApplyTextConstantsToString (Remaining, false);

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * skiped

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 14 Jan 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new statement: forceLogInAppenMode = (true/false)
  * RequiredOpsiscriptVersion
  * %OpsiscriptVersion%
  * %OpsiscriptDir%

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 09 Jan 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new procedure reverseProductOrderByUninstall: ProductList is reordered so that
      uninstall actions will be conducted first and in reverse order as the prodcuts were installed
  * new config opsi-script.global.ReverseProductOrderByUninstall
  * postinst script was adapted for the new config opsi-script.global.ReverseProductOrderByUninstall

 -- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de>  Mon, 6 Jan 2020 13:35:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * new unit ostxstringlist
  * osfunclin: which() now using FindDefaultExecutablePath
  * osfunc: StartProcess_cp: now supports WaitForProcessEnding also for [L/M]
  * Winbatch now supports WaitForProcessEnding also for [L/M]
  * new string function which(<command in path>) : string (command with path) [W/L/M]
  * new stringlist function replaceOpsiConstants(<list>) : <list>
  * new string function replaceOpsiConstants(<string>) : <string>
  * osparser: create cmd64.exe in execshellcall and execdosbatch:
      create also cmd64.exe.mui files
  * new boolean function isPingReachable(<target host>) : bool

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Fri, 27 Dec 2019 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * osProcessux: getCommandResult: give always the first string ; fixes a getmyip Problem

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 19 Nov 2019 15:00:00 +0200
opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * update function listFiles: including switch for disabling redirections under 64bit-Windows

 -- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de>  Fri, 15 Nov 2019 13:43:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * update oswebservice with gzip support (Jan Werner)
  * new StringList function listFiles (Jan Werner)
  * osbatchgui: log on setWindowstate
  * oswebservice: move logging to log_prog
  * osparser info to macos version at log start
  * new boolean function: runningWithGui (osparser,osfunc) (at win+Mac always true)
  * macos: osbatchgui: temporary disable setWindowState
  * update to openssl 1.0.2t

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Wed, 23 Oct 2019 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * feature/macos integrated
  * new library uib_state_and_condition:
      Collection of functions that gives info about system states that are relevant for product installations
  * new library uib_state_and_condition:
      Collection of functions that helps to install driver
  * osparser: differences between %CurrentProfileDir% and %UserProfileDir% fixes: #4118

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 29 Aug 2019 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * oswebservice: switch most of log to log_prog
  * oswebservice: code cleanup (remove unused code)

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 06 Aug 2019 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-script ( experimental; urgency=low

  * oswebservice: sendlog: check max logsize to send via backend_getSystemConfiguration
  * switch to Lazarus 2.0.4

 -- Detlef Oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 06 Aug 2019 15:00:00 +0200


opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * some code cleanup

 -- d.oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Tue, 12 Max 2020 15:00:00 + 0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * switch to opsiclient-pyinstaller

 -- Jan Schneider <j.schneider@uib.de> Sat, 25 Apr 2020 11:03:00 + 0100
 -- d.oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:00:00 + 0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * new opsiclientd-light (in preparation)
 * opsiclientd.pem now with key length 2048
 * opsiclientd-light for debian10, ubuntu20.04
 * opsiclientd-light on centos 8 redhat 8
 * opsiclientd-light on Leap 15-0/1
 * update to opsi-script
 * update to opsiscriptstarter
 * fix distrelease compares with CompareDotSeparatedNumbers()
 * fix idents with opsi-script-beautifier
 * Set $INST_AllowReboot$ = "true" for bootimage mode

 -- d.oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Tue, 31 Feb 2020 15:00:00 + 0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * tried: using ubuntu16.04 opsiclientd on ubuntu 20.04

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue, 31 Mar 2020 11:30:00 +0200

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * update to opsi-script
 * update to opsiscriptstarter

 -- d.oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Fri, 21 Feb 2020 15:00:00 + 0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * corrected version check on LinuxMint

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Thu, 06 Feb 2020 11:30:00 +0200

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * update to opsi-script
 * update to opsiscriptstarter

 -- d.oertel <d.oertel@uib.de> Tue, 07 Jan 2020 15:00:00 + 0100

opsi-linux-client-agent ( testing; urgency=medium

 * not trying to install opsiclientd on CentOS/RHEL 8

 -- Mathias Radtke <n.radtke@uib.de> Mon, 12 Dec 2019 15:00:00 +0200


l-system-update stable; urgency=low

  * ShellInAnIcon_Upgrade_deb: added options to not hang on non standard files

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Fri, 03 Apr 2020 14:25:00 +0200


windows10-upgrade (19.09-8) experimental; urgency=low
    * further cleanup of all scripts
    * requires opsi-winst_4.12.3.12-1 or higher
    * included opsi-client-agent folder (needed for upgrades from older windows versions (i.e Win7) while using WAN mode)
    * WAN mode should finally work now
    * Determines automatically if client is in WAN mode
    * removed ProductProperty wan-extension
    * added ProductProperty copy_files_locally. Determines if the installation files should be copied to the local machine (Ignored if using WAN mode)
    * if $upgrade-to-version$ is empty when using auto=true (i.e installfiles_dir does not contain a valid release id) the value from the ProductProperty upgrade-to-version will be used as fallback instead of failing
    * fixed bug where temp_dir_for_eventstarter could not be accessed.
    * the local opsiSetupUser will now be created as local admin in all cases
    * fails if $target_wim$ is missing
    * known bug: setup_after_install does not work if using WAN mode and if client has no connection to depot server. will be fixed in an upcoming opsi-client-agent release
-- Matthias Knauer <m.knauer@uib.de> Tue 29 Apr 2020 11:11:11 +0200


        * new bool property: shutdown_on_finish (default=false)
           if true we have a final shutdown and the setup_after_install products will be ignored (not set)
           if false we have a final reboot and the setup_after_install products will be set and executed
        * uefi support for opsi-local-image-restore start

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 14 May 2020 15:00:00 +0200

opsi-auto-update ( stable; urgency=low

        * new property: products_to_exclude_by_regex
        * extend default and values for products_to_exclude
        * requiredWinstVersion >= ""
        * property: do_cleanup :new default=false
        * property: do_merge :new default=false
        * setProductsToUninstall: no waring on empty list

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:00:00 +0200


"" (2020/04/24)

"" (2020/04/09)
switch to list implementation of collective action choice

"" (2020/04/02)
reverting to elilo.efi as uefi boot value, but recognizing as well 

"" (2020/04/01)
setting shim bootloader entry as uefi boot value

"" (2020/03/25)
allow again dependency request for uninstall
show the variant dependency options more clearly in the product page
give an error message if a request for uninstall as well as for setup 
are called in one action

"" (2020/02/28)
more threading for sshexec
remove column "on deinstall" in product dependency table

"" (2020/02/27)
in mode CLIQuerySearch produce as output only the result list (plus some 
initial logging if loglevel is set higher than default)

"" (2020/02/26)
repair checking client count limit


python-opsi ( testing; urgency=medium
  * OpsiPXEConfd: setting eliloMode to x64 when shim is present in

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Mon, 06 Apr 2020 18:06:48 +0200

python-opsi ( stable; urgency=medium

  * version bumped to cleanup rpm builds in buildservice.

 -- Erol Ueluekmen <e.ueluekmen@uib.de>  Wed, 05 Feb 2020 11:02:12 +0100

python-opsi ( stable; urgency=medium

  * DHCPD-Parser small fix for multiple domain-search entries
  * small fix for centos/rhel 8 build

 -- Erol Ueluekmen <e.ueluekmen@uib.de>  Tue, 04 Feb 2020 00:56:00 +0100


opsipxeconfd ( testing; urgency=medium
  * opsipxeconfd: removed check for empty value when checking eliloMode config

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Mon, 06 Apr 2020 18:11:36 +0200

opsipxeconfd ( testing; urgency=medium

  * opsipxeconfd: made it compatible with new clientconfig.dhcpd.filename
    setting in configed

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Wed, 01 Apr 2020 16:20:01 +0200


opsi-utils ( stable; urgency=medium
  * version bumped for cleanup in buildservice

 -- Erol Ueluekmen <e.ueluekmen@uib.de>  Fri, 07 Feb 2020 00:17:30 +0100

opsi-utils ( stable; urgency=medium

  * Shebang modified in scripts for RHEL/CentOS 8 support

 -- Erol Ueluekmen <e.ueluekmen@uib.de>  Thu, 06 Feb 2020 20:29:32 +0100

opsi-utils ( testing; urgency=medium

  * CentOS/RHEL 8: patching python2 into scripts

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Wed, 18 Dec 2019 09:35:54 +0100

opsi-utils ( testing; urgency=medium

  * CentOS/RHEL 8: installing python27

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Wed, 18 Dec 2019 09:10:59 +0100


opsi-tftp-hpa (5.2.8-52) stable; urgency=medium
  * removing tcp_wrapper-devel from spec file

 -- Erol Ueluekmen <e.ueluekmen@uib.de>  Wed, 05 Feb 2020 22:22:37 +0100


opsi-linux-bootimage (20200506-1) testing; urgency=medium
  * Ignoring clientconfig.depot.protocol = webdav; fallback to cifs
  * when bootimage creates a new client which is in uefi mode, the uefi
    setting in opsi backend is added
  * when bootimage creates a new client with manually added append parameters,
    those parameters are added to the clients opsi-linux-bootimage.append
  * grub.cfg now contains more entries for manually starting a client with
    specific append parameters

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Wed, 06 May 2020 11:26:00 +0200

opsi-linux-bootimage (20200416-1) testing; urgency=medium

  * kernel 5.6.4
  * rpm: corrected signed kernel linking error

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Thu, 16 Apr 2020 10:40:00 +0200

opsi-linux-bootimage (20200407-2) testing; urgency=medium

  rpm: corrected replacing directories on SLES/OpenSUSE*

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Tue, 07 Apr 2020 16:28:00 +0200

opsi-linux-bootimage (20200407-1) testing; urgency=medium

  * updated grub to 2.02+dfsg1-20
  * updated grub regexp.mod
  * added grub http.mod
  * kernel 5.6.2

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de>  Tue, 07 Apr 2020 11:57:00 +0200


swaudit ( stable; urgency=low

  * reintegrate fixes from
  * reintegrate fixes from

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Tue, 17 Mar 2020 15:00:00 +0100

swaudit ( stable; urgency=low

  * macos integration extended
  * code redesign with defined functions
  * shellInAnIcon_deb: no rc state pakages: fixes: #4402

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:00:00 +0100

swaudit ( stable; urgency=low

  * macos integration

-- detlef oertel <d.oertel@uib.de>  Thu, 06 Feb 2020 15:00:00 +0100


opsi-wan-config-on (4.0.1-2) stable; urgency=low

        * changed wrong name in control file

 -- matthias knauer <m.knauer@uib.de>  Tue, 12 Nov 2019 16:01:53 +0200
 opsi-setup-detector ( experimental; urgency=low

  * osdform/osdcreate: setup files: tow setup files (e.g. 32bit/64bit) now stored in tow different directories (files1, files2),
                       single file is stored in file1
  * adaptations on opsiscript templates according to changes of setup file paths (32bit/64bit setup files)
  * osdform/osdcreate: MST file: One MST file can now be selected for an MSI setup file
  * osdanalyse: procedure get_aktProduct_general_info: not trying to read resourcefile anymore if MSI file is detected.

-- Jan Werner <j.werner@uib.de>  Wed,  29 Jan 2020 : 10:20:00 +0200
 opsi-bootimage-local (20200506-1) testing; urgency=low

* updated to opsi-linux-bootimage_20200506-1

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Mi, 06 Mai 2020 15:00:12 +0200

opsi-bootimage-local (20200416-1) testing; urgency=low

* updated to opsi-linux-bootimage_20200416-1

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Do, 16 Apr 2020 15:41:59 +0200

opsi-bootimage-local (20200414-1) testing; urgency=low

* updated to opsi-linux-bootimage_20200414-1

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Di, 14 Apr 2020 17:57:37 +0200

opsi-bootimage-local (20200407-1) testing; urgency=low

* updated to opsi-linux-bootimage_20200407-1

-- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Di, 07 Apr 2020 17:58:38 +0200

opsi-bootimage-local (20200407-1) testing; urgency=low

  * updated to opsi-linux-bootimage_20200407-1

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Tue, 07 Apr 2020 15:37:14 +0200
 windows ( testing; urgency=low

  * using shimx64.efi.signed as default bootloader when installing opsi-linux.bootimage locally

 -- Mathias Radtke <m.radtke@uib.de> Wed Feb  5 15:33:45 2020 +0200

Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - http://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 566
Registriert: 05 Feb 2011, 18:37

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von SirTux »


der opsi-linux-client-agent scheint auf 32-Bit-Systemen nicht mehr zu funktionieren. habe ich hier eine Abkündigung des Supports übersehen? Aber ich nehme an in dem Fall wäre dies auch im Installationsscript abgefangen worden und gehe von einem Fehler aus.

Viele Grüße,

Code: Alles auswählen

# ./opsiclientd
-su: ./opsiclientd: Kann die Binärdatei nicht ausführen: Fehler im Format der Programmdatei
Beiträge: 3319
Registriert: 04 Jun 2008, 14:27

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von d.oertel »


ok - den Support habe wir nicht groß abgekündigt sondern stillschweigend fallen gelassen, da es immer mehr Distributionen sowieso nur noch für 32 Bit gibt und damit aus unserer Sicht der Bedarf entfallen ist.

Also dann also hier die Frage: gibt es noch einen Bedarf den opsi-linux-client-agent mit support für 32_bit zu bauen ?

opsi support - uib gmbh

For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 566
Registriert: 05 Feb 2011, 18:37

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von SirTux »


ich hätte schon noch 1-2 Maschinen mit Ubuntu 32-Bit 18.04, die ich noch bis zum Supportende weiterbetreiben wollte. Ob das den Aufwand für rechtfertigt ....... müßt ihr beantworten. Aber ein Abbruch des Installationsscriptes wäre schon schön gewesen. Dann hätte ich das gleich gemerkt und hätte mir gleich überlegen können, wie ich damit umgehen will (mit der alten Version weiterbetreiben, vorzeitig einstampfen oder nur noch Ubuntu-Auto-Update verwenden).

Viele Grüße,
Beiträge: 566
Registriert: 05 Feb 2011, 18:37

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von SirTux »

Das Installations-Script von opsi-linux-client-agent ( endet unter Ubuntu 20.04 mit dem Status "failed":

Code: Alles auswählen

(2713)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:190] [opsi-linux-client-agent] ~~~~~~~ End Sub   ~~~~~~~  sub_clean_up
(2714)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:190] [opsi-linux-client-agent] 
(2715)    [5] [May 20 14:23:06:192] [opsi-linux-client-agent] message opsi-linux-client-agent installation finished
(2716)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:192] [opsi-linux-client-agent] If
(2717)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:192] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   not(count($errorList$) = "0")   <<< result true
(2718)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:192] [opsi-linux-client-agent] Then
(2719)    [3] [May 20 14:23:06:193] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   Error: Error summary:
(2720)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:194] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   LogLevel was 6
(2721)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:194] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   LogLevel set to 6
(2722)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:194] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   
(2723)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:194] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   ~~~~~~ Looping through:  ' failed dependent_packages'
(2724)    [3] [May 20 14:23:06:195] [opsi-linux-client-agent]     Error:  failed dependent_packages
(2725)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   
(2726)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   ~~~~~~ End Loop
(2727)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent] EndIf
(2728)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent] If
(2729)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   $fatal_error$ = "true"   <<< result true
(2730)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:196] [opsi-linux-client-agent] Then
(2731)    [2] [May 20 14:23:06:197] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   Error level set to fatal
(2732)    [6] [May 20 14:23:06:197] [opsi-linux-client-agent]   Process aborted
(2733)    [1] [May 20 14:23:06:197] [opsi-linux-client-agent] ___________________
(2734)    [1] [May 20 14:23:06:197] [opsi-linux-client-agent] script finished: failed
Beiträge: 1528
Registriert: 10 Jun 2015, 12:19

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von m.radtke »


dafür solltest du den Client Agent aus testing nehmen ;)

Gruß Mathias
Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - http://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 30
Registriert: 18 Mär 2019, 11:25

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von tiberQ »

guten abend,

erstmalig bekomm ich dieses update nicht via yum update oder via opsi-package-updater -v update angezeigt- hat sich etwas an den reps. oder dgl. veraendert ?

bonus frage: wir haben nicht das uefi modul aber zwei uefi only clients, durch den neuen shim bootloader ist es nun also moeglich trotzdem uefi only clients mit win10 neu zu inst. ?

best & greets
Beiträge: 1528
Registriert: 10 Jun 2015, 12:19

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von m.radtke »


an den Repos hat sich nicht geändert.

Zu UEFI: auch mit shim bootloader wird natürlich geprüft ob eine UEFI Freischaltung existiert.

Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - http://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.
Beiträge: 566
Registriert: 05 Feb 2011, 18:37

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von SirTux »


das Problem (Ubuntu 20.04, testing) kennt ihr schon?

Code: Alles auswählen

[2] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ opsiclientd                   ] Cannot verify server based on certificate file '/var/lib/opsi-client-agent/opsiclientd/server-certs/': No module named 'M2Crypto'   (HTTP.py|480)
[3] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ opsiclientd                   ] Failed to create server cert file '/var/lib/opsi-client-agent/opsiclientd/server-certs/$opsi-ip.pem': write() argument must be str, not bytes   (HTTP.py|520)
[6] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}] Encoding authorization   (HTTP.py|464)
[6] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}] Traceback:   (Logger.py|771)
[6] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}]   File "OPSI/Util/HTTP.py", line 466, in urlopen
[6] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}]   File "OPSI/Util/__init__.py", line 630, in encryptWithPublicKeyFromX509CertificatePEMFile
[6] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}]      ==>>> ModuleNotFoundError("No module named 'M2Crypto'")   (HTTP.py|479)
[2] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}] Cannot verify server based on certificate file '/var/lib/opsi-client-agent/opsiclientd/server-certs/': No module named 'M2Crypto'   (HTTP.py|480)
[3] [Jun 05 13:50:10] [ event config sync_completed{cache_ready}] Failed to create server cert file '/var/lib/opsi-client-agent/opsiclientd/server-certs/': write() argument must be str, not bytes   (HTTP.py|520
Viele Grüße,
Beiträge: 1528
Registriert: 10 Jun 2015, 12:19

Re: Aktualisierungen in opsi 4.1 stable und testing

Beitrag von m.radtke »


Kannst du uns da etwas mehr Kontext dazugeben?

Was soll die Maschine machen bzw. was ist das Ziel?

Kein Support per DM!
opsi support - http://www.uib.de/
For productive opsi installations we recommend support contracts.